All this TSA crap
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- 84 Responses
- Hombre_Lobo_2
So its clearly fucking ridiculous. I just saw another video (of many) of someone being mistreated by TSA inspectors regarding the mothers breast milk carried in bottles for her baby...oh ffs.
So where are the petitions against this crap?
Have any of you lot actively signed something or said something saying you disagree with this stuff? if so how? (im not telling or encouraging you to, just curious)
Anyone got any information on this / how to have your say on the topic. Im UK btw.
- Hombre_Lobo_20
the vid -
- This is what happens when you give people who are essentially mall security this much power.NONEIS
- mothereffers!! $#%^&!!!sea_sea
- inferiority complex havin mother fkrs********
- wheres this 7 month old they keep talking about?dirtydesign
- herzo0
There were reports of a breast cancer survivor having to remove her prosthetic breast.
And a guy who had a urine bag attached to his stomach being harassed and ended up having to fly in urine soaked clothing.
- georgesIII0
Sir, please take off your shoes.
- matnz0
Yet another example of American douche-baggery.
- this.hargbine
- So whats that say about europe? You still worship a queen and live in pure communism.********
- We are just now experience and its being rejected by AMERICANS! While you accept it.********
- his not european. he living in NZ, if you know where that is. lol.akrokdesign
- Speak in England man!matnz
- i think you have no fucking clue what communism is.pizzafire
- clearly viking does not.
Worship the queen? lol you moron, never been to the uk have u.Hombre_Lobo_2 - Haha the amount of idiocy in this note thread is pure gold Best be off, got queens to worship!aanderton
- dijitaq0
woman wears bikini at tsa check…- BIG FREAKING DEAL! LETS RUN THAT VIDEO CLIP ONE MORE TIME. BREAKING NEWS.akrokdesign
- hawtVectorMasked
- boobs0
Who wants to get on a plane that gets blown up by a fucking nutter?
Or course, soon there will be people who have their bodies rigged to go off when searched...
- akrokdesign0
i feel sorry for her. that was just plain wrong of TSA.
- akrokdesign0
you know what's the worst part. with out terror, they won't have a job.
- ronburgundy0
Where is her baby during all of this? Do women really travel with breast milk without a baby in tow?
Not saying that TSA handled the situation properly - just strikes me as odd.
- the flight is only 1 hour, 20 mins.akrokdesign
- that's what I was wondering - why would she be away from her baby? And with breast milk?formed
- i don't know. work, maybe.akrokdesign
- You guys are all single, right?TheBlueOne
- Actually married with 2 kids.ronburgundy
- She probably pumped during the day while away and didn't want to waste it. Why should she?ETM
- I heard the baby posed a security threat and was placed in one of those lucite boxes of "what not to bring on the plane"bulletfactory
- VectorMasked0
:o( I'm kinda worried about what I will experience this xmas. Have 6 flights booked for this holiday.
- bring no breast milk.akrokdesign
- wear a QBN sticker. works all the time. lol.akrokdesign
- on your foreheadsea_sea
- yes!akrokdesign
- honestIy0
"Another important phone number to have with you is the TSA's Office of Civil Rights at 571-227-1917. It all depends where you are and if the police or TSA agents know the law."
- utopian0
Yup the Terrorists have won!
- Peter0
^ Not just the terrorists. The little man too. What when those pesky 1st class travelers are brought down to an equal level of degradation.
- lol tru that!********
- i thought you were talking about "little man syndrome" some of these TSA guys have********
- That's little cock syndromePeter
- whats wrong with having a little cock. ?
Oh! Yikes I
- lol tru that!