24h party people
24h party people
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- 6 Responses
- tank02
buy it.
in the extras this is an hilarious intervieuw with peter saville and tony wilson.great movie to.
- harlequino0
The guy who plays Ian Curtis is awesome.
- tank020
i bought it yesterday.ive seen it before...
i really like the end scene in the hacienda where tony is dreaming away and sees ian dancing there...
- tkmeister0
damn, i have been wanting to see that movie!
- ********0
the scene where he kills himself is quite affecting
- tank020
the scene where he kills himself is quite affecting
(Jan 8 06, 07:18)indeed.
you know, now i understand songs like digital more...
- unfittoprint0
Shawn Ryder should have played himself.
for 2 hours straight.