
Out of context: Reply #18

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  • cannonball197814

    After an hour driving around the valley trying to find a doctor who’d see us, and then staying next to her as she endured painful examinations and fainted from needles, it was confirmed that we lost it. Looking at our ages, chances fall somewhere around 60-65% that the pregnancy survives past 4-5 weeks (some of you may know survival curves skyrocket once a heartbeat can be finally detected).

    We’re both crestfallen but strangely closer from the experience. It’s weird that I feel ashamed— I don’t want to see her friends or mom or sister and I am totally hiding from what their faces will look like. And suddenly there are children everywhere in the world, like I hadn’t noticed them before.

    I don’t know what’ll happen to our relationship but I’m out of town for a few days for my little sisters wedding which we agree will give us both time to think.

    Kind or perverse to continue writing this on QBN but I guess I maybe want to feel some sense of a story ending now that I’m back at my place staring into my refrigerator. Thanks for listening.

    • Not perverse at all, thanks for sharing. To some of us your story will sound familiar, to others it will be enlightening. Be well.spl33nidoru
    • back to the beginning. big question remains. popcorn gif.deathboy
    • wow what a rollercoaster few days. you both need time to process what just happened, let the emotional fog clear.hans_glib
    • Wow.....pango
    • It's difficult for me to write sth, that doesn't just sound superficial. But if it helps you, just keep on writing here. If not, do not care about us.Longcopylover
    • And what spl33nidoru said.Longcopylover
    • All the feelz dude. Hang in there.
    • Hope you can see the positives of being so open about whats going on with us man. It's hard, but we're virtually here for ya - in spirit ;-)Ianbolton
    • all the best man, it's hard and it happens to a lot of people, try not to feel ashamed - it's completely normal.ben_
    • How did all of this happen in one weekdrgs
    • despite cannons casual vibe -- shit sound so intense. hope you figure it out fellow qbeen.inteliboy
    • Will be a melancholy memory, but resile yourself; it was purely natural process. You did your best, she needs you to be strong. Think what she has to live with.BustySaintClaire
    • Thanks for sharing this. Real life hurts. It's not strange that you are closer either. Sounds to me like you need each other, hold on.sea_sea
    • This is nothing shameful in this. Life can be tough, but you're strong. We are here for you!nocomply
    • But that being said, you gotta keep us updated. We're all invested in this plot now and we're rooting for you. :)nocomply
    • Miscarriages are difficult and seem to be somewhat of a regular occurrence for people, they just never talk about it.ayport
    • When my wife and I went through several, times were tough. It's through experiences like this with people, that you realize how strong you can be together.ayport
    • Life will get better.ayport
    • Side note: Even though this song contributed to my frustrations XTC's song 'Dear God' seemed to help out a bit.…ayport
    • I'm really sorry to hear this. On the positive, from what I understand, it means it's likely for you two to conceive again soon, if you decide to.shaft

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