WordPress beginner

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  • 19 Responses
  • voiceof

    After years of avoiding it, I've finally reached a point where I need to develop in WordPress. So right now I'm working on wrapping my head around how it works.

    First thing I noticed is that the presentation layer seems really wrapped up in the back-end and is just generally confusing. A little more searching led me to timber [ http://upstatement.com/timber/ ]. I'd like to find a a workflow that includes Sass, Gulp and some sort of templates to allow reuse of components. Timber, with a basic starter template like '_s' seems like it might fit the bill.

    Has anyone ever worked with Timber? Should I just stick with the standard WP way? Will plugins make using Timber a pain in the ass?

    I'm trying QBN first since many of us are designers first and can provide experience closer to what I would find.

  • fadein110

    Depends what you are building, if it's not super complex why build it in an unusual way? Wordpress is super quick to build a site with anyway.
    However, if the project isn't suitable for a standard Wordpress build, why use Wordpress at all?

  • nocomply0

    I work with WordPress almost daily and this is the first I've ever heard of Timber.

    It might be a good tool for someone like yourself, but I personally do not think I'd ever use it. To me, it adds another layer of abstraction between myself and what I'm trying to make WordPress do.

    I would also be concerned with plugin compatibility issues when altering the standard WordPress loop as you had mentioned.

    WordPress is kinda weird and unique in the way it works. It's different than all of the MVC frameworks out there, which makes it difficult for people with programming chops outside of WordPress to get the hang of. But I'm a unique case. I learned things the "WordPress way" and I have a more difficult time grasping MVC.

    The main things I'd worry about here are support, future road map for the Timber project, and compatibility. But in the end, you gotta use the right tool for you to get the job done.

    The Underscores theme that you mentioned is great though. I use that as a starter theme on many of my projects.

  • spot130

    Check out Bedrock: https://roots.io/bedrock/

    This framework incorporates Composer for dependency management and is much more secure than WP alone as it separates the connection string from the standard core while ensuring updates are still possible.

    • I was going to recommend Roots.io as well.noneck
    • It looks like a dev environment. Would I set this up and add roots or _S as a child theme?voiceof
    • Maybe start with a default wp install and check out the Sage starter theme that uses Sass and Gulp. Once you're comfortable, move to bedrockspot13
    • looks interestingvaxorcist
  • qoob0

    I would focus on just learning WordPress first. Sass and Gulp might be worth looking at since they fit into existing workflow, but why would you start off by learning a different framework on top of another framework?

    • This is where I'm at, but I get why some people would do it if it seems more intuitive to them.nocomply
    • Timber looked familiar to me and having the reusable components broken out seemed logical. Maybe I was trying to avoid looking at PHPvoiceof
  • nocomply0

    You also might want to checkout the WordPress REST API, which is slated to make it's way into core. http://wp-api.org/

    Using that you can essentially bypass the entire templating process and create a front end (and back end) using whatever technology you're comfortable with.

  • ArmandoEstrada0

    Stay away from any commercial themes and 'framework' themes like Genesis, Thesis etc. Get a good blank theme like _S or one that incorporates _S with Foundation, Bootstrap or your favorite grid or make your own.

    • That's the plan. It's just building out the components to display content that's throwing me. Timber seemed straight forward but is not WP 'official'voiceof
  • ETM0

    Do you NEED to use WP? Or just leverage a CMS? Lots of better options but won't confuse you if you need it done in WP.

    • ETM, liiiike....
      Ektron? Drupal? what others? List them... I'd like to know.
    • me too - v.few as easy to use and as powerful for small-medium projects.fadein11
    • I've used a CMS called Craft for a few projects and think its great. https://buildwithcra…. You can develop locally for free, however, it does cost money.yocco_my_taco
    • See below...ETM
  • dee-dubs0

    In the same boat of having avoided for years but thought may as well get my head round WP.

    Anyway my question, in a site I am working on I need to add a gallery, I have searched for a plugin that does just a simple gallery but not had huge amount of luck finding exactly what I want yet.

    I just want large image at top of page and collection of thumbnails below that change the image above (possibly on new page) with previous and next buttons.

    I found NextGEN which I have installed but I haven't quite worked out if it can do exactly what I want.

    Anyone WP experts have any pointers for me for simple reliable Gallery plugins ? Or is NextGEN what I need and i just need to plod on?

    • NextGen can do anything you need. But it may be a bit bloated for your purposes.fadein11
    • Revolution Slider would do this for you - large image with thumbnails below.fadein11
    • Great - Thanks. Ill see if I can work out more about nextGen or failing that look into revolutiondee-dubs
    • I avoid NextGen and Revolution Slider whenever possible. I recommend https://soliloquywp.… and https://wordpress.or…nocomply
  • sherm0

    I would do wordpress + wp-api plugin

    Then build a front end to consume endpoints

    That way you keep the CMS and its truly your front end

    • Had a quick look, think may be a bit too difficult for me to implementdee-dubs
  • ETM1

    To expand on my above comment...
    ExpressionEngine (http://expressionengine.com) and Craft (https://buildwithcraft.com/) are FAR better for designers if you have the budget. No theme BS, more flexible. You create a design and implement the front-end code like normal, then start replacing the dynamic areas with tags to create your templates. Security is superior than WP any day.

    ExpressionEngine in particular is proven scalable. It was used by the Obama campaign and is currently used by the Trump campaign. Also powers a little site named "A List Apart."

    For smaller stuff, CMS Made Simple (http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/) and Statamic (http://statamic.com/) are great.They take a similar approach to building out your templates as the above. Statamic goes the flat-file approach (no database) but in a very capable way.

    Note, only CMS Made Simple is free, but I have found the costs of the other products to be very worthwhile.

  • canoe1

    I'm always looking for freelancers, I wish QBN would allow us to network, ya know, for a better tomorrow.

    • For what? WP?ETM
    • Feel free to send me an email. Been doing more work with US people/studios again now that our CND dollar is back down and you lot save 30% on it.ETM
    • But if you need WP help, we don't do that. Plenty others who do/will though, which is why I like to specialize in something else.ETM
    • < "ya know" lol!...bklyndroobeki
  • dee-dubs0

    got a wordpress question. I made the following loop on a custom theme:

    if (have_posts()) :
    while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php if ( in_category( '4' ) ) : ?>
    <article class="post">
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
    <p class="bodyDate"><?php echo get_the_date(); ?></p>
    <p><?php echo get_the_excerpt(); ?><br></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endwhile;
    else :
    echo '<p>No content found</p>';

    for some reason it only shows posts made within the last 80 days, ie if it is a date in aug or before it doesnt show....is something wrong with my loop or is there a hidden setting in WP i'm missing.

    I have tried google and found nowt so far.....

    • Probably something hidden. I've spent so much time searching code before for this sort of thing. If the theme itself doesn't have settings for this...mg33
    • You could start looking through various pages and just search for "80." It's tedious but you just might find it.mg33
    • ^ I made the theme myself from scratch so i'm pretty sure its not something i've added in theredee-dubs
    • ...but in saying that, switching to another WP theme doesn't have the same issue... so has to be something wrong with my codedee-dubs
    • Dumb question... but does the site have posts older than 80 days?mg33
    • yes, i played around with publish date as older posts weren't showing, seems 80 days is cut off... or aug 21st..dee-dubs
    • You doing anything with pagination in your theme that would differ from the other theme that shows them all?ETM
    • not added any pagination in yet as only 6 posts (WP set to show 10)dee-dubs
    • added pagination links in and the older one shows on separate page, really odddee-dubs
  • dee-dubs0

    ^ been playing with the code and think i know what problem is but not sure how to fix.

    the date thing was red herring, essentially my loop is pulling in phantom posts, as in if i set a var to count in the while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> it counts to 10 yet it only shows 3 articles (with the older ones being pushed to a next page.)

    its like my loop is reading or recognising previous versions of posts (ie posts that have been amended and saved in WP as versions) but not actually rendering them in the browser.

    does this make sense, and if so any ideas what to do to fix?

  • mekk-1

    Nooo another one joined the dark side :-(

  • Centigrade0

    Once you are familiar with WP, get to know the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Get the pro developers licence - you'll pretty much use it on every site. It's makes setting up sites for clients to edit a breeze. The Repeater Fields and Flexible Content components are great.


    After that... the most solid slider / gallery plugin is Soliloquy. Again get the developers licence. The add on allow you to do lots of stuff. It requires a bit of coding to get it to dynamically generate sliders but is super powerful. You can then re-use that code over and over and other sites.


  • dee-dubs0

    Another Noob WP Q again, looking for another solid plugin recommend. This time for displaying gallery of youtube videos.

    Like one big youtube embed at the top and then a bunch of thumbnails and descriptions below that change the video.

    Seen a lot that do stuff like this but looking for recommendation for solid reliable one.

    Is it just me or does there seem to be 101 plugins for everyting that do really similar things - how do you separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak without trial and error?

  • Mattjanz3n0

    @voiceof I've had many employees go hero and try to do fancy stuff with WP, some cool some useless, retarded, overbuild crap that makes a mess. My suggestion is keep it simple... wordpress can do a lot but for us.. keeping it simple will usually save our ass later not to mention just allow quick effective site builds.

    • surely how simple it has to be is based on the client brief? If done well nothing need be messy.fadein11
  • bklyndroobeki0

    For the first time, I'm thinking of bidding in on a wordpress project solo, slightly unsure.

    It's a small local group who are in need of a dev. & designer, to bring to strip out a new theme. Their content isn't robust, however they need someone for on going bug fixes and what have you. I've been playing with WP for about a year after a hiring a bad dev. I let em go and took care of the tweaks and what not. Should I be honest and let them know that i'm a bit of a newbie or learn as much as i can (hire help) and wing it? I do not know PHP but know my way around WP (wanting to have more experience w/ it though)

    Thoughts, experts?

    • if you know more than the bad dev you hired, you probably know more than you give yourself credit for. I think you're in the clear. Take the job.monNom
    • I did the same a few years back - just went for it and learnt on a job - it's very easy to pick up if you have other good web knowledge.fadein11
    • I have 3 words for WP:
      Panama Papers Hack. :)
    • All software has security holes that get exploited, iOS, WP, etc. Unless you have a flat site, you must keep things updated. Panama =/ WP problem.ArmandoEstrada
    • Ane exploit can come from a web server, database server, etc. Keeping things up to date is crucial. Panama was neglect.ArmandoEstrada
    • Neglect is the anthem for MANY WP installs out there, however.ETM
    • Let you all know if I win the bid :D Feels like I will... thanks for the vote of confidence!bklyndroobeki
  • dee-dubs0

    Got another WP question hoping someone can shed light on... google so far no joy.

    I have menu which i have added some sub menu items. Id expect (and all WP tutorials examples show) the menu code to be along these lines:

    <li>menu item 1</li>
    <li>menu item 2</li>
    <li>menu item 3
    <ul class="sub-menu">
    <li>sub 1</li>
    <li>menu item 4</li>

    but what im actually getting is:

    <li>menu item 1</li>
    <li>menu item 2</li>
    <li>menu item 3</li>
    <ul class="sub-menu">
    <li>sub 1</li>
    <li>menu item 4</li>

    ie the sub menu is not within its parents li (like all the examples I have seen)

    This is minimal custom theme I have made, do I need to add some function or something to get it to be where it should?

    • use the built in menu functionality and it will work fine - https://codex.wordpr…fadein11
    • I am... i thinkdee-dubs
    • registering the nav
      'primary' => __( 'Main Navigation' ),
    • strange - it should be like you say. silly question but have you searched wordpress site?- answer for everything - or stackoverflow.fadein11
    • Doh... i know whats causing the problem... not sure how to fix
      i was using 'after' =>
      in wp_nav_menu args and thats mucking it up
    • what code are you using to display the menu in your template/header?fadein11
    • $args = array(
      'theme_location' => 'primary',
      'after' => '<li class="navSpace"><p>/</p></li>');
    • wp_nav_menu( $args );dee-dubs
    • use something like this (obv replace the relevant bits)
      <?php wp_nav_menu( array(
      'container' => 'div',
    • 'container_class' => 'main-nav',
      'fallback_cb' => 'responsive_fallback...
      'theme_location' => 'header-menu'
      ) ); ?>
    • if you don't have a responsive menu can leave that out.fadein11
    • actually looks like you have that pretty much.fadein11
    • thanks...tried it and still no dice... it is definatly the 'after' that is causing it... will see if I can remove it and create the same effect in pure CSSdee-dubs
    • weird - never had that issue... hope you sort it.fadein11
    • Any luck?bklyndroobeki