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firefox throttle add-on…
you guys recommend any other add-ons/browser plugins that give you control…
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additional work samples
when requested by potential employers, how do you guys usually present the work? i was thinking of just bulking up my small digita…
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flash w/ video q
got a client that wanted me to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and now i'm stuck with doing a few flash ad banners for some of their ven…
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Twitter Alternatives
Looking for a service similar to Twitter that allows more than 140 characters without a separate link, where I can embed my "twee…
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in-house q
i need some assistance from all the in-house designers not in the design agency/studio field. i'm talking companies that usually o…
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exporting flash
Workin' on a few banners with images, etc. and when I export and view the .swf's, a majority of them are missing assets, sometimes…
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happy friday
empanadas and a fridge full of coronas in the office today
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contract q
i'll be starting some freelance web/flash work next week.. mainly web maintenance, flash banners and some static pages for events…
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For Skateboarders…
Excited for the second link.. not so much the fi…
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router recommendations
I'm moving into a new place tomorrow and need to pick up a router for the wireless. I haven't kept myself updated on these things…
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nba playoffs stream
stuck in the office for some late night designing.. what's the website where i can stream live tv, specifically the laker/nuggets …
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making music
can anyone recommend any software for osx? last time i tried my creative effort with music was on fl studio.. what's working right…
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indesign q
concerning paragraph style bullets and numbering.. i've got a paragraph, then a few bullet items that go up to c., then the paragr…
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Labeling Toy Cars
My agency has been in contact with a potential client (auto company) for a few weeks now and we wanted to toss in a little reminde…
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public enemies
trailer for depp and bale's new movie, public enemies:
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game of skate
for those of you following the dvs game of skate at the berrics.. today's was amazing.…