Web design is lame

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  • 57 Responses
  • antagonista0

    idiotic thread. there are good and awful ports in all mediums.

    • Who said anything about quality? You can be the best web designer out there, and it's still just fecking websites!fate
  • fredddddd0

    Or any "interactive agency". Every company has apps.

  • inteliboy0

    I'm so happy Flash is dead. A plugin to view websites. What the fuck was that shit.

  • pauli0

    Totally agree,

    I thought Web design would change the frontier of the
    way we approach information but there seems to be too
    many standards.

    As I see it, Sheets of paper imposes innate limits -- Time
    & Space. Thus, allowing the artist excite the audience by
    the way he chooses to manipulate this time/space. But
    with the web, there is no limit of space.

    It would be like asking a musician to create a song upon
    which some listeners listened for 3 minutes, while others
    preferred longer concertos -- it's maddening.

  • fredddddd0

  • fate0

    "Those of you mad flash is gone, learn to code JS and start doing more interesting things. Expand your skill set."

    Has nothing to do with Flash. It doesn't matter what you use, the output is still just a fucking website!

    I believe in the Grandma test. If you show what you do to your Grandma and she doesn't "get it", the world probably doesn't really need you. You're not a doctor, a lawyer, an artist, a photographer, a software engineer...in other words, you're not someone who is contributing to the world in a meaningful way.

    There are rare, very very rare exceptions to this in web, but for the most part it's all rubbish.

    • Your Grandma would likely not 'get' many artists, photographers or the work of a software engineer.ETM
    • Of course they would.fate
    • She could also be killed by a negligent doctor or sued to poverty by a good lawyer.ETM
    • If only she had a website that advised her of questionable doctors in the area or where to find a good defence lawyer. :DETM
    • Your Gran digs Banksy?ETM
    • Take artists off that list.fredddddd
    • and software engineers, god knows what they doraf
  • fate0

    "If you're working on FB campaigns or on whatever M&M's or Home Depot online site, then you're wasting your life. Too many huge companies try too hard to get online campaigns that just dissapear in a month." -fredddddd

    Fucking AGREED.

    • We got to eat tho.fredddddd
    • I know man, I'm a sinner. I've done banner ads until I wanted to become a hermit in the desert.fate
  • ETM0


    Please with the whining. Is it the world's fault or your own that you are unhappy? You control your destiny. Find more fulfilling projects (or employers), do some more creative ones on your own, or go back to school and change your stars. There are PLENTY of worse jobs than unfulfilled web designer.

    Also, the majority of all professions the world can do without. The world turned when the only job for a caveman was hunter, with rare exception for medicine man and chief cave pictographer.

    Most jobs simply contribute to society in terms of comfort, entertainment or luxury. Very few people change the world or get recognized for their work. If that is what you crave, I am sure you can achieve it, but only you know how. Other than that, you simply find your happiness and be happy with yourself.

  • inteliboy0

    I have a friend who is a web designer. Not a "creative" or a "designer" or whatever vague description every bloody design person has these days, but a 100% web designer. And it's damn refreshing to hear her proudly say "I'm a web designer", have a folio of great web design and be laser focussed to be kick ass in her field.

    You know what's annoying and boring? Designers with folios of motion reels, videos, print work, branding work and photography all slapped together like they are some kind of multimedia prodigy. More a jack of all trades, master of none.

    • Don't agree with the second part. It doesn't make good buisiness, but everyone should mess with all sorts of stuff.fredddddd
    • we can do one thing as a job, but we should all do more than one thing to stay "creative"fredddddd
  • lvl_130

    blanket statement of the year (thus far. we are only 6 days in mind you) goes to........fate!
    it's only as lame as you make it. like many others have pointed out already, it all depends on what do with it. i, for one, do both interactive and print design that is primarily in the vein of selling shit. have been for a while. i'm not saving lives or helping anyone in the least bit...and i accept that. of course there are days that i vent at our industry like you have...but that is what we do.


    with that said, there are plenty of very smart people out there creating and designing sites (and furthermore creating apps/programs) that actually help the greater good of humanity. there is no need to list them as there are far too many. the point is you need to make web design not lame.

  • qoob0

    "I believe in the Grandma test. If you show what you do to your Grandma and she doesn't "get it", the world probably doesn't really need you. "

    Well that's pretty dumb isn't it? Technology is always going to change and evolve, just because someone born 90 years ago doesn't "get it", you consider it worthless? Strange line of thinking there..

  • fredddddd0

    Get better clients or get paid well for stupid work that doesn't matter.

    If you get paid well you can take nice vacations and buy nice food for your kids.

  • fadein110

    dumbest thread to date

  • animatedgif0

    Out of interest Fate what would you rather have a portfolio full of?

    Other than these ridiculous comparisons to "You're not a doctor, a lawyer" because yeah a lawyer adds so much to the world.

    • I'm guessing ad work, branding, campaigns, events, books, brochures, packaging, etc...monospaced
    • Yep. What monospaced said.fate
  • hans_glib0

    i kind of understand where fate is coming from. In the early days of teh interwebz (pre standards) there was all manner of interesting stuff happening and being created/tried out. But as the medium has matured, and standards have been drawn up, and metrics used to determine what works and what doesn't, many sites end up looking and working the same way.

    So it's fairly soul-destroying producing one site after another.

    I used to work at a packaging design outfit and almost exclusively worked on M&S food packaging. After a while it all got very samey and dull and I felt like fate. Doing the same thing month in month out isn't very conducive to creativity. So I moved to a firm that did a lot of brochure work and it was great for a while, but eventually got into a rut there as well. And so moved on again.

    The key is to have a wide range of projects to keep you fresh.

    But at the same time, don't get into design to have a "legacy". It's far too ephemeral for that.

  • FallowDeer0

    I kind of agree with fate and the post above is what I was thinking.
    Early days everything had an experimental edge about it, exploring where we could take web design. Now everyone has found a "formula" that works and everything pretty much looks the same.

    No doubt it will change when trends change, but not much

  • CanHasQBN0

    You're all dumb. This whole courtroom is dumb. These blankets are dumb. Oranges are dumb. You're mom ain't that sharp, and I've gotta get back home before the sun sets. Stupid. All of it. You guys like Pringles?