Paris terrorist attack Nov13th 2015

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  • Ben990

    Saudi Arabia is the head of all this. And USA are feeding them.

  • _niko1

    This is part of the confusion and the lack of a game plan that the west finds itself in, there is no clear cut enemy, no target, they are in Syria and they are in your back yard. Strike either of those places and you risk high civilian casualties, the days of wars between professional armies are long gone, now it's guerrila warfare, sleeper cells and terrorists.

    Let's imagine for a second that the worst happens, a terrorist group gets their hands on a dirty bomb, or worse and kills 100,000 in a single strike on a city in Europe. How does the west respond? Can they respond? Where and against who?

    • Just have a sick feeling that this is going to get a lot worse for both sides before if ever it gets better_niko
    • I Just read the article above,
      “We need to develop the war into a real war, otherwise we will lose,” Espersen added. this is what I was fearing
    • Beyond turning Isis cities into rubble causing huge civilian casualties, they would also create internment camps in Europe to protect against home grown threats_niko
    • Dark days ahead, hope it never comes to that._niko
    • If it came to that, the middle east would have to weed out the "bad" ones, execute them, etc. If not, it'd be WWIII in the middle east and the west would aimformed
    • to take over the entire region, not worrying about civilians (if a dirty bomb happened, people wouldn't care about collateral damage, they'd want revenge).formed
    • There is a clear cut enemy. Radical Jihadists.IRNlun6
    • Agree it's the jihadists but they might as well be invisible._niko
    • The real problem is getting consensus that it's a religious ideology that needs to be confronted.IRNlun6
    • The fact that many still avoid calling it Islamic in fear it will inspire more terrorism speaks volumes in itself.IRNlun6
    • President of France calling to dismantle mosques that radicalize is a great starting point.IRNlun6
    • But no doubt this unfortunately is a war that will last a generation if not more.IRNlun6
    • And of course the conspiracy theorist narrative will be that this is exactly what the U.S. or the military industrial complex or Israel wants and planned_niko
    • Yup, just look what Israel has to deal with. They're being attacked daily but still accused to have somehow plotted this. Makes no sense.IRNlun6
    • This is a convenient "reason" to bring ground troops in to Syria, oil oil oil.formed
    • If, heaven forbid, an attack like that happened, parts of the Middle East will be turned to glass. People in charge would demand blood immediately.face_melter
    • i was under the impression that "dirty bombs" can kill people for a long time. they cant, however. just makes the area uninhabitable. look it up :)sarahfailin
  • ApeRobot0

    • where's this?hotroddy
    • So stupid. This received massive coverage.BusterBoy
    • < is this the Assad gas attack?Gnash
    • Assad?? But these are Africans. Anyone know what this is?iCanHazQBN
    • Garissa University College attack back in Aprilgoldieboy
  • nb0

    This is a good read, an interesting opinion that seems to be growing in popularity.…

    • This is a very smart piecejacklalane
    • Saw a pretty fucked up video I won't post. Basically a professor in Sweden I believe , played a video in his class on how gays view islam.IRNlun6
    • Probably no more than 10 seconds into it, most in the crowd loose their shit. Attack him, and literally almost start a riot where police needed to get involved.IRNlun6
    • Apparently it was used as justification for later attacks against the public. ISIS will never build the caliphate they want. Reform is the only way.IRNlun6
  • monospaced0

    Don't worry. Anonymous is on it.

    • Yay. Another DDoS attack and a few Twitter account hacked. That should save the world.Raniator
    • Totally. The numbers they're claiming are impressive though. Can't hurt, right?monospaced
    • The prophecy is coming true... They are going to get fucked by 72 virgins after all.
      (not my joke)
    • ^
    • True, monospaced. Anything is better than nothing I suppose.Raniator
  • D4W33D2

    witness of the barbarity:…

    I was at Bataclan tonight. I came back home over an hour ago, but I can't sleep anyway.

    I don't have the full story, the situation quickly meant that we couldn't see what the terrorists were doing, or elsewhere in the room etc. . I will give 'my' version.

    The moment we heard the 'fireworks', I was in the mosh pit near the stairs when the terrorists came in, and, out of reflex, I ran directly towards the right side of the stage.

    In my 'corner', everyone was on top of each other in contrived, painful positions, face on the ground, head resting on whatever, a leg, for example. On top of a bloodbath. And that's how the worst game I have ever played started.

    The waiting game.

    The heaviest silence in the hall was punctuated with gunfire. Not in time, with no logic, nothing. Just, gunfire now and again. And we asked ourselves if the next bullet was for us.

    Waiting for the police to arrive, without any notion of time (no watch, couldn't get to my phone). Feeling people getting up to suddenly get shot down. And again. And again....

    Not allowed to move, because a simple movement made the pain worse - mine as well as theirs - (we were really all interwoven together). Not allowed to talk, to whisper, nothing. Someone starts to cry? They were met with 'shushes' from everyone.

    The terrorists didn't say anything, apart from at the beginning when they said something about Syria, French President Hollande, and the fact that it was only the beginning. At the start, they 'explored' the place, shooting randomly at people lying on the ground. Then we couldn't see anything. Then we heard gunfire. It was impossible for me to quickly get up and escape, every muscle was numb and it was impossible to see the rest of the hall without potentially coming into view of the terrorists, a chance that I didn't dare take. I was counting on the police.

    You think that with an event of this magnitude, the army will be called up and that someone will come and intervene. We clearly had no idea about what was happening at République or Stade de France at the same time. Nobody came. And the gunfire continued (not in bursts). So we waited, playing lottery with the terrorists. You have these awful thoughts, like "I beg, please not me, aim at the other side of the hall." These thoughts are interrupted by gunfire.

    At one moment (shall we say near the 'middle?' My idea of time is distorted), an explosion rang out. According to other witnesses, it was a grenade which was thrown into the pit near the stage. I can't confirm, if it was only an explosion.

    And there, that is when the waiting game took a turn. They had explosives. Fanatics armed with explosives, without demands... Your brain has a way of only thinking of the worst: we are not a currency to be changed. Of course, I asked myself if the aim was not simply just to blow up the building, or least us, the crowd. The waiting was not the same as before. Time became longer. The pain intensified. People were panicking/suffering more and more. Telephones began ringing more and more, as friends and relatives were trying to get information, which just intensified everything more and more (don't make a sound!). We looked for comfort by exchanging looks with people around us, only then to come back to the feeling of fear.

    Where are the police? What are they doing? We really started to despair. Finally, someone whispers 'The police are here.' And everything changed. Time became longer again, as they did not come and intervene straight away (scoping things out, etc). At this moment I think that the terrorists went upstairs somewhere inside Bataclan, as the police came in without shooting.

    Then a horde of police came in. Getting up, helping people to get up, seeing armed police bursting into Bataclan.... It was a relief I cannot describe. We looked at each other, shaking, still alive. We obviously stayed extremely vigilant. The police didn't know if the terrorists were among the crowd or elsewhere (and I wouldn't have been able to say). It turned out they were elsewhere, according to the news.

    We started to walk, hands on heads, inside a feeling of almost joy. That soon came to an end by THE vision of a NIGHTMARE. Tens of bodies, some at deaths door, a tide of blood in the pit. Awful. Horrible. I look at the place where I was standing before I sought cover towards the back and I can see numerous bodies. That easily could have been me.

    I get out quickly, still had my hands on my head, seeing staff at the entrance of Bataclan lifeless on the floor (the 'fireworks' that we heard earlier were the terrorists coming in). A few steps down the pavement and I collapsed. A torrent of tears. I can't remember the last time I cried before tonight, but it's impossible to stop. I was shaking all over. A ringing in my ear. But I am alive.

    Finally, we gathered together in cafes in the adjacent street, relieved to have got out, pulled out our phones to update people. And we learn of the 'rest', République, Stade de France, etc. How fucking tragic. All that, and for what?

    I am not giving any essential information in this message, but it's cathartic. It's 'frustrating' to be in the heart of such an event and to be of no use, staying flat against the floor/a leg/arms, etc, for 2 to 3 hours and not helping.

  • CygnusZero40

    ISIS seems like a poor mans Al Qaeda. More like a bunch of punks picking fights. Theyre operating over there because they clearly dont have the means to pull anything large scale in the US, so they target the weaker countries like a bunch of punks. They likely dont have nearly the same kind of funding that Bin Laden provided, and since they are a smaller organization but more spread out than Al Qaeda was, theyll probably never be completely gone no matter what sort of response comes out of this, so this will likely just keep happening for many years/decades with them.

    Doesnt take much to get 8 dudes to shoot hundreds of people in a packed city. But to pull off a plane heist requires far more. Seriously doubt a 9/11 will ever happen again. I just get the feeling like they will do some bombings on known ISIS targets, and theyll just still be hanging around doing their thing after all is said and done, pulling off these smaller attacks in countries less fortified than the US.

    • You think Bin Laden acted alone on 9/11? Delusional.severian
    • Their objective is quite different. AQ wanted to cause terror, but had no intention of grabbing land. IS is all about grabbing land. Both are well funded.formed
    • ISIS is a way bigger threat that Al Qaedafadein11
  • bliznutty2

    • Shame he was sp full of hate and didn't feel like this at all later in his short life.fadein11
  • hotroddy0

    too soon?

    • I thought about this... it's so tempting... but i had the restrain to not post it...pango
    • you are a better man than me pangohotroddy
    • lolDillinger
  • Beeswax0

    According to this France hit ISIS with air strikes.
    Although it looks more like a civilian area in Syria.…
    *dead people in the video

  • monospaced0

    When I pulled up Uber last night, all the car sprites on the map were French flags instead of just black cars.

    • somethings wrong with me. when i read your comment "pulled up a uber" i thought you meant shitting. fuck!oey
    • That is really weirdmonospaced
    • ha, dropped an uberIRNlun6
  • pango0
    • It's not the muslims who grew up in western societies who should denounce. It's the muslims in muslim societies who need to denounce.hotroddy
    • these are the people who can take the reigns of govt and steer the trainwreckhotroddy
    • so you agree not "all muslim" then.pango
    • agreed. not all muslim.hotroddy
    • it's the madrases. teaching kids to recite the Quran all day every day. that shit will warp your realityhotroddy
    • ok ya that's the only point i'm trying to get across.pango
    • Just like watching american media and hollywood movies won't warp you mind ether.Claymantis
    • Kids for the most part understand hollywood movies are fictional. And they don't learn it at schoolhotroddy
    • I guess schools the only outlet of information. Keep pumping your brain full of american nonsense that will keep you on the straight and narrow.Claymantis
    • i get to chose what movies to watch. there's no apostasy if I walk out of a movie. I wish islam could say the samehotroddy
  • autoflavour0

  • autoflavour0

    Trump ahead of the pack by making the tragedy in Paris about himself.

    seriously.. wow.…

    • wow...
      it is likely to be elect
    • who's taking a gun to a music festival?hotroddy
    • there was a guy on here who says he takes a gun everywhere with him, even church on Sundays because he is always ready for a gun fightmonospaced
  • Ramanisky22

    • why is maher always pretending to be unbiased when is the biggest zionist there is..georgesIII
    • because he canmonospaced
  • dbloc1

  • utopian0

    • Unfortunately the idiots that carry it out often do it in the name of Islam fucking it up for all the rest, doing irreversible damage to the brand (if you will)_niko
    • yep, now turn that into the context of freedom and democracy and that will give you the pov of a muslim living in the middle eastgeorgesIII
    • praying, the best solution ever.ApeRobot
  • autoflavour-1


    Profile picture changed, Terror problem resolved.

    • popping up on facebook at the momentautoflavour
    • Das ändert leider nichts an der Sache ich müsste mein Profil Bild täglich mehrmlas umfärben bei all den schlimmen Dinge die jeden Tag passierenSTORM305
    • auf unserem ach so friedlichen blauen PlanetenSTORM305
  • trooperbill0

    waiting for muslims to rise up against extremism... wow nothings happening... what a shocking revelation.

    • maybe they need some tips? how exactly does one rise up against extremism?kingsteven
    • Muslim is not a country...pango
    • LOL. It's not even 24 hours after. What the hell do you want them to do? Stop talking.iCanHazQBN
    • its been going on for years... all that happens is a load of talk.trooperbill
    • And all these all in the Middle East helped?pango
    • All =warspango
    • The muslim leaders 'complicit' in terrorist attacks. They are one!utopian
    • Ya if the pope did something wrong all Catholics are guilty.pango
    • #notinmynamepango
    • im not saying theyre all guilty. im saying that as a pseudo religious organisation there must be some central authority that influence it all.trooperbill
  • _niko0

    There is no enemy, no clear cut target for retaliation. This is the result of home grown radicalization, lost disenfranchised youth with mental issues most likely who take up this supposed cause in the name of Islam or whatever. I doubt the report that they found a passport next to a body that was from Syria sounds dubious at best, fanning the flames of future conflict and looking for an excuse.

    France is a soft target, it's not political and it's not Isis. Hitting back at France for its minimal role in Syria and because it's a nest of debautchery and corrupt western values? This narrative makes no sense.

    We are being fed Islam vs the west and Muslims are responsible etc, but in reality it is a small group of radicalized Sunni Muslims vs the world including Shiites, other Sunnis, alawites and the west.

    The situation's fucked and sorting it out is not as simple as invading Iraq and Afghanistan the way ol bushie did and got us into this mess in the first place.

    • So wrong. Jihad, sharia and extreme religious violence has been a part of radical islam for hundreds of years.Hayoth
    • Sharia and jihad is taught in mosques, Wahhabi and other sects.Hayoth