How do I tell her?
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- 23 Responses
- Kiko
Man o Man. I went to a shop here in Milan where I saw this gilr working behind the counter, I seen her once before there a few months ago and I think she recognised me, and my inner instincs tell me somethings cooking. BUt that probably bollox.
There is a guy that works behind the counter with her too and its him who own the place.
How on earth do I ask her out?
What if its her husband? And should I sk him if I can ask her, seeing as its his joint?
Dudes. put your brains together, I need to get laid!
- imakedesign0
ask her.
- E__________0
"love is a spice with many tastes. A dizzying array of textures...and moments."
- Kiko0
I got to translate that into Italian first. I dont think she speaks english. Actually I havent even heard her speak.
- gruntt0
if you're asking us... she's not going to go out with you.
i'm just messing with you.
is she wearing a ring? no? just ask her out for coffee or drinks.
- Kiko0
ahh good idea. Im going to have to rent the apartment across the street and get my self some binoculars.
- Jnr_Madison0
Tell her in the medium of dance.
...or just drop your pants and start foaming from every orifice.
- _salisae_0
what kind of shop?
you should talk with her about the shop .. or something random .. and get a feel for her. ask her about herself.
- Kiko0
its a shop for hair
it only sells hair products like gel shampoo hairdryers
its not one of those places that you can walk around in and browse everything is behid the counter and its bright light.But I GOTTA do something.
- PhonyMcRingRing0
No ring = YES Game!
- s_90
go up to the guy and say something like "Mate, that girl is FINE, yo! Shit! You hit that yet? Damn, 'ass what I'd be doin if I'd be stuck here sellin hair gel all day. Ooh, yeah. Snap! You think she'd go out wif me?"
it's only a suggestion. feel free to modify it to your needs.
- toe_knee0
ro - hip - noll
- toe_knee0
stfu toeknee
- toe_knee0
ok sorry
- blindpilot0
just ask, even if he is her husband, what does that matter - most guys would be flattered if someone asked there girl out.
if she says no, you're ok, and you know the answer, if she says yes, then he might get pissed off, but hey... you still gotta ask
- Kiko0
S-9. thats definately a method, but I think I will change the worrsing round a tad.
Yeah Im going to have to ask, its one of those love at first sight things. Dumb as hell I know but, when you fell it you feel it, and its not like I get my gel from there either, so I got only priode to lose.
- canine0
don't think too long, just ask her out.
spur of the moment.
- iDp0
I'd just act lik eyou assume that its her husband.
you: "How long has your husband owned this shop?'
her: "oh thats not my husband but this shop has been in business for x amount of years"
you: *flash coy smile* " oh I'm sorry I thought he was your husband"
she'll get the hint. and for gods sake use more hair gel so you can stop in more often...third viisit after asking about the husband...ask her if she would like to go get coffee...then spike the coffee and drag her home to be yours forever. But don't forget to have plenty of duct tape and rope on hand...nothing worse then draggin her ass back to the house only to find she might leave and call the police on you only because you didnt plan ahead. Ya dig?
- johndiggity0
if the guy works in a hair salon, he's obviously gay, so just ask her out before he asks you out.
- Kiko0
- superbaka0
remember the wise words of photek : risk vs. reward.