Lense recommendations?
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- 16 Responses
- duckseason
I'm looking to pick up either a 28mm or 35mm fixed lense for my canon 40d; however, I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations for specific lenses other than those made by canon.
- forcetwelve0
i have a 17–40 L which covers off all of those for you. it's a fantastic lens.
- ok_not_ok0
28mm is 45mm on a 40D (1.6 crop factor). Check out the EF 20mm 2.8
or if you have deep pockets go for the Zeiss EF 21mm
- Something tells me he had the crop ratio factored in already...
raf - <What raf said, but I'll take anything you can throw at me.duckseason
- Something tells me he had the crop ratio factored in already...
- duckseason0
Any lense suggestions from companies other than Canon? (That won't involve me selling a kidney to afford - think value, if possible)
- bengerman0
Maybe try the Sigma 30mm 1.4. Some love it, some hate it. Goes for $439 on Amazon.
- version30
- $ 120,000.00version3
- haha. nuuuuuuuuuuuts!akrokdesign
- i already have two of thoseduckseason
- Compensating for something eh?kalkal
- yeah, distance from the subject.version3
- slappy0
What are you planning to do use this lens for?
- slappy0
For portraits try the 135mm f2 L... WANT
On a serious note, portraits are good with longer focal lengths.
If you just feel like buying a nice lens that can do a few things the canon 100mm macro or canon 60mm macro are brilliant for the close up stuff, being a true 1:1 magnification macro and also sharp as a tack for portraits etc.
- I don't know if that makes sense, I'm heavily inebriated.slappy
- ********0
Get the Sigma 50mm 1.4. Think its great on a 1.6x crop sensor. I filmed the following video using my 7d and the sigma.
- That video is the best thing I've seen in a while. So cute!elahon
- raf0
So, they guy asks for info on fixed focus lenses 28mm or 35mm. Suggestions he gets:
17–40mm L (zoom, not fixed focus)
20mm f/2.8
1200mm f/5.6L
50mm f/1.4 or f/1.2 L
135mm f/2 L
Sigma 50mm 1.4Only one person suggested something within the range:
Sigma 30mm f/1.4
Are you people even awake when writing this?
- duckseason0
I have a 50mm already, just looking for something a bit wider
- Sell 40D, buy an used 5D. For a reasonable price, your 50mm will become 50mm :)raf
- hmmmmm....duckseason
- anthonyzinonos0
go for a 28mm sigma....
i've got a few sigma lenses and have not been disappointed.
- ********0
Canon 17-55m 2.8. It's L glass , without the $$$. You won't be disapointed.
- I remember initially considering this lens when I first picked up my camera.duckseason
- Then I figured if I were to drop upwards of $1k, I might as well go for the 24-70.duckseason
- I went through the same thing. Found a used one for $675 on craigslist. My L $ is going towards the 70-200.********
- It's not an L lens, it isn't sealed and is known to collect dust.
Great glass otherwise.raf - True, that's the only reason it's not a L, the contruction. But it is L glass********
- dibec0
arm & leg ...
Canon EF 35mm f/1.4 L USM Lens - Just a really fun "fast" lens.
Canon EF 24mm f/1.4 L II USM Lens - The II is exceptional.leg ...
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L II USM Lens - Great wide angle zoom lens. not a prime, but can be a savior if you need an extra push.under 5 ...
Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM Lens
Canon EF 24mm f/2.8 Lensconsider ...
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Lens
- vaxorcist0
Canon 28 2.8 is sharp but buzzy AF
Canon 28 1.8 has great USM AF, slightly unsharp in corners at F1.8
Canon 35 2.0 has buzzy AF, but sharp and ok bokeh
Sigma 30 1.8 I haven't used, I hear of sample variationCanon 24 2.8 is an unsung hero.. slightly buzzy AF, but very nice colors and internal-focus, also less barrel distortion than 24-70 2.8 at 24mm
Using fast prime, non-zoom lenses lets you shoot in lower light, but it forces you to think differently, and I think it's improved my vision alot....(maybe not true for everyone, but....)
- duckseason0
Many thanks everyone.
I've got some homework to do.