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- 23 Responses
- CincodeMayo
Anyone got one? In the market. I hear it's like running outdoors, only inside. Nifty! Are they worth it? More of a hassle?
Looking at the Proform 995C.
- monospaced0
I prefer the elliptical
- waterhouse0
Do it. Much safer than indoors. Ellipticals are good too.
Precor is a fine brand.
- I mean safer than outdoors.waterhouse
- 'safer than outdoors' HAHAHA
jesus christ.******** - I guess I'm just a suburbs boy********
- instrmntl0
I like them when there isn't a tv screen in front/mounted, and when they're facing a window.
- Is my ideal setup. You can really zone out.instrmntl
- Totally agree on not having a TV in front.duckseason
- CincodeMayo0
Glad to hear you guys are mostly for it. I'm reading some horror stories online about broken machines being delivered and taking months to replace, but it sounds like you guys have had pretty good experiences. Where did you buy yours from? Extended warranties worth it?
@monospaced - We looked at an eliptical too, but we're in an apartment and that seemed to make more noise than the treadmill.
- just don't buy a really cheap one, you're almost better to buy a gym quality one used vs. a cheap throw awayspot13
- monospaced0
I don't know what model my girlfriend and I have, but it doesn't even require power. You just get on and it starts up the little readout using regular batteries. You press buttons for resistance and to load up programs. It's also almost completely silent, not a single sound whatsoever. I like this model because it has no machines in it.
- we're in a little NYC apartment and the thing is greatmonospaced
- anyway, the reason I prefer the elliptical is because it has almost no impact and is easier on your jointsmonospaced
- doesnotexist0
real life running is better!
i can't stand breathing in all that stale air trying to run some miles on a treadmill. makes it seem twice as hard.
- burn calories much faster when the ground beneath you isnt movingCygnusZero4
- scarabin0
just don't make the mistake of thinking purchasing one will make you ever use it... i'm not sure i've ever seen one in someone's house that wasn't collecting dust or doubling as a clothes rack
- ours is in a small space, so it's always in our face, so I guess it guilt trips us by being there collecting dustmonospaced
- doesnotexist0
how can one use a treadmill and not feel guilty about running outside in reality
- *notdoesnotexist
- wordsdoesnotexist
- a lot of women dont run outside, and prefer a treadmill, for obvious reasons.CygnusZero4
- CincodeMayo0
@monospaced - Sounds like you have a manual one? Where you power it yourself? Always wondered if those were any good. Might have to give one a try now.
- autoflavour0
but running outdoors is the best part.
- monospaced0
running outdoors isn't always convenient though... sometimes you just want to move without getting fully dressed for outdoors, or it's too cold or raining, or you are just a shitty runner who's embarrassingly out of shape (me) and can't wrap your mind around exposing your fatass to the public
- As I said before, some women really cant run outdoors due to body type, pervert men, etc.. safer indoors.CygnusZero4
- right... I was responding to autoflavour mostlymonospaced
- sounds like a problem for those women not for running outdoors in general.doesnotexist
- running in the rain is the best running weather, imodoesnotexist
- I wanna run with my dick out, too.cotton
- cotton gets itmonospaced
- ********0
- doesnotexist0
using a treadmill to make running more convenient is akin to wearing a diaper for the convenience of not using the bathroom.
sure, yes, it's convenient. but why not use a real toilet?
- mstocks0
The more you like to run, the less you will run on a treadmill.
- ********0
Stop being a pussy and go and run outside. There's a whole world out there, for free. Fresh air, different terrain. Running on a machine is bizarre.
- I large cities, it isn't always so easy or safe.waterhouse
- Like Lagos for example?********
- ********0
I would like to know what region of the world you live in where it's dangerous for a woman to run in public. I'm sure Vice will be making a video about it pretty soon.
- Any region that has a male population? Try jogging 30-40 feet behind a female friend and listen to the catcalls from motorists.hereswhatidid
- motorists/pedestrian... This happens everywhere and I can see why women wouldn't want to deal with it.hereswhatidid
- I actually have jogged behind a female friend (she was actually running) but everything went fine. I must live in a weird city! I believe you though.********
- ... I believe you though,********
- fyoucher10
I have a cheaper Precor, works great. It's convenient when the weather is shitty (like rain or snow) or if you have something like shin splints, a foot or ankle injury that you've recently recovered from and you don't want your foot being slammed onto the pavement. Treadmills have sort of a cushioning to them. Also nice since it's in your house and you can have a TV or radio near you while running (running with entertainment?) and just get off and hop right into the shower.
One more thing: you can't (really) get lost on a treadmill. Unless you're dropping acid and running, which could be interesting. Unless you're running the same ole route everyday outside, it's easy to get lost or lose track when you're roughing out that last mile.
Running outdoors is so much better though and a treadmill does cost quite a bit of loot (especially a Precor). Personally, if you're really going to run, stick to outdoors.
- CincodeMayo0
I'm not much of a runner and neither is my girlfriend. We live in a nice neighborhood and while I do run/walk around our hood now and then, I just don't do it as often as I should.
That said, we both used to belong to gyms and we went at least 3-4 times a week and mainly used the treadmills (with built-in TVs) there, so we know we like them.
As much as we'd like to, we just can't seem to get into running outdoors. Having a TV or music nearby is a big motivator for us. Rather than watching a 30 minute program on the sofa, we can easily hop on the treadmill and do so.
Luckily the machines we're looking at all have return policies so if we're really not feeling it, we'll return it and try outdoor running again.