
  • missy

    hollywood north!?

    i heard that arnold (schwarzenegger) plans on taking hollywood out of the north??!!


    Oct 7, 039 replies
  • missy


    quick question...i'm thinking of making my own canvases to paint on...i'm not an artist..but i thought it might be a nice touch fo…

    Sep 30, 034 replies
  • missy

    lookin for a name...

    hi all....

    i know you're all creative people, so here's my problem...i need to find a company name, i've started doing some fre…

    Aug 6, 0347 replies
  • missy


    hi all... just wondering if anyone could either tell me or point me in the right direction for what i need to do to set up busines…

    Jul 28, 034 replies
  • missy

    vancouver living i know this is more a design forum, but i'm running out of resources goes...

    i'm hoping/planing on moving t…

    May 31, 034 replies
  • missy

    PC to mac's the thing....i work on a pc at work/school and have a mac at home, so when i try to bring home any of my files, i can't…

    Mar 27, 0312 replies