Venezuela 2014

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  • ernexbcn1


    Take a close look at the 21st century socialism in action:…

    A truck giving away food. What's sad/crazy is some people are even enjoying the shit out of that, they aren't even aware they are being humiliated.

    2015 venezuelan inflation 198% so far.

  • hotroddy0

    14 years in prison for protesting against a government…

    • coming to merica during if you vote killery.yurimon
    • might come to america.. but in a more radical and racially divisive way.hotroddy
    • What socialism gives you...Vote Bernie Sanders, he's not a socialist.Hayoth
  • elproto0

    Friday 25, around 11:00 pm I heard shotguns outside, I show up my window and theres the body of a young men, lying on the street, over his own blood, just below "the eyes of Chavez".
    I quickly grab my cam and took this picture, from a 21th floor.
    He was still trying to breathe, but he didnt move at all.
    I broke down on tears when his mother showed up.
    posting the pic on the comment, sorry if its too graphic.

    Insecurity. thats just 1 of the reasons people keep protesting.
    That same day, the TSJ (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia) just declared that every form of protesting need a permission. Doesnt matter if your way of protest is non violent, silent, or just standing on the street with cartels, we need to ask for a permission to be able to protest.

    The next day around 20+ students got arrested by protesting on the street.

  • i_was0

    Who gives a fuck , it's venezulia.

  • ernexbcn0

    Genesis Carmona, shot in the head yesterday while protesting just passed.

  • ernexbcn0

    "Gregory Wilpert is one of the two co-founders of, together with Martin Sánchez, when the site launched in September 2003. He was the site’s main editor for six years, until 2009, and continues to do volunteer work for and is on the site’s Board of Directors. The Global Post described Wilpert as "perhaps the most prominent Chavista." Wilpert's wife Carol Delgado was named Consul General of Venezuela in New York in 2008."

    This dude has been sucking that teat since 2003, he's a mercenary of the Chavez regime.

  • Ramanisky21

    Just happened

    • "We need government!!" **puts fist in air
      "Uh-oh, government bad!!" **throws rock
      "We demand you rule us good!!" **gets run over by military vehicle
  • utopian0

    Desperate Venezuelans swarm sewage drains in search of water…

    • govn't is spinning it by calling it clean water.hotroddy
    • meanwhile over 100 supermarkets have been ransacked.hotroddy
    • really sad.utopian
  • maquito0…

    I actually have 2 venezuelan co-workers. Both living in Uruguay since 2014. One of them is a girl who used to work as CD for Nestle. Although she doesn’t speak too much about it, she resigned to the position, where her income was about twice of what she arranged here. I have met uber drivers from Venezuela that are actually Ingeneers, Doctors..

    This brings me back to my first question in this thread and makes me wonder: who are actually Maduro’s supporters? Who stands in favor os this catastrophe?

    • The 2,000 generals that have distributed the country amongst themselves.hotroddy
    • When they nationlized the mining companies, agricultural lands, factories, etc they gave it to their generals. generals with ZERO eductation in such mattershotroddy
    • USA has under 300 generals in comparison.hotroddy
    • Apart from the Engineers and Doctors (who probably migrated back in 2004-2014) there is new wave of venezuelan which is not prettyhotroddy
    • its all the poor and uneducated people (former chavistas) leaving the country in groves. They are prostitutes, drug dealers, sicarios,hotroddy
    • causing venezuela xenophobia in all countries South Americahotroddy
    • A peruvian uber driver told me that the new sicarios are all venezuelanin peru because they'll do the job at half the pricehotroddy
    • https://venezuelanal…hotroddy
    • Fuck.maquito

    At least 16 dead in the protests...

    • gov’t and ppl, sadly we all get fcked in the end, there is no way around it :( politics & wars... we are our own doom..helloeatbreathedrive
    • WW3?Salarrue
  • oey0

    what socialism dude?
    where do you see socialism?

    • in all aspects their social and political policieshotroddy
    • govt policies made everyone poorer.hotroddy
    • corruption and bad management made everyone poorer, not socialismfadein11
    • all former gov't have been corrupt. why is this one special? prices controls lead to more corruption.hotroddy
  • hotroddy1

    This is socialism boys:
    Price of condoms cost more than an iPhone:…

    • no toilet paper too,
      didn't bernie's sposkeman was promoting this revolution as a success
  • hotroddy0

    US. Arrests the Son of President of Venezuela on drug trafficking charges.…

    The kid was given diplomatic immnuity from his Father too. Does that mean he will get off?

  • ernexbcn0

    Obama declares Venezuela a threat to U.S. national security…

    Thanks Obama!

  • elproto0

    More people died, 2 more of my students got arrested, its 4 so far 1 still missing.
    How do you tell their family thats fake?

    The fight its not only on the streets, theres also a media war, its true.
    Everyday dozen of pictures and videos flood the social network.
    Some of them are either fake or from past events.
    I would like to remember everyone something bout Chavez, he knew very well how to influence media.
    He was a propaganda monster, and did a very good job capitalizing most of the national media (newspapers and tv channels)
    They took over twitter for years, every single political personality have a twitter acc, most of the armed collectives do too.
    They managed to create bots that made trending topics w/e they want.
    I been asked myself to fake images or documents, dates, stuff like that.
    some of the fake images or date are made by them in order to generated false info. People here are not very techy, its hard for
    some to realice if an image its really fresh or from past events / another country.
    People see some crazy vids from Kiev and think thats happening here in another state.

    This past 2 weeks goberment blocked the twitter images server for a couple days.
    Also some talkie walkie like apps been blocked.
    They know the amount of visual evidence its huge. They cant take control over it.

    Last day Maduro went on national TV again, dancing, celebrating and doing stupid stuff while the people mourns the dead of relatives in the street.

    Maybe some of you remember this picture I took myself

    I live in a not so wealthy neiborhood, most people here know Im not pro-gov, some are ok with it some are a bit more sensitive.
    I coulndt take the risk to go down the street with my camera for a closer look, things were really tense and I cant afford to lose my gear.
    It will take me years of saving to get another camera.

    You guys may want to re-read this old QBN post when Chavez died:

    Things went down hill here since that day.

    Right now I cant assure there been 10 deads since it all started, there could be way more. Theres people with injures that may not make it.

    Im staying home tonite, tomorrow we go out again.

    • shit nigga, stay home!
    • crazy, thanks for clarifying and not getting upset at me for questioning man. Stay safe dude! this sucks ballsMiguex
  • ernexbcn0

    Do you really the opposition needs to spread fake images when we already have 14 people dead this week just on protests? that isn't including common crime.

    • do you really think I meanternexbcn
    • I'm not saying violence is not true, but the link I posted makes a valid point, disinformation exists all over the worldMiguex
    • planet, are you saying it doesn't?
      cause that I couldn't believe...
  • Beeswax0

    I'm just getting into this news.
    Someone enlighten me up.

    Is oil production a big industry in Venezuela? I think, yes
    Is US somehow involved in this?

    • I thought you were an insider.. ?yurimon
    • venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world (more than arab states) but the oil is considered dirty, heavy and needs to be refined considerablyhotroddy
  • hotroddy0

    this is Oliver Stone's take on what's happening. It's so far removed from reality:

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Follow up from my trusted friend Dan Beeton on the developing issues in Venezuela. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Oliver Stone (@TheOliverStone) <a href="">February 21, 2014</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

    • can't embed tweets?hotroddy
    • just copy and paste what is in between the quotes on line 5 after href.toemaas
  • elproto0

    I spend last night in someone´s house. I couldnt make my way home because most streets are blocked and they decided to close the sub early.
    Tryed to take a cab but the guy declined, it was too late and he didnt want to take risks driving to my zone.
    Today we woke up early, made some food and went out the street again.
    Theres a lot of people, so many that Francisco Miranda Av. got filled both ways. Everything went in calm so far.

    People keep claiming for a change.
    Nobody trust the police or the national guards. They hurting, torturing and killing people. Shotting to buildings, it goes like that every night.
    When the president goes on tv people go out their windows and start shouting and protesting, then armed groups start firing at them.

    More people died.
    On this street, the people who live here decided to put a metal cord across the way in an attemp to stop the "tupamaros" to raid the place again, (like that the past 3 nights)
    but sadly 1 guy was driving his motorcicle and got killed by it. People tryed to warm him but he didnt stop. (nobody will stop at night when people start shouting at you)
    This is caos.

    Thanks to ernexbcn for posting those vids man. All those are real and thats the situation here.
    We are not secure anywhere, if you are a protester and you expose yourself they could get to your house and take you.
    The amount of missing people grows everyday. 1 guy was found with a bullet on his head in a hospital, died 2 days after.

    I have friends that are "pro-gob" or "chavistas". For them none of this is happening, they believe that the police are just doing their job, and the national guards
    are here to defend the nation agains the CIA or w/e USA ghost they think going to invade us pretty soon.

    But every day more and more go out, street is the only way most people say.

    With all this going I havnt had the chance to go and buy groceries, my fridge its almost empty, I need to go get me food and be ready "if something happens".
    I didnt realice how important is energy and rest time if you are out in the street the past 2 week.
    I will get some stuff and come back to sleep, Im tired, maybe later we decide to go out again.
    Hope this day ends calm.

    thanks again for posting the pics and videos. I will try to find some livestreams links to post later.

    ah btw the Zello app got blocked in Venezuela. It was a very usefull tool to keep everyone in the resistence organiced, lots of students were using it to comunicate
    with other states. They posted on twitter: @Zello Frank Bajak @fbajak CEO: #Venezuela blocks @Zello walkie-talkie app, a popular tool for protest organizers in Vzla and #Ukraine
    social media been a crucial role in spreading info on this battle.

    anyways be back later.

    • That all sounds pretty fucking crazy man, stay safe!RIZ
    • damn, this is horrible, stay dafe manMiguex
  • ernexbcn0