
  • elPaulo

    Browser jpegs

    A few months back, there was a link posted here that took you to some jpegs of safari which you could just drop in ur screenshot o…

    Feb 7, 087 replies
  • elPaulo

    iframes, anchor tags

    ok. lookin to do an iframe with my portfolio in it. However, i am unsure about the use of anchor tags from the say "work.html" pag…

    Feb 5, 0826 replies
  • elPaulo

    hey all.

    Where do I start....hhmmmmmm...

    Not looking for sympathy or anything like that. Just looking for the usual inspirational respo…

    Jan 31, 0821 replies
  • elPaulo

    png & windoze

    OK. I am fairly new to the web world, but want to know of any work arounds for the lack of png support in IE, especially 5.5 and 6…

    Jan 26, 089 replies
  • elPaulo

    Freelance Questions

    Hey all:

    Where do you folks pick up your freelance work? Do you use sites like elance or guru? How do you get projects in quant…

    Jan 16, 0812 replies
  • elPaulo

    Stealing Stock Images

    OK, this company I freelance for, gave me a stack of old Corbis catalogs. They want me to scan from them. Obviously, this is incre…

    Jan 16, 0814 replies
  • elPaulo

    radiohead downloads

    ok, i know i'm going to get relentless badgering about not being aware of the URL to download the new radiohead album. however, wo…

    Jan 11, 082 replies
  • elPaulo

    Bush Admin

    Anyone know where I can find some hi res images of our beloved administration? And cheap. there aint no way I can bear parting wit…

    Jan 11, 0814 replies
  • elPaulo

    CSS rollover

    Hi all:

    I am wondering if anyone might know of a good tutorial that goes into a CSS rollover.

    I am trying to do something s…

    Jan 8, 0810 replies
  • elPaulo


    OK. I think a few years back, someone posted an amazing shot of a bunch of surfers paddling out to a set I believe at Mentawai. Th…

    Jan 1, 085 replies
  • elPaulo

    Communist stylins'

    Hey all:

    Besides the good ole' hammer and sickle, does anyone know of other communist style logos?

    Thanks all, and Happy ef…

    Dec 31, 074 replies