Weird Neighbors?

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  • ESPtype0

    there is an old guy that follows me every time i walk my dog cause he thinks i dont pick up the dog shit.

    one time he started screaming at me in greek cause someone else had left a poo in front of his house and he thought it was my dogs...

    i hate old euros

  • morilla0

    an old neighbor next door ( in an apartment) blew his head off with a shotgun. Kept to himself. I awoke at 4pm ( I managed a bar back in the day) to the cops banging on my door while I was enjoying my morning spliff. I didn't hear a thing.

  • AlwaysSunny0

    Lived downstairs from this old hippy couple years ago. The lady would tell me about her circle of rocks in the garden and how they speak to her and tell her to do things.

    One night at a bar, the adult son who lived with them told my wife that he often masturbated to the sounds of us doing our thing.
    We moved out soon after that.

  • designbot0

    My wife ( girlfriend at the time) used to live in these shady apartments in the downtown area. All her neighbors were super sketchy, and there was this old hippie that moved in next store to her. Dude would get completely waisted (I'm guessing a combo of tons alcohol & LCD/PCP maybe?) and one day he walked out onto his front steps buck naked and sat their and smoked a cigarette. He was probably out there for a good 3-4 minutes, then when he was done he casually strolled back into his apartment. wtf!!

    • OH MY GOD! THE HUMAN BODY! WTF! OMG! OMG! fuck off...iCanHazQBN
  • toochie0

    Don't even get me started...I have had a zillion weird neighbors.
    I live 1 block from the beach in SoCal. They are all crazy (including me).

    "Bird Man" takes the cake.
    His place is 350 sq. ft. and it contains 8 Cockatails & 4 Cats. You know, the large white birds that squawk & talk.
    One is named Puffy b/c it loves to smoke weed. He blows it into the birds beak. They are so loud and disgusting in his small house.

    One of his cats walked in my back door (I left it open while I was in the yard) and freaked when it saw me come back in the pissed everywhere! It took months to get the stink out. ugh.

    This guy was constantly fighting with his domestic abuse style, smashing stuff and screaming at 3am. I could hear her "I hate you, take back your ring!"

    As it turns out, he was a huge coke dealer. His fiancee got hooked and left him in order to sober up. He went into a depression doing tons of coke and drinking like crazy. He got a DUI after drinking a bottle of congiac. He was very proud of it and glad to tell me.
    Then stopped paying rent for a few months until eviction came around.

    Thank God he is gone.

  • acescence0

    i have a feeling we're the weird neighbors

  • exador10

    old neighbours on either side of our house...grandparent age on one side and the other...both of em hate each other... makes living between them kind of rough....
    also, because they got time, their lawns at places look incredible at all times, regardless of the season...which is also brutal when you live between them, since you don't your place to look like the shitty house by comparison...
    the old man on one side is psychotic when it comes to trees...god forbid if one fucking leaf lands on his yard....he'll wait til you go away for a weekend, then when you come back you'll find he's chopped half your fucking tree down (anything that even remotely extends over his yard (or that he perceives to) fucking guy....

    on the other side, they're pretty ok, other than that the old lady is a compulsive liar/stretcher of the truth....can be a sweet old lady most of the time, but can't resist either gossiping or telling us outlandish stories that have no basis in reality....her husband is pretty cool tho...
    could have it worse i suppose....

  • rylamar0

    At my old place the neighbors across the street were total packrats and super sketchy. They have multiple POS trucks that they drive around and pick up anything people put out for the trash so they can resell it. I put old furniture out front once and walked inside, took a piss, grabbed a beer from the fridge, looked outside and they already took everything they could. LOL! Their front garage has so many washers/dryers and the side of the house looks like they stole every bicycle and bouncy ball from every school within a 10 mile radius.

    This is all well kept family homes except for them. My next door neighbor said they used to sell meth there and some of the family got busted awhile back when their lab caught on fire in the back. Haha!

    One day I come home and see some guy in a total 80's molestor van actually going through their shit for once. I get outta my car to look over at him and notice that he has a fuckin parrot hanging off the back of his shirt. The thing was pretty big and had like a 3 ft tail on it. I was so excited but couldn't find my camera.

    • hahaha sounds like some of my old neighborssublocked
  • Tungsten0

    Lived next door to a sketchy grow op in an old loft building. One day the pipes burst on thier hydroponic system and the landlord called the cops. Nobody was living in the unit so the cops had to stake the place out for a week waiting for the owners came back to check on the plants. Having a bunch of undercover cops standing out front of your door can put a real damper on your weekend.

    • I'm sure the cops smoked every bud they could salvage!boobs
  • airey0

    mr100 used to live a few doors up from a swingers party house. from the description of the fat and ugly that sauntered past on weekend nights i'm erased that idea from the fantasy bank.

  • nadanada0

    my neighbor somehow got my cell number and started sending me pictures of his ass.

    and he also thought it was funny to shove low-budget porn dvds under my door.

    my building is fucked up.

    • i like his work. and nobody's buying that the porn 'aint yours.airey
  • boobs0

    Well, you gotta post those pictures! This thread deserves some jpegs!

  • sublocked0

    my current neighbors are of the tweaker / packrat variety. one day i looked outside my office window to see one of those sumo suits hanging up on their porch. i have no idea why.

    their porch always has a crack collection of random objects. today i looked out and it was old beat up keyboards, a bird cage, and some hard hats.

  • dog_opus0

    My neighbors are all drunks, loons, potheads, and pervs, and I'm in the suburbs. My only cool neighbors are a cop and his family who live behind me. One guy calls me up at, like, 10:00 on a weeknight asking for a ride to go trade in his empties. Another guy, in his fifties, got fired from a fast food joint for sexually harassing teenage girls. The elderly guy right next to me was exposing himself to women through his living room window (until my cop neighbor told him to knock it off). It's a nuthouse in this neighborhood, but I still love living here (I just avoid these cretins and miscreants).

  • Seanbot0

    I live in a old-loft building next to the head of the area independence party who is a whack job. I think he goes to work pretty late in the evening because he blasts NIN for 15 minutes and then rushes out the door to his truck and won't return until the next morning. Maybe he is scoring meth for the local Teamsters.

    My other neighbor is some twat lawyer who, when we first met was high-as-a-kite in the elevator with his girlfriend who had likely just done a line of China-white in his '91 Mazda that leaks oil all over the parking garage.

    • Mind you, I live in the least expensive place in here... wtfSeanbot
  • ItalianStallion0

    This is going on from 10 years...
    "If you park your car here, I can't get out with my car..."
    Obviously can get out easily.
    Obviously he has not a car.

  • modern0

    At uni me and my friends were in a house with a few free rooms and the landlord moved this cunt in with us…

    One time at about 1pm on a wednesday when I was doing the dishes he asked me if I knew where the red light district was (This is in Stoke on Trent) he found it eventually judging from the girls coming out of our bathroom in the morning.

    Also had his car set up under a fake company so he would park it on double yellow lines right outside the house rather than just around the corner, got a parking ticket every day and didn't pay any of them.

    Said he was gonna move to Japan because "Girls pay you to piss on them over there"

    On his first day at university we locked him into the house by accident because the moron kept his house keys in his car for some dumb reason, he had to climb out of the top window in the lounge (shocked the entire pane didn't smash, only a thin bit of wood was supporting his massive girth). Ripped his trousers on the way out and turned up late anyway.
    We came home and found a massive pile of chairs in the lounge and the open window and thought we'd been robbed, fucking bellend.