tank needs your help!
- Started
- Last post
- 23 Responses
- tank
hey y'all,you could do me a big favour if oyu vote for inserted on this demo-site..
here is the link to voteand here is the song
i usually don't spam in this way, so forgive me...
Hehe, you aint like the comments from me, but i thought you were promoting eminem, hehe.
Whats your part in it Tank?
- tank0
inserted is from one my buddies, jan.
he should win.
he needs a break.being the little brother of indiginous' very own dj glue.
- tank0
c'mon guys :)
- tank0
bump again.:)
- version30
consider it voted for by me
be looking for an email, i may be getting in contact with some ae questions for you
- tank0
- ********0
what was that language on the main page? mexican?
i did my best to figure it out so consider the song voted for.
- tank0
hehe thats belgian and thanks guys.
- tank0
wel belgian..uhm dutch
- version30
i voted for:
In Exhale - iNSERTEDI think STEM is vote or submit or whatever
- tank0
stem meens vote,indeed...
you will be receiving an eamail from this site to confirm the vote..
its a system so you can't give in invalid emails.
- StuBru0
Consider it done, tank ;-)
- tank0
- spendogg0
I thought they spoke flemmish in Belgium
- tank0
flemish is dutch only we use some words a bit different and the dialect is lsightly diffrent
for instnace
in holland:taking a shit
in belgium:fuckin'slight difference. eh
thusfare ends the first class..the difference between dutch and flemish...
- StuBru0
Well, in fact it is Dutch, but we refer to it as Flemish. And it is not spoken in the whole of Belgium, only in the northern part (the southern part is Wallonia, there they speak French - and there is also a tiny part of Belgium - the Oostkantons - where they speak German).
Personally, I'd like to use 'Dutch' to refer to the language I speak, because the whole Flemish identity thing is so fake, I mean, it has been used and especially abused by the Flemish extreme right wing party.
- tank0
- StuBru0
Nono, tank, I think he (Dewinter) was saying: Dear people of the press, look, I'm the only one at Vlaams Belang who can count to ten.
*Tien kleine negertjes, tralalala*
- mayo0
lifeinbinary/lifeinsodium offered us a cow with each vote a few years ago. what are you giving us?
- bolus0
ik heb gestemd.......