It's not Jackie Chan
It's not Jackie Chan
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- 12 Responses
- epic_rim0
bizarre. The end was not expected.
- Everything that has a beginning, must have an end.********
- Everything that has a beginning, must have an end.
- drgs0
Future of TV
- Pseuro0
this is amazing
- mcmillions0
did tim and eric just appear online this week? only now is this video popping up on qbn, and on reddit too.
- brains0
Of course, Tim & Eric are geniuses.
- brains0
Of course, Tim & Eric are geniuses.
- ********0
- bigtrick0
this is great.
- stoplying0
I'm not going to pretend I've been a fan of Tim & Eric for a long time, but all the stuff I've seen from them has been so funny...I love it.
- jfletcher0
hahaha, the ending cracked me up.
- dopepope0
This cracked me up, as all T&E does. But why is this clip suddenly popular? It's pretty old.
- 74LEO0
if i was high that sound would cause me to leave my body.