Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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  • Llyod0

    it's still pretty funny that we're going to bomb the hell out of them

  • Nairn0

    Why don't you troll somewhere else, Llyod?

  • ethered0

    does the us even have the firepower left? Im sure Amahead wouldnt like to know....

    GI JOoooooeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

  • Mimio0

    According to Petraeus we're already in a proxy-war with Iran. The Bush administration was hoping that invading Iraq would get all these other "rogue" nations to fall in line. It actually worked with Libya.

  • TheBlueOne0

    does the us even have the firepower left? Im sure Amahead wouldnt like to know....

    GI JOoooooeeeeeeeeeee!! !!!!!!!
    (Sep 24 07, 09:31)

    For an air war? Absolutely..we could drop bombs for a few weeks or so. Which is what the plan is anyway. We don't need to have a ground war in Iran. Remember - the Bushies have created enemies in the Army & Marines, but the Air Force, oh god they love the Bushman. Also the Bushies have been secretly putting Christian evangelicals all over the place in the air force officer corp...they whet their chops dreaming of going all nuklear on the a-rabs and bring back Jesus. And I'm not joking about that.…

    Of course, Iran will just call in it's cards with the Shia's in Iraq and cause a totally Tet moment in Iraq for our guys...and bus bombs will be going off everywhere in Israel and probably the UK and NYC...

  • ethered0

    and knowing is half the battle......GGGIII JOOOOEEEEEE

    tata tata ta TAAAAA!

  • robotron3k0

    yeah, agree Blue One... as well, anyone hoping to bomb Iran better be ready to be drafted, cause our measly military of 200,000 ain't gonna cut it over there - 8 million fought in WWII...

  • Llyod0

    Why don't you troll somewhere else, Llyod?
    (Sep 24 07, 09:31)

    I'm not trolling.

  • morilla0

    "Some say the end is near.
    Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
    I certainly hope we will.
    I sure could use a vacation from this"

  • TheBlueOne0

    The thing with wars is the same thing when you cheat on your spouse - once you start that shit you have absolutely no control of what happens next. No such thing as a clean, easy war...

  • ethered0

    this will all be settled by the time we get to the next aquarius sign.

  • Nairn0

    Luke 6: 27-36

    27 "But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you

    28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

    29 If anyone hits you on the cheek, offer the other also. And if anyone takes away your coat, don't hold back your shirt either.

    30 Give to everyone who asks from you, and from one who takes away your things, don't ask for them back.

    31 Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them.

    32 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.

    33 If you do [what is] good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that.

    34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to be repaid in full.

    35 But love your enemies, do [what is] good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is gracious to the ungrateful and evil.

    36 Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.

  • ethered0

    just do it. nike.
    im loving it. mcdonalds.
    play beyond. ps3.
    3 strikes your out. california.

  • TheBlueOne0

    Full Spectrum Imperial Domination FTW

  • JackRyan0

    I've been sending that guy all my free porn lately...hopefully it will loosen him up a bit.

  • TheBlueOne0

    Besides we gotta try this shit out somewhere...why not Iran?…

  • ethered0

    * Read
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    NEW YORK (CNN) -- Columbia University President Lee Bollinger excoriated Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday, going through a long list of documented actions and remarks by the firebrand Iranian leader and his government.

    Protesters gather at Columbia University against plans for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak.
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    "Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," Bollinger said to applause from many of the 600 people in the room for a speech from the Iranian leader.

    He cited the Iranian government's "brutal crackdown" on dissidents, public executions, executions of minors and other actions.

    And Bollinger assailed Ahmadinejad's "denying" of the Holocaust as "ridiculous" and "dangerous propaganda." He called the Iranian leader either brazenly provocative "or astonishingly uneducated."

    "The truth is that the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history," he said.

    He said he doubted Ahmadinejad would show the intellectual courage to answer the questions before him.

    Ahmadinejad responded quickly.

    "We don't think it's necessary before the speech is given to come in with some series of claims," the Iranian leader said.

    He said Bollinger's comments included "insults" and false claims, and flew in the face of an environment that's supposed to let people speak their minds.

    On the Holocaust, Ahmadinejad asked why history can't be questioned and further researched.

    "If the Holocaust is a reality of our time, a history that occurred, why is there not sufficient research that can approach the topic from different perspectives?" he asked.

    While he would not respond with a "yes" or "no" when asked if he sought the destruction of Israel, he said the status of Israel should be determined by a free election.

    "Let the people of Palestine freely choose what they want for their future," he said.

    Earlier Monday, in a question-and-answer video conference with the National Press Club, Ahmadinejad said the Middle East can govern itself without interference from the United States and other Western nations.

    Speaking from New York to the luncheon in Washington, Ahmadinejad said Iran wanted to see "an independent powerful Iraq ... which will benefit the entire region."

    "We are two nations interconnected," he said of Iran and Iraq. "We are brothers and friends."
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    But he said the region could didn't need U.S. help.

    "We oppose the way the U.S. government tries to manage the world. ... We propose more humane methods of establishing peace," he said during a question and answer session with the press club.

    He also said all the world's religions have the same common ground, "justice and friendship."

    The views of all religions must be respected and "we must all move hand in hand," Ahmadinejad said.

    Earlier in an interview with The Associated Press, Ahmadinejad said he didn't think the United States was preparing for war against Iran.

    "I believe that some of the talk in this regard arises first of all from anger. Secondly, it serves the electoral purposes domestically in this country. Third, it serves as a cover for policy failures over Iraq," he told the AP.

    The Iranian president said his country would not attack Israel.

    "Iran will not attack any country," the AP quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.

    Despite an outcry against Ahmadinejad that included New York tabloid headlines such as "The Evil Has Landed," John Coatsworth, acting dean of Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs, said it is important for Americans to hear from the Iranian leader.

    "Iran is going to ... hold the key to peace in the Middle East. We have to deal with and negotiate with leaders like this however much we may disagree with their views," Coatsworth said on CNN's "American Morning."

    As a world leader, Ahmadinejad "has a platform wherever he wishes to have one. What he doesn't have is a classroom, an opportunity to present his but defend them in the face of challenges and tough questions," Coatsworth said. Video Watch how the university has been criticized for the visit »

    Christine C. Quinn, speaker of the New York City Council, said Columbia should not be giving Ahmadinejad a platform. "All he will do on that stage ... is spew more hatred and more venom out there to the world," Quinn said.

    Hamid Dabasi, a professor of Iranian studies at Columbia, called the whole forum "misguided."

    Matteen Mokalla, a Columbia student of Iranian descent, said, "This is a great opportunity for us to directly question him and ask him and challenge him."

    But Liat Shetret, an Israeli-American student, noted that students will not "directly" question Ahmadinejad. Instead, she said, students are only allowed to write their questions on cards, which others then will select to be read to him. "We're not necessarily engaging him in any sort of discussion," she said.

    Ahmadinejad took questions after giving his speech at Columbia.

    The Iranian leader has made statements suggesting that Israel be politically "wiped off the map," though he insists that can be accomplished without violence. He has questioned the existence of the Holocaust and warned Europeans that they may pay a heavy price for support of Israel.

    Ahmadinejad also has drawn fire for his insistence that Iran will defy international demands that it halt production of enriched uranium. Iran insists it is producing nuclear fuel for civilian power plants, but Washington accuses Tehran of trying to create a nuclear weapons program.

    Also, the United States says Iranian explosives and weapons are making their way to Shiite Muslim militias in Iraq's sectarian conflict and have been used against U.S. troops in the 4-year-old war. U.S. commanders say they have captured Iranian agents involved in supplying those weapons to the militias, some of which have longstanding ties to the Islamic republic.

    In an interview broadcast Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes," Ahmadinejad denied U.S. accusations that Iranian weapons are being used against American troops in Iraq, saying, "Insecurity in Iraq is detrimental to our interests."

    He said U.S. officials are blaming his country for problems unleashed by the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    "American officials, wherever around the world that they encounter a problem which they fail to resolve, instead of accepting that, they prefer to accuse others," he said. "I'm very sorry that because of the wrong decisions taken by American officials, Iraqi people are being killed and also American soldiers."

    He added, "If they accuse us 1,000 times, the truth will not change."

    Ahmadinejad landed in New York on Sunday to attend the U.N. General Assembly session, which opens Monday. He is set to speak Tuesday at the United Nations.

  • harlequino0

    Besides we gotta try this shit out somewhere...why not Iran?
    (Sep 24 07, 10:06)

    The Cruciatus Curse.

  • capsize0

    Of course the average American completly forgets we overthrew a legitimate democratic government, installed the Shah, funded one of the most brutal secret services ever with SAVAK...

    reinstalled the Shah, Mossadegh was prime minister..slightly different that legitmate democratically elected, and finally, US did not "fund" SAVAK- Iran having more money than they knew what to do with.

  • ethered0

    hes probably in denial about the gay thing..