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Out of context: Reply #51

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  • mugwart20

    Had some shit innings. Terrible parents fucked up my youth and mindset - this lead into me marrying young to a abusive drunken wife.
    Adding to this my dream (a script writer) was stolen from me and made into major films. Felt that I had many 'invisible' doors shut off to me but I manged to survive in VFX.

    Skint, and a life of poverty led me deep into depression. Not had a holiday for like 5-6 years.

    35 in a few months, now divorced and trying to retake hold of my life. Things are coming along really well. Depression leaving me and I have an incredible GF and 8 year old son. Managing to save each month now.
    I'm still in film but not exactly where I wanted to be but still 'on' that but in an cool department. Trying to take a holiday to Berlin for my birthday.

    Working tirelessly to create a new writing app that will hopefully revolutionise writing and hopefully allow me make some money so I can take some serious time off to finish my book.

    Determined to make the remainder of my life positive and my son as safe from toxic people as possible.

    • Ooh, I'd love to know what idea was stolen*, but more importantly - when's your writing app going to be released? What sort of writing - screen/plays, novels?detritus
    • * and I fully expect you not to answer that particular question :)detritus
    • I've been there man. Abusive parents, ex wife was a sociopath. I know it sounds cheesy but PMA. You seem like you're focusing on the positivesGM278
    • and heading in the right direction. Don't ever let the negative people in your life win and certainly don't become the trashcan for their emotional bullshit.GM278
    • Sounds like you're coming out the other end better and wiser :)set
    • Is that why you're an vegan? Lol I'll stop now.
      Ya I know how it feels when your idea was used by someone else. It's even worse when she's hot :/
    • And then she won something for it... god damn it!pango
    • wow upvotes! name of film, shouldn't say as its almost impossible to prove, it best I dont mention. I have meet others whom have experienced this - its commonmugwart
    • To the app - I'm on the final major development task but its rebuilding a text undo system so fucking major.
      Had to learn c++ to do this so taken over a year.
    • GM278 - whats PMA?
      yeah toxic people fuck your shit right up.
    • pango - sort of! In curing myself i ended up vegan (and t total!). Ex wife was pretty but my new gf is heavens sent (and fucking hot!)mugwart
    • PMA - Positive Mental AttitudeGM278
    • Ta!mugwart
    • Congrats on your divorce. Divorce is forever, marriage is not. - Louis CKnthkl
    • Dear Mugs: You've always impressed me with your kindness and talent. I think you're doing pretty well.garbage
    • one of the nicest cunts on qbn.inteliboy
    • there you have it -- a movie about your own life.
      11 oscars
    • It sounds like none of this is your fault at AT ALL.robthelad
    • @robthelad - this is what terrifies me. surrounded by extreme narcissism I panic I'm one and the 'victim' is my mask.mugwart
    • @drugs - but I'll still suck at chess!mugwart
    • @garbage, inteliboy - don't worry I'm still a cunt!mugwart
    • Some roads are smooth, some are rough, trick is to stay on the road until you get to a nice place. Peace brah :)mrAtor
    • Hey @mug - Try not to worry, to know one's fears is the first step to overcoming them :)robthelad

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