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  • mantrakid1

    Just got a call from adobe trying to consolidate all our individual company accounts to one business account. IN the process of doing so, our rates would go up from ~$55 user to $79 per user. I was like uh.. can we just keep it as is? she offered me a lifetime / locked rate of $69/user. Im pretty sure i was already promised that when it went up to $55.

    • FUCK ADOBE!mantrakid
    • haha, you fool - that's an opportunity missed!Nairn
    • held out and final price was back down to 59.99/usermantrakid
  • NBQ000

    This is pretty cool

    • Would be good as a part of AE. I had to do some of these recently, it wasn't as fast as that.PhanLo
    • Flash?OBBTKN
    • but will the white horse disappear?ArchitectofFate
    • Plugins for AE exist for this already. However, this incorporates AI to select objects in depth for 3D plates. Really nice.fyoucher1
    • The difference seems ease of use & speed. As well as in many cases it generates some kind of 3D mapping, not just 2d parallax.NBQ00
    • it's ok for a quick gimmicky effect, but for the best results you need to photoshop it into layers, paint in background, animate in AE or camera map in C4Dshapesalad
    • #deathofthemotiondes...shapesalad
    • the reflections on the rotating cliff though...imbecile
    • the rocks at the end are stuck to the tableimbecile
    • @shapesalad, indeed! Almost like it generates some kind of lowres projection mesh. Areas near object borders problematic for the algrtmseldon
    • Handy if it will let you export the textured mesh. Matching this stuff by hand in 3d is a pain!monNom
  • omahadesigns0

    The only way to get CC is a monthly subscription?

    • There are other ways ;)numero1
    • lol @ 'subscription'. fucking protection racket more like.hans_glib
    • Watch out, hans - you'll incur the scorn of QBN's gang of lovers of old ropeNairn
    • the "other ways" are full of traps and pitfall.Bennn
  • NBQ001

    Nice too

    • The tech is clever, the process is some what seductive, but looking at the results in isolation it looks a bit corporate explainer video from India freelancer.shapesalad
    • Tried It. Bollox.Hayzilla
  • NBQ000

    Some more tech previews with very useful tools. Especially the roto stuff, not bad.

    • hmmm the font thing, all he holes were the same across each letter. But suppose it good for all the new pizza takeaways opening in India.shapesalad
    • #deathtothemotiondes...shapesalad
    • the baby girl video was a work of art. well worth all the computing AI tech.shapesalad
    • lol @ shape, yes indeed.NBQ00
    • Eh, I'm skeptical. He probably did all that selection finessing ahead of time in Mocha.fyoucher1
  • mugwart1

    Can Adobe FX handle CDL's if so, which sub->sub->menu do I have to go into?

  • BH263

    Just talked to Adobe chat got my subscription down to 33$ from 50$- mention the special they are running. Worth the 5 mins in the chat.

  • Hayzilla0

    Illustrator 2019. Keeps falling over due to lack of memory! FFS 24gb has always been plenty.

    Photoshop 2019 is sooooo buggy too. Can't even be bothered explaining the super odd shit it is doing.


    • It's all just seeming to get worse in the last 12-16 months of updates. I really wish there was actual alternatives. I have tried them all :(freakpelican
    • I tried open source programs to replace Dreamweaver, Premiere and After Effects... they all sucks or the learning curve is super steepBennn
    • @Benn: try again...there's DaVinci Resolve for free up to HD resolution. should be enough power to replace Premiere/AE.uan
    • PS working better than ever for me here. I really like the last round of updates, they cleaned it up.zarkonite
    • @uan tried it, just keep crashing... unusable on my PC, dunno whyBennn
  • haga0

    The new Home button in the toolbar in AE. Seriously, fuck off.

  • NBQ000

    Hands down, the After Effects curve animation editor is the worst piece of shit I've seen. The bezier curves/ handles behave totally different than in any other animation program. It's a joke.

    And Adobe hasn't done anything about it in over 20+ years or since they bought AE.

  • NBQ001

    Every goddamn time when opening a PS file over 200-500mb... what does this even mean? The file is always fine anyway.

    • lol
      Are yo sure you're not using Abode Photo-Shop instead of Adobe Photoshop?
    • do you use Font Explorer? likely the plugin that's causing the error. unistalll/reinstall the pluginGnash
    • Yes. Thanks, will try.NBQ00
    • time to stop laughing and download 'Clean my Mac PC' nowfuturefood
    • also, clear your font cacheGnash
  • NBQ000

    Some guy is suing Adobe for $250K claiming Premiere deleted his video work totalling that amount: https://www.diyphotography.net/t…

  • Bennn10

    Photoshop online, totally free
    > https://www.photopea.com/

  • oey1

    I don't know if some you remember a recent post of mine in the Blog thread about me being broke and clients abandoning the ship (LOL!) to the point I started to wonder if I changed to Affinity and whatever other options cause I could not afford to renew my Adobe CC subscription.


    I was lucky to get a gig where in three days work I was paid enough to renew my subscription, pay 500€ of rents, buy a new battery for my mac and also for my phone, get me some hash and buy a month of groceries.

    But somehow I'm still not convinced in renewing my subscription.

    I started to sweat with the idea not being able to do my work, personal and professional.

    Honestly I'm not that a pro (by choice) but I work with Adobe products for more than 20 years and I have a certain workflow.

    Maybe the Software I would miss most would be Bridge, yep I confess and despite finding some alternatives I find the way everything connects...I also use Font Explorer...is super easy and without flaws..at least in my case, and that's what I think what I would miss most.

    Nowadays I practically only use AI and PS, but I totally love when I have the chance to work with Indesign.

    So I could easily replace them for the level I work I do with Affinity products.

    But I would miss occasionally Premiere or Audition and recently AE, like each maybe 5 times a year.

    I believe that as a professional 420€ (in my case) a year are totally affordable and I just had a bit of bad luck combined with bad planning.

    But damn, I miss the chance to "buy" products by category.

    Like a package for graphic, or motion or web...
    I would totally pay for it.

    I mentioned 7 apps and I don't need Adobe Stock.
    I thinks it's really disappointing that only this Photography package exists.

    I haven't renew my sub and I'm still thinking what if I change, how bad could it be?

    I guess being used to it for over 20 years, having Adobe Certificates and a solid workflow really plays a big role in my decision and I'm lucky I don't have to pay 700€.

    I considered applying for the local College just to use the Ateliers/Workshops and get the Student discount.

    Does anyone of you quit and moved on?
    Do you miss Adobe?

    I remember Eskema using Affinity at the same time I was testing it was well.

    Sorry the long text but I needed to think out loud.

    And yes fuck Adobe but also not totally.
    It's difficult...

    Maybe if I land another good gig soon I buy Affinity and use it for my personal projects to get deeper into it and next year I will be able to make a decision based on experience.

    Thanks for reading!

    • I tried, been using a cracked version of CS6 for a while, but changed computer recently and didnt manage to reinstall a working copy.Bennn
    • So i tried different open source alternatives. To replace AE, AI, PS and ID ... everything i've found sucks, crash or have a steep learning curve.Bennn
    • So now im paying for the Photo plan wich include PS, Bridge and Lightroom, the 3 programs i use the most.Bennn
    • But now I miss AI, ID and AE ... using those rarely but when i need it... i'd need it. Not i dont know what to do to replace them.Bennn
    • Found Kdenlive to replace AE ... not sure if its good yet. Resolve keep crashing.Bennn
    • Scribus to replace ID, seems alright, havent really use it yet but seems like a good alternative.Bennn
    • oh yeah and Dreamweaver, i'm using it sometimes, found BlueGriffon, seems good but can't find my ways around it, would need some tutorials but im lazyBennn
    • and Inkscape to replace AI... havent really tested it yet, seems ok-ish but not sureBennn
    • hey Benn thanks for your feedback!
      I checked some articles recently, let me see if I can find the links
    • https://www.slrloung…oey
    • it's like me somehow, when I need certain apps I'm glad they're at hand and that they work. being able to import AI layers to AE for exampleoey
    • maybe it's possible with other programs but from Bridge it's like... I manage everything from there. And to sync color settings, etc...oey
    • Adobe Bridge is free! you don't need a paid subscription to use itGnash
    • the subscription is good for 2 computers. find someone to share it with --- like you and Benn!Gnash
    • there are also other freebies with adobe (along with Bridge); Adobe XD, all their mobile apps, 2 GBs of online storage... etcGnash
    • hey Gnash! I know, but is there a point to use Bridge apart from other apps? I also use XD that's true, I mean used it twice.oey
    • you think me and Benn would get along? ;-)oey
    • i've only ever used bridge in the adobe ecosystem so I'm not sure. But it must have a use for them to offer it free.Gnash
    • some info: https://prodesigntoo…Gnash
    • thanks Gnash!!! You gave me this nice idea, i just sent an Email to my 50 housemates asking if someone wants to share it.oey
    • it's only 208,50€/yearoey
    • find a student!Gnash
    • Moho Pro can cover most of the 2D animation you might do in AE. If you're doing people based explainer videos.shapesalad
    • find a student, lol
      "Looking for a student to share an Adobe monthly plan" yeeeeaaaahhhhh
    • if you want to replace lightroom for raw file edits > try Darktable https://www.darktabl… free it is!api
    • A month's worth of adobe CC is like the price of one hr freelancing manmekk
    • There's lots of Students here we'll see. They already have a one year top price and they mostly share with themselves.oey
    • I used to use Darktable actually and I liked it.oey
    • hey mekk I know that and I also think that 50€ for the money I get it's actually a okay deal.oey
    • but as i was in the limit I started to question certain things. and I know it's a bit irrelevant but I have a lot of stuff that's a hour of work ;-)oey
    • I also wrote that Adobe CC is totally affordable. please don't forget that I'm awareoey
  • shapesalad0

    After freelancing for 10+ years, I'm going full-time. But... what to do about my adobe subscription? I'm not going to need it for work - but occasionally on an evening/weekend I might want to fiddle around with something, test out an idea, or do a little each work while at home etc. For £50 a month, quite a luxury for that kinda of very low usage(I'm thinking max 2 hours a month). I've handed over enough cash to Adobe for the time being... am I right in thinking that if I install Little Snitch, block Adobe apps connecting to internet then cancel my subscription, I can keep my Adobe apps running? Of course, updates would be out of the question, but that's fine.

    • * "extra work" typoshapesalad
    • * "for that kind of very..."shapesalad
    • install your work license at home.uan
    • you can activate up to 2 computers with 1 license.uan
    • I use my +1 work Adobe account seat for home use. It's what it's there for. Also makes working from home viable.Hayzilla
    • ah.... will have to look into that.shapesalad
    • yepp, use second account. it's a quick way to give yourself a little pay risescruffics
  • oey0

    In line with Adobe Chat to try get either a discount, a monthly payment plan instead or just cancel the whole thing.

    Could have canceled the whole thing and sign up again...to benefit from the Black Friday Freak Show...

    Wish me luck!

    • my man!!!!oey
    • I get the same plan I had but I can pay it monthly instead all at once!!!!oey
    • All they want is money. They'll have yours. They win every round.Bennn
    • I know, but if I get less punches better ;-)oey
    • :)Bennn
  • zombee4


    Anyone now how to turn off the fucking annoying as shit customisable toolbar? At every moment, I find myself trying to find the required tool as they mysteriously disappear and/or change position.

    If Adobe's aim is to infuriate their users, then congrats you have succeeded with flying colours.

    • And why is there about five different ways to do one simple task? It's bloated and overly complicated. Smashing it though, would mean you're smashing...Ianbolton
    • your probably fine and working computer!Ianbolton
    • Increasing monthly costs for decreased productivity = progress.ideaist
    • ooh, customisable, eh? Does that mean I can finally move the never-used 'Isolate Selected Object' away from the much-used 'Select Similar Objects' button?!Nairn
    • @zombee; sorted this out:

      1. Hit the 3 dots / "Edit Toolbar".
      2. In the top right you'll see the "menu" icon. Hit that.
      3. Choose "Basic" OR you can "Reset".
    • Cheers Ideaist, lifesaver!zombee
    • Thnaks IdeaistHayzilla
  • imbecile2

    After Effects today.

    Working on animating text compositions for video titles. Each comp is named appropriately. I left last night after exporting six of them. Worked on three more this morning and the file magically reverted to a version from around 7:30pm that only had four of the previously six compositions included.

    All this while I was working. I had duplicated a composition then all hell broke loose.

    Be careful out there kids.

    • I usually make 3 copies on two different machines, tho yes paranoia saves, nice post. thx!helloeatbreathedrive

    @oey, remind me to pay you a couple of beers when you come near Basque Country, down from 50€ to 30€ per month... LOL, Thanks!!

  • i_monk0
