How would you google this
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- 16 Responses
- georgesIII
I can't find the right combination of words to describe a way to load images dynamically by writing words
e.g.: if I write "I like blue flowers" >> as soon as write this, it should load images of flowers and blue flowers,
how would you phrase it, because all my previous queries failed me
- mekk0
search function autocomplete live results
- drgs0
you like blue flowers?
- georgesIII0
@ mekk,
still not exactly what I'm looking for,step A: you write some text
step B: the system looks at the text written and display images related to certain words in the textIt's annoying me because I can't get the right combo
- mekk0
georges, do you need a function to search images or you need a function to reload your page while typing?
- need a function to load images as soon as a typed word can be associated to an imagegeorgesIII
- mekk0
ajax live search
- uan0
or "dynamic search results"
- reanimate0
What technology are you going to use and where are the images going to be pulled from? You'll probably get better results by searching for a specific framework or API that does this.
- georgesIII0
I'm still deciding about the tech,
but mainly, the project consist of 500 icons in svg format each of them will be called depending on the phrase that is typed,
- orrinward20
Something around autocomplete or predictive search.
You're looking at making AJAX requests on any text-field change events.
If it's for stuff stored locally or in the DOM rather than searching Google or something live, then no AJAX necessary, just a function that compares what's typed against an array, triggered on any change event.
- yeah, this is good,
I wish there was an example with images, but I'm sure it works the same waygeorgesIII - http://www.sitepoint…orrinward2
- yeah, this is good,
- benfal990
Georgle Image
- monNom0
are you using google to search your local data? or do you mean how do you keyword search locally using something like javascript?
if the later, you can use a regular expression to match. and a couple of loops or a recursive function to sort through the list.
- I do not want to use google because everything should be localized, I will look into Javascript, thanksGeorgesIV
- georgesIII0
sorry for the bump,
but I found something somehow similar but I still don't know how to do it,example:
when you go into the search bar and start typing a movie name, it automatically loads the thumbnail next to the name,
how do they do it, it similar to the autocomplete Onrinward posted, but I want to add the image to it,
thanks brahs!!
- mekk0
execute your search form with an onKeyPress event, then search the current written stuff from the form with an ajax request and output it via js