that's our bush
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- 153 Responses
- CyBrain0
Sure is.
Where's that sniper I ordered?
- ********0
typical bu$h
you see... he is not that bad... thats so you see that he doesn't care about any race color or ethnicity. He doesn't care about killing innocent kids in other countries AND he's on... not killing maybe but you know what i mean
you see... he is not that bad... thats so you see that he doesn't care about any race color or ethnicity. He doesn't care about killing innocent kids in other countries AND he's own... not killing maybe but you know what i mean
(Oct 3 07, 12:26)
- version30
†¥pi¢a£ bu$h
(Oct 3 07, 12:24)
- ********0
†¥pi¢a£ bu$h¡+
(Oct 3 07, 12:24)
- Mimio0
Nice work. This is a democracy right? So when the House and Senate pass something with strong majorities the right thing to do is...?
That's right, side with private interests like a capitalist stooge.
- grunttt0
//keep up the good work
- mrdobolina0
anyone been following the blackwater hearings? they are recruiting people from pinochet's and milosevic's regime...
It is like the latin american death squads x 80,000.
Months and years back I was called a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist for saying that many of these crazy things were happening in this country's name. Now, I can't think of one thing that I said that hasn't been proven to be true.
- TheBlueOne0
Scary to say so Dobs, it's a pretty exclusive pool when you talk about running paramilitaries and such. People overlap. And as much as I fear the privitization of military functions in the US and love to get all tin-foil hatted about it over my evenings tumbler of Johnny Walker, I think this puts it in perspective:
- zombiewoof0
Don't know if any of you caught this, where a 12 year old gave the morning Democratic response to Bush a few days ago on this topic...…
The boy, Graeme, is a close family freind. His mom and I went to high school together and he is lucky to be alive today cause of this program. I actually cried watching him speak, knowing the difficulty he went through for years after his accident. Shit his mom almost lost 3 kids that day, and the medical bills bankrupted the family. Fundraisers can only cough up so much money.thanks bush, you will get yours in time...karma can be an unkind mistress...
- zombiewoof0
here is the text of his speech...…
- mrdobolina0
//the democrats are just as bad as the republicans...
- tommyo0
It's not our governments job to take care of us. It's our governments job to protect us. Why aren't you all screaming about illegal immigration which IS driving health prices up. Why aren't you screaming about litigious lawsuits that ARE driving up prices. Scream about those why don't you. Those are some of the problems. Not providing money to stay off the effects of these problems, thats not my idea of responsible government. In fact the sheer size of government and their waste means that we get taxed more, making it harder and harder to provide for our families...and the solution is to what, make more government? Sure, lets just start a new social program, lets just tax this one little thing...until the next little thing comes along...before I die we'll be forking over 70% of our income. Then you'll see some sick kids.
It's like when you have a boat, it has a shit load of holes in it and the materials to fix it are a 20 ft swim...the solution is to paddle faster and get more water out of the boat? Doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.
- Well for one, tobacco companies are contributing to poor health which causes more people to be in hospitals causing prices to go upJKilla77
- causing prices to go up. So by taxing them and using that money for free health care seems to be a no brainerJKilla77
- As for illegal immigration it's actually keeping allot of costs down because they will work for next to nothing.JKilla77
- ********0
Best President ever //
- tommyo0
I don't disagree with you, and I know what the // is for.
I can't wait for him to pull his UHaul up to the white house.
- ********0
Bush is the bomb you liberial art weenies
- ********0
Has nothing to do with being a liberal or a conservative.
It has to do with having a brain and using it.