VR Cameras 360x360
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- microkorg
Over the last couple of weeks I've really been getting into the VR world using a £20 headset bought from amazon and my iPhone.
VR content is now supported on the likes of YouTube and Facebook so it's popping up here and there.
But apps like Google Cardboard and VRSE are taking things further with brilliantly shot showcase videos, short films and documentaries.
These videos are so immersive!
At the moment it's pretty costly to get cameras that can shoot photos or videos in this way but this year is promising lots of new releases from companies to make this affordable and for everyone.
Ricoh have been first to market with an affordable solution the Theta then the Theta S (which has more storage). The image quality isn't great but it's pretty good for a first out there.
Coming soon is the Samsung Gear 360
But they've not said exactly when and how much.
The quality is decent as you can see here ...Taking things to another 4K level though is the VUZE
these guys are due to launch pre-orders any day but won't be shipping until october.Thought I'd share a little research into these cameras that i've done. There's a lot more out there but these seem to be the top couple. There's been some kickstarters that haven't delivered (yet) too.
Really want to get into this for personal projects but if i was a film maker I'd be getting even more excited at the moment!
Anyone else looking at these cameras?
What you found?
Have you pre-ordered anything?
- ********-4
There was this dude I knew that created one of these for swat teams, they'd throw them inside of homes for cops to get a better look at what the fuck was going on with the psychos.
- err0
- nb0
Coming soon....
- nb0
What about renting these cameras? It's not like I'm going to use it every day.
- zarkonite0
Got a pair of these couple weeks ago, easy to use but the quality is average at best. You'll need better software than what comes with it...
It's ok for the novelty but this will be supplanted when quality gear becomes affordable, in the meantime it's a good way to get familiarized with the medium and try to find creative uses for VR.
- Kodak is making a dual camera version, out this year, I think.nb
- microkorg-1
^ Saw earlier today that the Kodaks are available now but I watched a guy reviewing the software and he said it was pretty pants too.
NB, fair enough renting for client use but I want one for personal use. This will be amazing for capturing memories on travels.
The Nikon looks a real winner at the moment. Have seen that it may only be about 400 euros!
- microkorg0
499 even
- stoplying-1
Just got back from the NAB show. VR/AR is represented well this year and there are some really impressive things going on. Nokia has their OZO camera live-streaming a panel outside of the convention center right to their booth where you can watch on a headset. Nuts.
- microkorg0
That's Nikon and Vuze saying Octoberish for launch.
I wonder if Samsung will be the same?I bet if I was to pre-order something that was scheduled for October though that Samsung would release next week or something else would come along prior to October and blow everythng else away.
- GeorgesII1
Just got the ricoh theta S,
it's a lovely little device, picture and video quality are alright, but video under low lilght is a pain, but this was expected,my only true cons was that when I upload on youtube, it recompress the video and makes it unwatchable, fuckn youtube
- microkorg0
^ yeah I saw someone's review you YT about uploading to there - it zooms in on the video or something. That sucks as it decreases the quality more.
GoPro just started taking pre-orders for their OMNI system.
6 go pro cameras, rig and software - £4,119 (yowch!)
Available August 17th.Boasts 8K video
They've also launched http://vr.gopro.com/ App.
Go download it. The footage is f*cking epic!!!They are opening up the platform to people with their cameras so you can upload and get featured I presume.
- nb-2
- err1