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  • shapesalad-2

    Rumors that #Apple have purchased more than $2B in #Bitcoin

  • neverscared1

    $62 billion dollars of commercial paper and IOUs, but nobody in the money markets has ever heard of them. Tether

    It's almost like they can't use miners as "commercial paper" junk collateral to inflate the bubble anymore.

    • Disaster just waiting to happen...neverscared
    • I posted about Tether many times here...
      It's not really commercial paper per se, but debt in exchanges that they artistically call "commercial paper" lol
    • schmammercial piper they call itneverscared
    • I can't fathom how crypto can't come crashing down, HARD, sooner or later. Everything is inflated now, crypto exponentially more so.formed
    • it feels a little the scene in big short...when they are askin the bros in Miami who gave out credit to strippers with no security attached... totally fuckedneverscared
    • hype and the blowback will be wild, coz its such a dumb system in its essence.neverscared
  • sted1

    The seizure is the largest of its kind in the UK - beating the previous record set when the Met confiscated £114m of cryptocurrency on 24 June.

    A 39-year-old woman, arrested on suspicion of money laundering on 24 June, has been interviewed over the new seizure.

  • neverscared0

    "I had come to Bitcoin 2021 expecting a tech conference. Instead, I’d found something else entirely... These were self-appointed evangelists, and they were speaking to their flock." Read our dispatch from Bitcoin 2021…

    • there are some insane statements ... the yellow fever stuff alone.. utterly nuts.neverscared
    • how cult-ygrafician
    • but these moonboys are getting better and better at faking it
      all those influencers promoting coins on youtube too
  • neverscared0

    • Jack Mallers, founder of the digital wallet company Strike, wipes away tears during his speech.neverscared
    • lolneverscared
    • what a little piece of shit you are of a human being. That's pretty much what I feel towards your online persona neverscared. So think about that for minute.ESKEMA
    • @ESKEMA you mean this guy Mallers?
      "Helping" the poor ppl of El Salvador shouldn't make you this sentimental...
    • calm down eski, dont be so upset .. its just a clown crying in front of an audience... like a little baby.neverscared
    • its not my fault that the guy is mental unstable to be infront of a crowd.neverscared
    • lol, think about that for a minute...buahaha , is that you eskema crying in the pic now or what ..hehehehneverscared
    • jesus, u might be just one of these evangelics ...neverscared
    • I wouldn't cry because of your lame ass, but I'd probably cry in the same scenario as Mallers.
      Not something a sociopath could understand.
    • ESKEMA better mind your exit from Binance buddy, they just shut down withdrawals in Europe LOLgrafician
    • looks like maller is the sociopath because he is having a mental breakdown on stage... and if u cant own it u better dont do it.neverscared
    • anyway if he manages to do sth reliable it would be good, but i am sure a ponzi sheme is not reliable.. so he knows and is crying.neverscared
    • we will see how deep his social commitment is runnung after bitcoin is worthless in the near future.. if he sets up a non profit , or any other operation toneverscared
    • help the poor his whinning performance on stage will have credit...otherwise he just scaming putting on a lousy shitshow... as i know crypto the shitshow partneverscared
    • is the thing he is up to.neverscared
    • i watched it from the conference, he comes of like a hardcore douche to me but maybe i´am wrong... maybe he should sell his idiotic golden arm chain andneverscared
    • start helping the poor in salvador with some money now.neverscared
    • @neverscared these idiots are fucking scammers, I've posted already about the situation in El Salvador, got downvoted A LOTgrafician
    • @neverscared here you go what I posted:…grafician
    • of course its a scam... the whole cryptocurrency is dumb and scammy... they might even declare it illegal... at least the discussion in a mayor newspaper inneverscared
    • austria today.... they guy talking with such vulgarity and picking his nose, not looking into the audience ...u can deduct the fake from his body language...neverscared
    • its on his downhill trajectory anyhow so its all fine with me...neverscared
    • he sure loves his maga hat too… huahahaneverscared
    • maga boys care so much about el salvador... oh boy what shitshow...poor creatures who believe in this nonsense.neverscared
    • ^yup, world went nuts latelygrafician
    • not much a believer that is more nuts then before... lots of crap going on all the time, and hard to define a generalisation like that..neverscared

    $2 Trillion Investment Firm Takes 12.2% Stake in MicroStrategy…

    No Tether used apparently

    • Maybe they like the business analytics?
      The entire article is speculative af so nothing worth mentioning.
  • neverscared1

    Cryptocurrency trading volumes decreased significantly in June according to data from Cryptocompare, a price and volume tracking organization. Volumes traded diminished by at least 40% month-on-month, with spot and derivatives trading both suffering due to the mining and trading crackdown in China, amongst other factors. The resulting volatility seems to have made many traders lose interest.…

    • only the evangelics are still in ...hehehheneverscared
    • hehe lol at your level of detachment from reality. It must be hard to wake up and being wrong every day.ESKEMA
    • calm down little boy, no need to get personal..neverscared
    • ohh i forgot u are one of the anti-intellectual evangelics...lolneverscared
  • shapesalad-2

    • All indicators are saying: buy now, hold, profit.shapesalad
    • there'll be a little run by the end of this year - but buy hodl, and in 3 years +
    • in 3+ years it close to worthless .... just be calm and wait and see...neverscared
    • Is he or is he not wearing makeup?drgs
    • bitcoin is wearing a lot of make up.... thats why the bros love it so much.neverscared
    • he's not wearing makeupshapesalad
    • Best indicator: https://i5.walmartim…grafician
    • Inflation 15%?! What are these guys smoking?! Here are the inflation rates in most countries:…grafician
    • he's also wearing a bunch of makeup, which in itself is fine if you're actually an actor on some stage, but he's just an youtubergrafician
  • grafician-2

    ^Yeah, try to use indicators on a chart that's 95% flat...and 5% head and shoulders

    But sure, go ahead, use the best indicators the market can offer even when your entire strategy is "buy and hold"

    • you should click on the button labeled Log. You need that when dealing with exponential growthESKEMA
    • and indicators work just fine, they're not bound by your monitor resolutionESKEMA
    • Why? Exponential growth might be relevant to a pandemic context, but why for bitcoin?grafician
    • Also the point was bitcoin has no data. The chart is flat, says right there in the post, ESKEMAgrafician
    • bitcoin growth is exponential because of network effects. I tought you'd know this, pretty basic stuff. The data is there, just wainting for you to press logESKEMA
    • Again that is not relevant, this is just price data BTC to USD. So it had...2-3 moves in 12 years. The most boring asset in history.grafician
    • On the other side, IF you'd consider Bitcoin exponential growth, it's the most dangerous and volatile asset in history.
      The 2008 stock market crash was 20%
    • So again, looking at this regular chart plot, it's still 95% flat and 5% an head & shoulders move in the last few months, in over 12 years.grafician
    • You gotta bring everything down to the basics as you said, this is bitcoin simplified for you, at the end of the day.grafician
    • So you don't need indicators, it only has about 2-3 S&D points, closest one is 30K, the next at about 19K, then into oblivion.grafician
    • Tradingview is fucking littered with idiots trying to over analyse BTC daily on the charts. Useless shit.grafician
    • I have absolutely no problems with bitcoin going down to 10k. I'll be buying regardless. When down more for me.ESKEMA
    • we're not playing the same gameESKEMA
    • only idiots gambling life savings loose. The others play, some win, other manage to keep playing.ESKEMA
    • if you put in play money, You can't ever loose.ESKEMA
    • You'll at least had an experience, an interaction with the markets. You put in what you can afford to loose.ESKEMA
    • Your tiktok arguments make no sense in this forum. we're not your friendsESKEMA
    • looks more eske is running on shitshat arguments.neverscared
    • you're right. I don't know what more to say.ESKEMA
    • He’s got a point guisemonospaced
    • I`am not suprised you suck it up to Maller Maga boy eske, thats dumb from the start.neverscared
  • neverscared2

    After years of studying it, I believe that cryptocurrency is an inherently right-wing, hyper-capitalistic technology built primarily to amplify the wealth of its proponents through a combination of tax avoidance, diminished regulatory oversight and artificially enforced scarcity.

    Despite claims of “decentralization”, the cryptocurrency industry is controlled by a powerful cartel of wealthy figures who, with time, have evolved to incorporate many of the same institutions tied to the existing centralized financial system they supposedly set out to replace.

    and it goes on... good read.. makes sense watching the maller guy with his lousy maga hat…

    • the growing electricity is a design mistake which will make the ponzi sheme crumble faster than the bitcoin douches will thinkneverscared
    • this is in german, but is the best read i can find why its bound to doom ...…neverscared
  • shapesalad-1

    Dollars are like cups, water is value. Fill the cups up. A dollar = full cup of water (value).... now print a load more cups.... you'll have to pour out some value to the newly printed cups...

    Eventually your cups (dollar) are holding less and less value...

    There's an unlimited supply of cups being printed, but only a set amount of value.

    Don't forget the only thing of value you have is your time.

    • Speak for yourself.
      *flexes muscles*

      I got plenteee value.
    • 125 dollar per transaction in bitcoin.. when u get 10.mrd miners to 80 million transactions... this will crash so hard.neverscared
    • This would make sense if their use was categorically exclusive. Bitcoins are just alternative containers, call them mugs, which are now used side by sidedrgs
    • with dollar cups. So now even less water per cup/mug, luckily Bitcoins are just limited edition designer mugs.drgs
    • Well who would want his cup to drop 40-50% value in a few months...oh boy, scary.grafician
    • BTC is like some idiots developers discovered economics and redoing all the mistakes of the financial system since the '30s or whatever.grafician
    • Ponzis, pumps and dumbs, lack of regulation, wild west exchanges, snake-oil sellers (like this idiot <<), fake coins, etc.
      All checked on the list LOL
    • And normal idiots buy into this shit because they have zero financial knowledge, they're stupid with money and so on. Recipe for financial disaster.grafician
    • Still amazed it got so big, for so long, a decade of pumping and dumping is a lot. But I guess Madoff's ponzi lasted for 14 years so you're very close moonboys!grafician
  • neverscared0…

    NEW RELEASE: “The true costs of digital currencies”, noting that “the total Bitcoin carbon footprint exceeds the total GHG emission reductions of electric vehicles (51.9 Mt CO2 in 2020)” and urging for a more comprehensive view in assessing the externalities of cryptocurrencies (June 2021).

    • if it doesnt go up exponnential constant its fucked... the true essence of ponzineverscared
    • i am not in to bitcoin and i think it's daft that we still cant prover carbon emissions but these estimates (hashrate*protocol*a... carbon per twh by country)kingsteven
    • are probably massively off. assuming miners are idiots that run huge rigs and are not sourcing their energy from renewables even though it's cheaper? nokingsteven
    • you could, with the same level of confidence conclude its driving demand for renewables and has potential to harness renewable energy in new locationskingsteven
    • Renewables are already the cheapest! The thing is you can really run a power grid on renewables yet. Bitcoin has nothing to do with driving demand for renewablegrafician
    • So please stop repeating nonsense like that!grafician
    • The planet is beyond fucked...greed is goodutopian
    • graf, read. i'm only saying that this is only as accurate as other estimates that paint btc in good light such as the 73% renewable claimkingsteven
    • not blaming you kingsteven, I just see that line repeated over and over about bitcoin boosting renewables = falsegrafician
    • @ kingsteven - https://arstechnica.…Nairn
    • +…Nairn
    • + the decade-plus of coal-powered mining across China.Nairn
    • Just tax the shit at 101% when it's cashed out.Nairn
    • I might be a bit slow but people are going to have to stop assuming I know their stupid acronyms and jargon before I start to comprehend any of this.CyBrainX
    • i know all that Nairn, the Iranian farms use hydro (under the assumption there will be excess) thats why they're there. i agree with the sentiment, i just thinkkingsteven
    • they are a worst case scenario based on assumptions due to the lack of data, to create public pressure make the industry prove its emissionskingsteven
    • it's really an oversimplification of the problem - i find stories like the zombie natural gas farm far scarier... hopefully thats just US lunacykingsteven
    • bitcoin is really making a difference.. a difference towards toxic shit destroying the enviroment.neverscared
  • sted3

    My bitcoin price prediction for the next 6 months:


  • drgs1…

    In a change of heart, The Black Swan author Nassim Nicholas Taleb now sees no value in holding a bitcoin. The former options trader said the world's largest cryptocurrency by market cap is worth "exactly zero" and does not satisfy notions of it as a currency without government support, as a hedge against inflation and as a safe haven investment.

    "Few assets in financial history have been more fragile than bitcoin," he said in his paper, 'Bitcoin, Currencies, and Fragility,' published in late June.

    Another reason for his stance reversal is that bitcoin requires a sustained amount of interest to maintain it. In contrast, "gold and other precious metals are largely maintenance-free, do not degrade over a historical horizon, and do not require maintenance to refresh their physical properties over time," he said.

    Making a case against its status of being a hedge, Taleb cited the flash crash of March 2020 where bitcoin dropped further than the stock market and recovered with it "upon the massive injection of liquidity." That’s "sufficient evidence that it cannot remotely be used as a tail hedge against systemic risk," he said.

    • Taleb went 180 because of a twitter fight. He's doing it out of spite. Even went on to talk at a Bitcoin SV conference with Craig Wright. He's the fragile one.ESKEMA
    • Captain Obvious...grafician
    • Interestingly tho' he's only speaking about holding, while probably loading shorts in the background...grafician
  • drgs1

    45k in July/August is inevitable


    • of what year? 2024?Krassy
    • i think it will never come back, after that immense crash no one really trust its anymore..and when the exponnential growth failsneverscared
    • it will be further down on its knees and gets his teeth kicked out to never hype up such and idiotic hype for the naive finance investors to get caught up in.neverscared
    • its ponzi after all.neverscared
  • sarahfailin0

    Seems like we're approaching the edge. Will 30K hold for another rally? Or will we crash to 20k?

    "will it go up? or will it go down?"

    • Probably.Nairn
    • It's 30K already today lolgrafician
    • Without influx of Tether and with Binance having problems sucking new capital from retail, BTC is drifting like a failed ship after a storm...grafician
  • Nairn0

    At some point isn't BTC going to reach saturation with the number of secondary and tertiary wealth people willing to gamble on it? At which they'l l have lost their cash and it'll be just the rich cunts who've been inflating it for small % gains holding their dicks.

    • it'll all be over by 2030. until then put your chips on the table and enjoy.shapesalad
    • It'll be over a lot sooner than that, imho. Once the Fed chooses a direction, everything else becomes worthless gambling. No more hype to support it, etc.formed
  • AQUTE0

  • neverscared1

    • they need more bitcoin evangelics otherwise the ponzi is not working...neverscared
    • according to qbn, it's been crashing since $6inteliboy
    • ^ and according to everyone else, it was supposed to be at a million alreadyKrassy
    • price needs to go lower for Apple to accumulate then when they announce crypto support... don't be too late for the moon rocket.shapesalad
    • its only a matter of time till itis at 6$ so we are right in a few years after all.neverscared
    • by everyone else you mean John McAfee? cos the people I listen to are pretty rationale and have been on the money.inteliboy
    • what´s the origin .. from the - to the moon - slogan ? a planet where nuffin lives sounds right for the crypto tech impact on that it ?neverscared
    • @inteliboy who are the people you listen to that have been on the money?Krassy
    • ass up face downsted
    • No one I've heard have been "correct" on either side. Bulls say a million, bears say worth 0. My money is between the two, but a LOT closer to the latter.formed
    • Up and down - always to the right ..._me_
    • Cryptocurrency markets slide as Yellen leads mounting regulatory scrutiny
      US Treasury secretary urges ‘quick’ action to address stablecoin market
    • @formed +1Krassy
    • So, I guess I’m still ok investing in realstate?maquito
    • No. Noes the time to invest in bitcoin. Not at 65kAQUTE
    • > But where is all the crypto money coming from? I see so many millionaires.
      It comes from the giant pile of suckers you don't see. And there are far more of
    • those.neverscared
  • AQUTE4