America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #2462

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  • pr21

    The abortion overturn vote was not about woman's rights but about who decides the laws governing our everyday reality. If it happens on federal level (as the abortion was mandated up to now) or local state level.

    Personally i think the local level often is closer to what the voters want.

    • How many want to force a pregnant teenager, raped by her father, even with a life-threatening pre-existing condition to have a child?CyBrainX
    • There are several states headed in that direction. States' rights is poor argument when some of the states are Oklahoma.CyBrainX
    • Calm down, ladies, pr2 is here to explain it to you.Fax_Benson
    • This is like saying "the Civil War was about states rights." Technically correct maybe but completely misses the point.yuekit
    • wrong as usualmonospaced
    • I can imagine your moronic ass saying this to a woman and making a fucking fool of yourself. Of course you would remove the woman from this. Asshole.monospaced
    • @mono Don't bother engaging. pr2 has shown time and time again that he's incapable of reason.garbage
    • I can’t help myself when confronted with this level of ignorance and reckless, morally fucked thinking.monospaced
    • I know, but it's like that old maxin: Never roll in the mud with a pig. You get dirty, and the pig likes it.garbage
    • Word.monospaced
    • the usual suspects chirp away like texting teenagers without much reason or concrete thought.pr2
    • yuekit, that's exactly the same argument. should an issue be decided on federal or local level.pr2
    • some issues are undeniably federal: hard to find anyone arguing that it's ok to enslave people but...pr2
    • will find plenty who who have different definitions of where life begins (thus if it should be protected).pr2
    • Missing the point. Roe v Wade provided a fundamental right. Any state taking it away is fucked to the core just like your sick gross “soul” you stupid cunt.monospaced
    • How you have upvotes is beyond me. You are the problem with this country and I wish only the worst for you in life and for your familymonospaced
    • People like you should have to face the results of your idiocy. I hope you have a daughter who gets violently raped and you have to raise the child.monospaced
    • And then you can explain that you prefer it that way and it’s her fault, because the punishment for abortion is higher than that of raping a minor.monospaced
    • Fuck you, and fuck anyone who upvoted this soulless piece of human garbage. Science denying shitbag. That’s pr2monospaced
    • mono once again reveals his fascination with totalitarianism and Nazism. You are a caricature of a human being. Stupid to the core and heartless,pr2

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