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- 38 Responses
- botbot0
I think the idea wasnt presented as something new. The designer just did it. Infact, no idea is new now. It's all been done, isn't it.
- rabattski0
I like it. It's not a trend. Not yet but maybe a precursor of one.
- botbot0
Also, dont forget: http://www.vier5.de/
- CphGD0
If it ain't broke, why fix it?
- neue75_bold0
it's a reaction to trends, albeit still alongside the trend [or approach] of non-design... I'd say it's also a very personal decision of Mike Meiré to move away from the very polished, clean work he's known for... so in essence, it seems to be more about him than the magazine or it's content...
- IMO i wouldn't call non-design a trend since design isn't a trend either.rabattski
- hmm, semantics, 'non-design' isn't, you're right, but I think you know what I meanneue75_bold
- Yeah ofcourse.rabattski
- Anders0
That may be the biggest problem of the redesign; the focus is on Meiré rather than the magazine/content.
Stretching type means that you're either ignorant or a mad visionary
on a mission. If it's about trends, I'm sure he's aware that he is the creator of one and I'm sure he's also amused by both his followers and critics.At the same time, it's got the charisma of a very drunk person, spilling whiskey and dancing on the table a the beginning of the evening. You kind of want to do the same thing, but..
- neue75_bold0
well, it'll be moderately interesting to see how this continues to roll out... I guess I look at something like Lodown mag and find that more 'exciting' and 'haphazard'..
- jysta0
I love the positioning of the 032c and the black box!
I hate everything else! It all looks like a mistake.
Small images on magazine covers is just wrong in my opinion.
Industrial and German, YES, Contemporary culture, NO
- jysta0
'Grid systems in graphic design' - Josef Muller-Brockmann, while dropping serious amounts of acid????
- hellothisisroland0
I've followed what Mike Meiré was doing for a few years now and his work is ace. If you actually have a copy of 032c it's hard to deny that this doesn't have some charm and more important character.
- Anders0
Interesting article here:
Do you make things look nice? Do you spend more time worrying about nuance and aesthetics than substance and meaning? Do you fiddle with style while ignoring the big picture? If your answers are yes, yes, or yes, then you are a decorator.
http://www.designobserver.com/ar…- yes, I'm a decorator, but so is he.********
- I haven't slept or showered in 3 days, I'm misspelling whisky and dancing on the taboo...neue75_bold
- yes, I'm a decorator, but so is he.
- jaylarson0
Ugly is in?
- ********0
stretched type, do not like
- irony, sick of********
- edge, mindless pursuit of********
- [sic]neue75_bold
- irony, sick of
- Jaline0
If the black box/shape and everything within it was removed, the design would be decent.
- ********0
it's ok. picture is cleverly off balance like a new paradigma. And that is just what I don't get. I just don't get what "contemporary" means anymore... is it just newness for the sake of it? Artists just look for new ways for putting shit in a clever way?
How clever is that, it is the question?
- Llyod0
looks like it was done by a blind man
- minimalista0
DesignObserver wrote about this and the designer responded:
- ********0
i guess that's a fuck-trend cover. I like the idea. But that is not the aim of artistic exploit is it. shouldn't they be worried about... wait... there's nothing left to worry about.