lifestyle photography
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- 23 Responses
- Kiko
Know of any good photographers out there please? Similar to…
- Kiko0
ok, when I said like that site, I did not mean that I am a fan of those picture, but in that style.
- tank020
i do lifestyle...
- Kiko0
Maybe I should have given this thread the title "Redneck with mullet takes crack up the arse" and Im sure I would have had more response :(
- see_thru0
iPhone + Hipstermatic/Instagram/Other
- BANKattack0
check this thread…
- BANKattack0
emailing you - re: finding good options.
- ok_not_ok0
Anna Wolf
- utopian0
FFS...can any of these photographers take a photo without using at least one J.J. Abrams Lens Flare effect in their portfolio?
- martinadolfsson0
- doesnotexist0
look into some of the photographers that have shot for urban outfitters or anthropologie. seems similar.
- Continuity0
Worked with this guy before on a campaign. his stuff is good, and he's really pleasant to deal with.
- Kiko0
Hey just came back. I also came across these guys yesterday
- HijoDMaite0
loving this guy right now…
- Ambushstudio0
This guy is good
A tad similar to (I like tank's better), but there's a lot of material at Selby's and some very nice portraits.
- Ambushstudio0
Yo Utopian, isn´t it sick how that lens flare deal is like an industry standard nowadays ? I blame Bruce Weber...
- yurimon0
Lens flare for photography is what drop shadow was for graphic design