Raw Food Diet

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  • 45 Responses
  • MrT0

    If he was slow-cooked in some well-seasoned veal stock, then he may be a bit more palatable.

  • acescence0

    I eat bacon every day.

  • airey0

    each to his/her own but if i have the option of living longer through a lifestyle i don't enjoy vs. living an average lifespan and enjoy it then i'm going with the later. obviously there's a balance required for a quality of life but fuck me, not everyone is going to want to run 10 miles everyday and then go home to a lovely celery stick.

    on a personal note i've never enjoyed the taste of meat but push on as knowing that something died for my meal makes me feel quite superior. get that kind of ego boost from a fucking larabar.

    • The ironic thing is when health nuts drop dead of a heart attack at 55 getting a paper.ETM
  • PIZZA0

    just buy smaller plates, exercise and eat less FFS, some stupid fad bullshit isn't going to save you.

  • detritus0

    Can't be bothered to go out and find the articles, but there's a weight of evidence from research over the last few decades indciating that our current physical makeup is largely derived by the evolutionary steps weve made to our diet over the past X thousand years.

    Cooking meats and vegetables breaks down much of the complexity in the form of energy and protein bonds &c, enabling greater energy consumption from its raw state.

    This is why, unlike many primates, we don't need to spend entire hours of our day chowing down on twigs and leaves, necessitating bulbous bellies, rather having 2 or three concentrated (in terms of mass) meals.

    This is also the reason why we have an abundance of fat fuckers around - throwbacks maintaining the consta-munch mentality of our primate ancestors, in an age of high density, processed/cooked foods, which deliver energy much better than a handful of weevils or an uncooked tuber could.

    It'd be interesting to see a raw food culture stem off from the rest of humanity for a few tens of decades - see their encroaching horror as they witness their bellies engorge and expand beyond the expectations of their physical ideals.

    • a sedentary lifestyle doesn't help much either.airey
  • airey0

    i'm a fan of billy connoly's diet:

    "eat less, move more".


  • georgesIII0

    I don't get all the negative commenter,
    you don't believe something actually works, just try it for a couple months than you'll be entitled to bitch as much as you want,

  • sighost0

    Usain Bolt won the 100 metres in a world record and his meal before the race?
    Chicken McNuggets!
    = My new diet.

    • Yeah but don't forget he went for a run straight after to burn them off.aanderton
    • IIRC they were homemade chicken nuggets, made by himself.
      he also has bad technique.
  • pillhead0

    Why does that man not Blink, WTF!

  • 2ndcrack0
  • ok_not_ok0

    Lose It! iPhone App works and it's Free.


    • < spawns a rash of crushed iphones as people stand on them to learn their weight.monNom
  • Hombre_Lobo0

    my favourite diet is very simple.

    Cut out all processed foods (which contain crazy amounts of bizarre chemicals)
    Exercise daily.
    Eat lots of fruit and veg.
    Treat yourself healthily! (eat things to satisfy your sweet tooth, just make sure its natural eg home made cakes! :D)

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Also a note about eating fruit - I overheard a conversation taking place on a check out.

    The lady working at the counter commented on how much fruit and veg the gentleman had in his basket, he said "oh i love the stuff, its great for ya, guess how old i am?", she replied " maybe 35??"

    He laughed and told her he was 68 and said he had been on this diet since he was 30. And he did indeed look like he was in his thirties, i would have said late thirties. Good stuff!

  • vaxorcist0

    cutting out the processed crap is the main idea.....

    I still can't believe both my grandfathers lived till 88..... one ate fatty foods constantly and drank beer all the time, the other had a heart attack at 59, then "shaped up" and ate according to his doctor till he hit 70, then he decided to eat whatever he wanted and lived till 88 anyway....

    hopefully it's mostly genetic... but again, neither of them ate much processed crap, they did eat lots of steaks and veggies though....

    • mine too, ate lard all his life, smoked, lived to 92. The other is 92 and still has all his own, dark hair and is very active.mikotondria3
  • Hombre_Lobo0


    my gf's granddad ate a fried breakfast everyday, eggs, beans, bacon, sausages (the usual). A very fatty, high cholesterol meal, but all natural. He ate this everyday until he was 94.

    I would say also that in those days of grand parents there were less processed foods available.

    • yes... baby boomers may be first generation to NOT outlive their parents...vaxorcist
    • "..beans". Yes. Breakfast of champions. Every food should have "and beans" after it.mikotondria3
  • whatsup0

    cigarettes are always fat free.

    • and they make you thingeorgesIII
    • Yup, the cancer tends to thin you out a bit.ETM
  • dMullins0

    Here are my notes from when I tried the pH Miracle Diet, and then a Raw Food. It's a doozy of a list, sorry for the wall of text. May be helpful though to the OP:

    • Safe List (Vegetables)
    Carrots (*high sugar vegetable)
    Squash (zucchini, summer)
    Green Beans
    Greens of all types (kale, lettuce, spinach, chard)
    Red, Yellow, Green Peppers
    Sprouted Grains, Beans, Seeds
    Water Chestnut

    • 20% List
    Legumes (chickpeas, lentil, lima beans, navy beans, red beans)
    Fish (*1-2 times per month, maximum)
    Tofu (*2-3 times per week, maximum)

    • Fruits

    • Raw Nuts/Seeds
    (if raw and fresh, cover with water and soak before eating, changing the water daily for a maximum of two days)
    Pumpkin Seed
    Sesame Seed
    Sunflower Seed
    Macadamia Nuts

    • Cooking Fluids
    "Cold-pressed" oils only
    Almond Milk
    Sunflower Oil
    Olive Oil (Extra-virgin)
    Distilled Water

    • Herbs/Spices/Seasoning (always use fresh herbs to avoid mold)
    Spice Hunter (brand-name)
    Udo's Oil

    • Grains
    Brown Rice

    • What To Drink
    Teas: red clover, chaparral, pau d'arco, Essiac (brand-name), raspberry leaf.

    • Eating Habits
    Squeeze fresh grapefruit, lemon or lime juice in 8-oz. of water before bed-time.
    Do not take in lemon or lime 30 minutes before eating.
    Do not take in lemon or lime 15 minutes after eating.
    When eating animal protein (fish) do not drink water .5 hours before eating, and 1 hour after.
    When eating a full vegetarian meal, you can drink water along with it.
    Mix no more than four foods, and two types of foods at each meal.
    Low-sugar, high-water vegetables combine with everything.
    Eat starches with vegetables or low-sugar fruits.
    Eat animal protein (fish) with vegetables or low-sugar fruits.
    Avocado can mix with anything—avocado on spelt bread, avocado and tomato slices with lemon juice on jasmine rice.

    • What To Avoid
    Sugars (white, brown, corn, cane, syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses, sucrose, fructose, maltose, sorbitol)
    Simple Carbs (white flour, white rice, corn, potato)
    Fruits (pineapple, banana, honeydew, cherry, mango, apple, orange, strawberry, watermelon)
    Salt (particularly in boxed, bottle, bagged, frozen, and canned foods)
    Meat & Eggs
    Stored Grains (boxed cereal, etc.—essentially just buy fresh bulk grains and ask for its harvest/delivery date)
    Yeast (beer, wine, bread, baked goods)
    Fermented/Malted Products (vinegar, mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, mayo, salad dressings, chili sauce, horseradish, miso, tempeh)
    Caffeine (coffee, chocolate, tea, soda)
    Microwaved Food
    Artificial Sweeteners

    • Water Schedule
    1 liter of water when waking up with pH Drops—add fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice if preferred.
    1.5 liters of water between breakfast and lunch, with 1.5 tsp. of green powder, and 24 pH Drops.
    1.5 liters of water between lunch and dinner, with 1.5 tsp. of green powder, and 24 pH Drops.
    Water as desired between dinner and bed, with lemon/lime juice and 8 pH Drops.

    • Cleansing
    Start with a 2-day to 7-day cleanse, and then cleanse one day per month (24-hours) for solid food relief.
    Drink 4 liters of water per days with pH Drops and fresh-squeezed lemon/lime juice.
    May drink as part of or in addition to the water, six to twelves 8-oz. glasses of green drink or fresh, green vegetable juice.
    Green vegetable juice recipe: 1/4 tsp. green powder per 8-oz. water, plus 4x pH Drops.
    Alternately, take green powder in capsule form with each 8-0z. water.

    • Cleansing Schedule
    7am—1 liter of water with Drops.
    7:30am—Colloidal supplements.
    8am—Green drink with capsule supplements.
    9am - Noon—1.5 liters of water with green drink mix and pH Drops.
    12:30—Colloidal supplements.
    1pm—Raw soup and green drink with capsule supplements.
    2pm - 5pm—1.5 liters of water with green drink mix and pH Drops.
    5:30pm—Colloidal supplements.
    6pm—Raw soup and green drink with capsule supplements.
    7pm - 9pm—Pure water with pH Drops and fresh-squeezed lemon/lime juice.

    • Favorite Recipes
    Zippy Breakfast (pg. 277)
    Popeye Soup (pg. 229)
    Super Tortillas (pg. 255)
    Lentil Salad (pg. 212)
    Three-Bean Salad (pg. 214)
    Soy Cucumber Dressing (pg. 220)
    Spicy Asian Dressing (pg. 221)
    Curried Carrot Almond Dressing (pg. 222)
    Tahini Dressing/Dip (pg. 222)
    Wowie Zowie Dressing (pg. 223)
    Sauteed Edamame Vegetable Soup (pg. 228)
    Blackened Herbed Fillets (pg. 242)
    Tofu Salad Topper (pg. 243)
    Tofu Patties (pg. 243)
    Curried Squash Dahl (pg. 248)
    Tofu Mock Meatballs (pg. 257)
    Roasted Pepper Macadamia Sauce (pg. 258)
    Cajun-Style Red Beans and Brown Rice (pg. 259)
    Autumn Curry Crepes with Curried Vegetable Filling (pgs. 261-264)
    Vegetable Stir Fry (pg. 264)
    Tortilla Pockets (pg. 267)
    Nutty Mock Meatloaf (pg. 270)
    Alex's Favorite Pasta (pg. 271)
    Pasta w/ Creamy Pesto Sauce (pg. 271)
    Green Chili Tofu Pita (pg. 278)
    Mexicali Rice (pg. 279)
    Wild Yam Soba Noodles w/ Kale and Spicy Pine Nuts (pg. 281)
    Shelley Beans (pg. 284)
    Refried Beans (pg. 287)
    Avocado/Tomato Snack (pg. 289)
    Lime Ginger Sauce (pg. 290)
    Spring's Pesto (pg. 291)
    Italian Tomato Sauce (pg. 293)
    Herb Oil (pg. 297)
    Guacamole (pg. 299)
    Mock Mayo (pg. 294)
    Great Olé Guacamole (pg. 302)
    Zippy Cilantro Dip (pg. 303)
    Green Mayo (pg. 306)
    Yummus Hummus (pg. 307)
    Veggie Crunch Stix and Crackers (pg. 316-318)
    ---I can hook you up with any of these recipes if any sound good to you.

    • Foods To Keep Around:
    A large salad (lasts 2-3 days)
    Soaked almonds
    Hummus/pesto for dipping veggies/tortillas
    Frozen, frozen ginger root in the freezer

    • Equipment
    Vita-Mix 5200 Mixer—$380

    Zojirushi Rice Maker—$129

    Saladacco Slicer—$40

    Empty Mason Jars—$20
    For storing pre-made pasta/pesto sauces, hummus, etc.

    • First Shopping List
    Spices: garlic powder, onion flakes, cumin, basil, cilantro, cayenne pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, curry, parsley, Spice Hunter spices (ZIP, international blends).

    Seeds: sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flax, raw tahini.

    Nuts: almonds, pine nuts, macadamia, hazelnuts and seasonal nuts (pecans, walnuts).

    Grains: spelt flour, whole wheat flour, buckwheat, quinoa, brown basmati rice, soba noodles, sprouted wheat tortillas, LaVosch crackers (yeast-free, tofu crackers).

    Beans: frozen edamame beans, lentils, black beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, kidney beans, lots of hummus.

    Tortillas: have plenty on-hand at all times.

    Liquids: Udo's Oil, coconut milk, distilled water.

    Other: fresh vegetables, sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil, roasted bell peppers in olive oil, and no-yeast vegetable broth, fresh salsa (no vinegar!), recipes!

    • I think there's no valid science behind this. No water .5 hr before eating fish ? Lots of snake oil though, i reckon.mikotondria3
    • always stand on left foot while eating tortillas.... works for me!vaxorcist
    • fucking lolairey
    • Hahaha, if you think any of this is medically recommend, GTFO of this thread completely. This is just what *I* did.dMullins
    • Fuckin trollish re-re's.dMullins
    • nice.Point5
    • I commend your effort but this is fucking hilariousset
    • There's really no effort. This was created like two years ago when I tried this bullshit "diet"dMullins
    • avoid mushrooms?scarabin
  • section_0140

    This thread makes me want sushi

  • nthkl0

    +1. I'm hungry and that pic of salmon makes me insane right now.

    I think it's about portions. Smaller meal portions in combo with working out more. Lost about 75 pounds over the last 5 years. I tried going raw for a few weeks but my body couldn't take it. Was constantly nauseous. So I mix, raw along with cooked vegetable soups and minimal protein/carbs. Been working so far.

    And minimal diet soda of course. I have about 1 a week. Can't resist it.

  • set0

    The idea of the human diet always interests me but I really think its all a lot simpler than most people make out. If we really needed such refined, intricate and specific diets we as a species wouldn't still be around. Humans have lived in different areas of the earth and eaten what is available to them since the beginning of time. As long as you eat what is generally considered an ok diet, as long as you move your ass of the sofa and breathe some fresh air you'll be fine, fuck it.