Logo Trends
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- 31 Responses
- Gordy22
What, in peoples opinions, are the current / future logo trends? We've had the swirls, the graphics above the text, Fat serif fonts etc in the last few years but the seam so passé now...
- cyc22220
You see more and more logos going multicolor or even using a gradient (see Sony Ericsson) in their logo.
- Gordy220
Good call cyc - any others?
- Wendall0
drop shadows?
Faux Emboss?
gotta look at the colour palettes also, you know like acid greens(382) combined with greys.
i think logos are 'finer' than ever now, you know like thinner type, thats' obviously due to bet rez everywhere, output s and stuff. and the majority of folks are going for stuff that wouldn't look outta place on a say, a club flyer! gotta look at the shift in company names to, they ain't so implicit, you know like having an abstract name's gonna assist the initial logo process for a new brand obviously, but a logo overhaul often causes a bit of grief. ±
- cyc22220
you're right on that. I think technical evolution pushes the limits in logo and ci design.
You have now more possibilities to print and to show your logo, i.e. there's room for more complicated logos.And companies are opening their mind too, and want to have a "hip" logo.
- ********0
I think it all depends on what you're going for and whom your target audience might be.
- johndiggity0
def 4 color is getting bigger, can't wait for e-paper! death to b&w!
- whitenoise0
We will see a growth of 3D, as more skilled workers (not really designers, but kids who are knowledgable about software) are coming out of the "design" factories, they will produce more dimensional designs to cover up a bad idea... 2d will later come back with a vengance..
- Raind0g0
Back to classics. Serif type. Crests. Many young agencies sporting the prep look - just a matter of time until the corporations adopt that style.
- ********0
the seventies striation thing
- lara0
agreed whitenoise. look at OS X, everything is 3D in a somewhat corny way but once adjusted to it, it's hmm yeah well amm, nice.
redone in the last year or so:
UPSand a few others that of course don't come to mind now.
- stewart0
eh wendell... "you know like acid greens combined with greys"
am i oldfashioned now?
- function820
logos that are multicolored and full of gradients still have to be simiple enough to be printed in black and white, they're just variations for different types of media.
- normal0
Gradients always bring to mind Abbey National bank for me.
Which I think is a nice logo but a poor application. Yes, let's make another shitty british bank seem friendly without actually being friendly at all. All visual posturing and no delivery. Fucking 5 days to clear a check bastards.
- DutchBoy0
stewart, that's just a play on their logo.. teldesign actually has made some solid logo's in the past, look at the NS one for instance..
i agree on bevels and gradients.. although some are even starting to use photographs, like a brand new university here just did (no online sample yet..) and Dutch 'cooperative bank' Rabobank really topped it all off..:
anyway, the general trend is "human feel", humanization of corporations... they want to show transparency, honesty and human values.
here are some case studies / examples:
I think no logo will be a trend
- Brettoes0
3D ish, UPS style ish,
- DutchBoy0
interesting MLVR, but that's just more like a one-time trick, can never become a trend though.
- Meeklo0
the 3d thing it deff not a trend, Like jazx said, it all depends on how will be the identity of the brand best represented, yeah, Im sure there is 1000s logos made with helvetica and the little tm on top of it as aesthetics only.
but how many of those logos are proven effective? let me remind you all that if a logo lacks of originality "same color scheme, same typeface, same shame, than so and so's logo) then the logo lacks of originality and that can result weak branding.The osx 3d works fine for the screen, but it will cost a lot of money to get that on paper, do you really think that making a logo 3d is a trend? what happens if your logo needs to be displyed in one color really small on a flyer? its not the medium that adapts to your branding, its your identity that need to find the best way to get its message across different mediums..
dont you guys think?