Web design is lame

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • lvl_130

    blanket statement of the year (thus far. we are only 6 days in mind you) goes to........fate!
    it's only as lame as you make it. like many others have pointed out already, it all depends on what do with it. i, for one, do both interactive and print design that is primarily in the vein of selling shit. have been for a while. i'm not saving lives or helping anyone in the least bit...and i accept that. of course there are days that i vent at our industry like you have...but that is what we do.


    with that said, there are plenty of very smart people out there creating and designing sites (and furthermore creating apps/programs) that actually help the greater good of humanity. there is no need to list them as there are far too many. the point is you need to make web design not lame.

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