
  • DavidFelt


    Im a mac user but I need to format a PC hardrive and install windows xp on it, how do I go about this? Ive got XP but i dont know …

    Feb 9, 055 replies
  • DavidFelt


    Right, Im transfering all my tunes onto my new external HD (45Gb worth!), once they are copied whats the best way to ensure i dont…

    Feb 9, 051 replies
  • DavidFelt


    OLA, jus got my new lacie 250gb external HD, USB2. Im using it on mac osx but im not sure its copyin as fast as it should, its goi…

    Feb 9, 058 replies
  • DavidFelt


    Right, Im sick of my mac mouse, its beautifull and all but when i use our pc with a two button mouse with a wheel its soooooo muc…

    Feb 8, 0522 replies
  • DavidFelt


    Im not 'up' on games playing gizmo's but my friend has just offered me something called a 'MEGA DRIVE' for £150. He says its the n…

    Feb 7, 0511 replies
  • DavidFelt

    MCR UK

    Anyone know where I can lay my hands on a cheap second hand mac, (G3 maybe) or have one they want to sell, I only need it to run o…

    Jan 11, 051 replies
  • DavidFelt

    Wrong Update

    For MXonD & Chossy,

    All is well, nothing is wrong,
    me and me sis didnt have a ding dong,
    We went to the flcks and watched whi…

    Jan 10, 052 replies
  • DavidFelt


    I am 23, my sister has a boyfriend who has a neice who is 17.

    Obvisouly were not blood related but everyone in my family seems …

    Jan 7, 05225 replies
  • DavidFelt


    anyone know this font:…

    ive tried whatthefont and its just coming up with …

    Dec 19, 044 replies
  • DavidFelt


    So what are the pre-requisites for a succesfull and memorable xmas bash, were going out tonight, what do we need to be cringing ab…

    Dec 17, 045 replies
  • DavidFelt


    My Stomach says get some food, but my wallet says no chance (as its empty till tomorrow).

    anyone ever stolen food to eat? or go…

    Dec 17, 0417 replies
  • DavidFelt


    Anyone know if you can change ur email confirmation sounds in entourage.


    Dec 16, 043 replies
  • DavidFelt


    Anyone know any good ways to get columns of text (of varying wieghts and sizes) to always wrap perfectly to the bottom of the page…

    Dec 13, 043 replies
  • DavidFelt

    Mark Up Cost

    How much do you people usually add on print costs as mark up? We normally do 35% on top but we got a really low quote so Ive added…

    Dec 7, 0413 replies
  • DavidFelt

    File Sharing

    Whats the easiest way for 2 macs to talk to each other, I want to copy a hundred meg plus file from someones machine and were not …

    Dec 7, 047 replies
  • DavidFelt

    Mandarina Duck

    Anyone know if its possible to buy Mandarina Duck bags online anywhere?

    Im in Manchester UK but the nearest stockists are like …

    Dec 7, 0417 replies
  • DavidFelt

    FireFox Themes

    Anyone found any good themes for FireFox yet, Ive had a look at a few but the default one looks like the best bet so far?!

    Dec 6, 048 replies
  • DavidFelt

    InDesign Peeps

    Any of you cats know how to make my text size show as mm's in the character pallete, i know how to do this in Illustrator but i ne…

    Nov 30, 0412 replies
  • DavidFelt

    Who's In Work?

    Who else is in work on a saturday? And what are you doing?

    I got a 68 page magazine to have done by monday, only got the conten…

    Nov 20, 0417 replies
  • DavidFelt

    Font (help)

    Anyone know of a font that is like the stencils you used to have at school, you know the clear pale blue plastic things you could …

    Nov 15, 043 replies