Wes Anderson

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  • kingjulien0

    1. Paul Thomas Anderson definitely should be included in the list of top directors. I'm not quite sure how I forgot to include him. Boogie Nights was awesome, and I enjoyed Punchdrunk Love. Magnolia, well, I need to watch that again before commenting.

    2. How anyone could dislike The Life Aquatic or fall asleep during it, or claim that there was too much Bowie is beyond me. To me, the film is as much about the love of cinema as it is a touching story of redemption. When you see the documentaries that Zissou makes - this self reflexive film within a film - for me anyway, that's what is intruiging. We see a side view of the ship while Bill Murray explains each section, where the editing room is, where the sauna is, where the crew sleeps, etc, and it's all in one sweeping camera movement. Also, when the Sigur Ros song comes on at the end, and they're in that little vessel, approaching the giant shark, it's just beautiful cinematography. I also was touched by the transformation of Zissou's character, from this womanizing, selfishly humorous prick to one who grieves over the loss of his son, the dissolution of his marriage, and the abduction of his "bond company stooge", not to mention how sad he is that the giant shark has eaten his friend. I also appreciated the subtle touches, like the little Asian kid who helps them escape the island, and how sad Zissou is that they had to leave the one-legged dog behind. Also, how he comforts Cate Blanchett's character -the journalist - after hitting on her and being a jerk because of her involvement with his son, and her refusal to glorify him in her story. I also found the connection with William Dafoe's character, and his German son in the last frame, priceless.

    I realize this is all a question of taste, but for me anyway, I thought The Life Aquatic was both hilariously absurd and also quite touching. Regardless, Anderson's films are not shallow, and they are not lacking substance, even if you didn't enjoy them.

  • Rand0

    what is the worst movie of all time? "Love, Actually" of course

    • I haven't seen that but how about Field of Dreams?CyBrainX
    • ^ that had some redeeming qualities. Love actually is probably the worst film of all time...mugwart
  • mjbauer0

    I agree that Wes Anderson is brilliant, but why do you put Bottle Rocket below his other work? Bottle Rocket was near perfect. I think if anything his films are slowly getting less appealing. The Life Aquatic did get a bit tedious.

    • I think Moonlight Kingdom might be my favorite.CyBrainX
  • 4cY0

    don't hate on Hugh..

  • moldero1

    Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs will star faithful collaborators Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson along with many other big Hollywood names.

    "I’m here today to officially announce the start of my new film, which is called Isle of Dogs," says Wes Anderson in a new video posted to YouTube today.

    The movie, currently in production in England, stars Bryan Cranston, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton, Greta Gerwig, Yoko Ono, Frances McDormand, and Bob Balaban, among others. Edward Norton, who makes a cameo in the announcement video, plays one of the lead dogs, Rex. (We even get a sneak peek at dailies of his character.)

    As Anderson details, the purpose of the announcement video is to offer a "special Isle of Dogs experience" supporting the Film Foundation, a film preservation organization started by Martin Scorsese. "It's dedicated to the preservation and restoration of our whole planet’s shared movie heritage," says Anderson. "Movies don’t last forever.. sometimes they have to be brought back from the dead."

    The experience includes an invitation to visit the set, the opportunity to voice of an animated dog in the movie, and more. Further details can be found here.

    Anderson previously had success in the animated genre with the stop-motion animated Fantastic Mr. Fox. This forthcoming canine adventure has us foaming at the bits for more.


  • robotron3k1

    Wes Anderson is amazing visionary for sure, his best works are his animations though. Because his films are basically animations with people. Rushmore and Life Aquatic are probably his best. But his style is very deadpan and gets old fast because it forces the viewers attention to stare. I'd like to see him do a much more grittier film, real drama combined with some of his style would be a great departure.

    Still one of the best parodies for his style, love this:

  • spot132

    Lord of the Rings by Wes Anderson (AI Generated)

  • oey_oey1

    Jim Jarmusch in a different way.

  • sted0

    Has any of you watched it or we got so fed up with the trailer that the movie got completely forgotten? :D

    • Watched it. Wife fell asleep, I thought it was ok. Love the sets and design of it.PhanLo
    • I dug it cuz UFO's and of course Wes AndersonYakuZoku
    • I saw the advert again on the side of a bus as I came home tonight and realised that I am absolutely not minded to even bother watching it, which is a bit sad.Nairn
    • Evoiding it for couple weeks toografician
  • YakuZoku1

    Comes out this week on Netflix