
Out of context: Reply #67202

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  • HijoDMaite2

    I just had a thought. Why don’t I go on YT and watch a bunch of tutorials on how to color my wife’s hair! I can do that shit. Why pay salons or friends 100s of dollars when I can do it in our kitchen.

    • she would never consent to this. no way. women hair is something they don't mess with. especially color.capn_ron
    • Dont go thereBennn
    • are you dave navarro?since1979
    • I've done this many, many times. i've only f'd up once - didn't have enough goop so it tuned out uneven. make sure you have enough suppliesGnash
    • do it!imbecile
    • Ok so I get some foil squares and those cool roach clips and some color and Boom!HijoDMaite
    • going foil route is a bit more complex depending on how long her hair isGnash
    • It's hard to get the timing and order right with foil. if you don't know what you're doing the highlights can look weirdGnash
    • I did my daughters hair recently using a technique called layage. http://www.marieclai…Gnash
    • it's easier than foil - especially if you've never done it beforeGnash
    • Make it as romantic as possible.Maaku
    • I'm giving my boys haircuts tonight - thanks to YT tutsstoplying
    • Ohhh boy... Let me get a chair and popcorn.pango
    • don't do the foil stuff! lmao does she want one color or layered? cause that can be dangerous.sea_sea
    • “What can go wrong?”notype
    • Awesome. Respect.set
    • i head salad green is in fashiondrgs
    • admittedly, that is love right there.notype

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