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  • sted4

    - Ohoh , WAIT! Didn't you forgot something?
    - What, I have my keys?
    - Your name.
    - Ah sorry, sorry.
    Kid pulls out a ballpoint pen from his backpack, and writes his name on his hand.

    fucking fuck. really, all the fucking rockets should be shoved up the ass of those who launch them.

  • neverscared0

    Nearly 70% of those reported killed in Gaza are children and women, says UNRWA chief
    The head of the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) has warned that the level of destruction across Gaza “is unprecedented, the human tragedy unfolding under our watch is unbearable”.

    Entire population of Gaza becoming ‘dehumanised’ says UN commissioner
    Philippe Lazzarini, who leads main UN agency in Palestine, says lives of millions depend on ceasefire


  • Khurram0

    • very normal to weaponise the Holocaust while systematically erasing other people.face_melter
    • I think they'll trey to wipe everyone there out. Same as they've been doing for the last few decades but not in slow motion any more. A full speed genocide.PhanLo
    • That's an anti-semetic, blood libel, scrolls of the Elders of Zion Rothschild conspiracy theory, how very dare you.Khurram
  • Khurram-1

    Oh this one is just too cute, I had to post :))


    • Putin is busy bombing civilians in UkraineNBQ00
  • Krassy8

  • Gardener11

  • Bluejam2

  • neverscared2

  • neverscared-2

    The UN Hired an AI Company to Untangle the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis
    CulturePulse’s AI model promises to create a realistic virtual simulation of every Israeli and Palestinian citizen. But don’t roll your eyes: It's already been put to the test in other conflict zones

    Training artificial intelligence models does not typically involve coming face-to-face with an armed soldier who is pointing a gun at you and shouting at your driver to get out of the car. But the system that F. LeRon Shults and Justin Lane, cofounders of CulturePulse, are developing for the United Nations is not a typical AI model.

    “I got pulled over by the [Israeli] military, by a guy holding [a military rifle] because we had a Palestinian taxi driver who drove past a line he wasn't supposed to,” Shults tells WIRED. “So that was an adventure.”

    Shults and Lane were in the West Bank in September, just weeks before Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, sparking what has become one of the worst periods of violence in the region in at least 50 years.

    Shults and Lane—both Americans who are now based in Europe—were on the ground as part of a contract they signed with the UN in August to develop a first-of-its-kind AI model that they hope will help analyze solutions to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

    Shults and Lane are aware that claiming that AI could “solve the crisis” between Israelis and Palestinians is likely to result in a lot of eye-rolling if not outright hostility, especially given the horrific scenes coming out of Gaza daily. So they are quick to dispel that this is what they are trying to do.

    “Quite frankly, if I were to phrase it that way, I'd roll my eyes too,” Shults says. “The key is that the model is not designed to resolve the situation; it's to understand, analyze, and get insights into implementing policies and communication strategies.”

    The conflict in the region is centuries old and deeply complex, and it's made even more complicated by the current crisis. Countless efforts at finding a political solution have failed, and any eventual end to the crisis will need support not just from the two sides involved, but likely the wider international community. All of this makes it impossible for an AI system to simply spit out a fully formed solution. Instead, CulturePulse aims to pinpoint the underlying causes of the conflict.


  • Khurram0


    I only got a couple more minutes. The white man can never win another war on the ground. His days of war, victory, his great -- his days of that ground victory are over. Can I prove it? Yes. Take all the action that’s going on on this earth right now that he’s involved in. Tell me where he’s winning. Nowhere.

    Why some rice farmers -- some rice farmers -- some rice eaters ran him out of Korea. Yes, they ran him out of Korea. Rice eaters with nothing but gym shoes and a rifle and a bowl of rice took him and his tanks and his napalm and all that other action he’s supposed to have and ran him across the Yalu. Why? 'Cause the day that he can win on the ground has passed.

    Up in French Indo-China those little peasants, rice growers, took on the might of the French army and ran all the Frenchmen -- you remember Dien Bien Phu. No.

    The same thing happened in Algeria, in Africa. They didn’t have anything but a rifle. The French had all these highly mechanized instruments of warfare, but they put some guerilla action on, and a -- and a -- and a white man can’t fight a guerilla warfare. Guerilla action takes heart, takes nerve, and he doesn’t have that. He’s brave when he’s got tanks. He’s brave when he’s got planes. He’s brave when he’s got bombs. He’s brave when he got a whole lot of company along with him, but you take that little man from Africa and Asia, turn him loose in the woods with a blade, with a blade -- that’s all he needs, all he needs is a blade –- and when the sun comes down -- goes down and it’s dark, it’s even-steven.

    - Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X)

  • neverscared2

    In a war launched in response to Hamas’s 7 October assault that killed 1,400 people, Israel said it had fired more than 8,000 munitions into Gaza, hitting over 12,000 targets. This is more than the US used in a year during its operations in Afghanistan.

    • Israel will keep bombarding Gaza with "all of its power," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu said, rejecting calls from the US for a humanitarian pause.neverscared
    • Hamas has also rejected calls for releasing hostages, and is still bombing Israel, and has promised more oct 7’sGnash
    • shit for brain. all of thempango
  • NBQ00-3

    A 30-year-old Jewish woman has been found stabbed in her apartment in Lyon, France.

    The attacker drew a swastika on her door and is still on the loose.


  • _niko7

    It's incredible how much some Jewish people (mostly the religious zealots) discriminate and how much intolerance they have given all the discrimination and intolerance they've gone through historically, just so close minded and delusional.

    of course, muslims on the other side are just as bad but the common thread is that the more religious they are the worse they are as human beings.

    • Lack of understanding when reading sacred books?OBBTKN
    • They are taught that they are the people chosen by God. They are conditioned that way. If you were conditioned that way, you'd very likely share their beliefs.jagara
    • That doesn't make it right, of course. But wtf can you do about religion. No amount of logical/rational thinking will make it go away.jagara
    • I suppose this is why they’re ok with 10,000 innocent Palestinians losing their lives so far as revenge for 1500 innocent israelis losing their lives._niko
    • But I wonder how many Hamas fighters were actually killed of that number? You’d hope a lot but it’s not looking that way unfortunately_niko
    • I'm saying it is possible for all people to be conditioned to accept and even condone atrocities. Some religious circles demand blind faith.jagara
    • He looks ridiculous.canoe
    • And yes, it's close minded and delusional.jagara
  • jagara1

    - Two peoples on a small piece of land.
    - Both convinced of their divine right to their land.
    - An endless list of aggressions, atrocities and conflict over 75 years, from both sides.
    - Endless internal splits in religious subgroups.
    - There will be periods of armistice. There will be periods of war.
    - This clusterfuck will never, ever end.

    • Fighting over the same book, with different interpretations...I... right, you're wrong...
    • One people who were forcibly removed from that land and have suffered under partition and apartheid. But, but... bOTh sIDeS...face_melter
    • ^
      Driven by religious believes.
    • both sidesApeRobot
    • ThE cHoSeN pEoPlEShenanigansTV
    • I am not taking Israels side here, I'm just saying it's a conflict that will probably never end.jagara
    • Rule of thumb: The second last peoples to invade the land are the rightful ownersGnash
  • Beeswax0

    • All these junk food chains at the bottom donates directly to the Israeli ArmyBeeswax
    • Dunno, if you want to demoralise them, I'd suggest encouraging Papa John's, McDs and Wix to carry on offering their services on the cheap to the IDF.Nairn
  • Gardener0

  • neverscared1

    A broken Netanyahu is miscalculating over Gaza, former Israeli PM says
    Ehud Olmert says current leader is now a danger to Israel and argues the goal should be resuming talks leading to a Palestinian state.

    TEL AVIV — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been “destroyed emotionally” by his massive failure on national security and is now miscalculating by preparing to take overall control of Gaza’s security for an “indefinite period” after Hamas has been crushed, according to former leader Ehud Olmert.

    In an interview with POLITICO, Olmert argued Netanyahu was in a state of “nervous breakdown,” as he sought to avoid being thrown out of office for failing to safeguard national security in the murderous Hamas attacks of October 7. This meant Israel was now steering off course strategically, Olmert went on, insisting the priority should be to negotiate an endgame with the international community — involving a return to talks on the formation of a Palestinian state, rather than turning back the clock to full military oversight over Gaza.

    “[Netanyahu] has shrunk. He’s destroyed emotionally, that’s for sure. I mean, something terrible happened to him. Bibi has been working all his life on the false pretense that he is Mr. Security. He’s Mr. Bullshit,” he said. “Every minute he is prime minister he is a danger to Israel. I seriously mean it. I am certain the Americans understand he is in bad shape.”


  • Fax_Benson4

    800 people massacred in Darfur in the Sudanese war by a jihadi group affiliated with hamas / hezbollah.

    • Not to mention the 6 million forced from their homes since this beganGnash
  • yuekit0

    How about the "No-State Solution": bomb the entire area of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank from orbit and make it uninhabitable (after giving a "humanitarian pause" so that people have time to leave of course). You guys fucked up again and again and are endangering the rest of us, so sadly no one gets to live there. Construct a statue of the Flying Spaghetti Monster over the ruins of ancient Muslim and Jewish religious sites as a cautionary tale.

    Only question is whether they would still keep trying to kill each other at this point.

    • The statue will be like the doll in Squid Game, watching over the territory and instantly vaporizing any religious idiots who try to enter.yuekit
    • Be sure they would continue killing each other somewhere else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯OBBTKN
    • how about having some principles and not posting fucking craven both sides shit like this.face_melter
    • face let's say in the most extreme scenario Hamas wins and establishes a Palestinian state...will you be celebrating that?yuekit
    • It would almost certainly just be another theocratic dictatorship that oppresses women and minorities. And continue fighting with Israel.yuekit
    • Humans are stupid, and religions do not help with that.ApeRobot
    • Sorry face, but I don't think you know me well enough to question my "principles"...OBBTKN
    • And I can assure you that I am not very wrong in what I say. I have experienced very similar situations firsthand for this...OBBTKN
    • seriously?!oey_oey
    • and people upvote this? this place is fucked.oey_oey
    • tell me you're american without telling me you're american. and if you're not american well guess what...oey_oey
    • lol, yes I'm an American, guilty as charged. The comment is not serious obviously... but someone needs to answer why it's so important for these people toyuekit
    • control this particular piece of land. Climate change will make it uninhabitable at some point anyway so my idea is arguably just getting ahead of the curve.yuekit
    • "Hamas wins and establish a Palestinian state" as has been the goal of every progressive Israeli politician? Yanks are obsessed with someone winning.kingsteven
    • No matter the outcome, nobody wins.kingsteven
    • stop pretending the solution isn't US/western withdrawal and trade sanctions on Isreal until there are peace negotiations. working towards a Palestinian statekingsteven
    • What's with the casual anti-Yank bigotry? The Brits did at least as much to create this situation.yuekit
    • I'm just pointing out that at the root of this conflict lies a somewhat irrational ethnonationalism or religious nationalism. It will very difficult to everyuekit
    • i'm irish, like joe bidenkingsteven
    • satisfy nationalistic demands of both Israelis and Palestinians. A peace process would no doubt be sabotaged by extremists as it was in the past.yuekit
    • Even after a peace process, there's nothing to stop these two states from going to war. Ultimately the only solution is to change peoples' minds.yuekit
    • I agree, it’s a shitty piece of land, one group demands they live there because an imaginary god they made up pretended to say that he chose them_niko
    • And another group who also believes in this god that the first group made up but they were told they have Devine right to this land by a dude in a flying horse_niko
    • And they’ve been killing each other ever since. They are both insufferable cunts, too dumb to realize the absurdity of it all so they keep on killing._niko
    • If it keeps going like this, yuekits solution will happen naturally sooner or later, they’ll turn the whole place into a giant crater and we’ll finally get some_niko
    • ...Peace and quiet._niko
    • It's not an exaggeration to say that in the coming decades the land is going to become less and less attractive to fight over.yuekit
    • https://carnegieendo…yuekit
    • Haha, This is a nice take, but who would take the responsibility of wiping them all out? Then in 20 years time we realise their Gods were real all along!Ianbolton
    • no-state is a fatalist mindset... to wish everyone dead because nothing else fits with US political narrative. it only highlights your lack of control inkingsteven
    • what is an obvious solution to a current ongoing genocide: sanctions on Isreal. but sure explain sectarianism to someone from Belfastkingsteven
    • I'm not wishing everyone dead -- I think their lives would be much better if they go live somewhere else.yuekit
    • My ancestors, the Yue people, were displaced from their land by the Chinese empire. That's an interesting historical detail but I could care less aboutyuekit
    • going back and reclaiming the land. It's absolutely meaningless.yuekit
    • I have a better solution: let's bring some mormons in to break the tie and see what happens. Or give the land entirely to them.maikel
    • Mormons? I think they would prefer an A bomb if you gave them the choice...OBBTKN
    • It's funny how certain posts are given attention, and some are not. Like THIS post, why would you even considering commenting on this nonsense?canoe
    • what's funny is how many people took it seriouslyfadein11
    • Mormons? Come on, Maikel. Please, be serious.
      If you _really_ want to go nuclear, you send in the Jehova's Witnesses. And Scientologists.
    • ^ you have out-cult me there. Scientologist, so we can have Tom Cruise jumping from a helicopter or summinmaikel
    • The Scientologists will be the special forces to the Jehova's Witnesses' front-line jarheads.
      Wouldn't be sorry to see either of 'em go.
    • @fadein11 Indeed... I post this nonsensical satire and one of the first comments is "how about having some principles you bastard!"yuekit
    • The irony being this actually is the policy of Hamas, drive Israelis off the land completely, destroy the state of Israel.yuekit
    • And it's also been stated by people in Netanyahu's government... all the land is ours, including Lebanon.yuekit
    • But when you suggest giving both sides what they want people get upset.yuekit
  • PhanLo2