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what song?
is in the beginnin of the garden state trailer?
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24h party people
buy it.
in the extras this is an hilarious intervieuw with peter saville and tony wilson.great movie to.
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we all should admire is lifejoy..
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i'm making this christmas movie
coming soon.
this is the main character.
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hey guys…
•does this load properly on your systems.
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renders problems-after effects
i got this little prob in after effects.
i render a file, it previews good, i can click open the quicktime during the render an…
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nike_peel off
who did that commercial where that nike shoe peel of the reveal each layer a new shoe.
it was filmed in a vintage look…
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old speakers ads
a slew of old speakers ads.
some of them beatifully designedfor ex.
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self promotion
and now where making music.
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yo, i've got a band
check it out.…