- manonthestreet
weather site
I find that the page load time of weather sites in particular to be astonishingly shitty.
I guess since they only get you once …
- manonthestreet
flickr - picasa -what?
Do you use flickr or picasa in your photo sharing toolset?
Do you have faith in flickr as I once had faith in yahoo?
Do you …
- manonthestreet
Lots of App store talk...lets consolidate:
This is for all apps: iOS, Android, Amazon, WebOS
My most used phone and tablet a…
- manonthestreet
NYC hipster consultant
My client needs a hipster music consultant.
Someone who knows the NYC music scene inside and out....and is a total hipster.
- manonthestreet
MS word on a mac is....
I crash word every time I cut and paste, causing me to force quit, re-open, and hope that I have saved after ever…
- manonthestreet
This thread is all about proving others wrong.
- manonthestreet
H.264 MPEG and FLV
I need to present video in these formats using Joomla. Trying to create a publishing process for some 'not so skilled' editors.
- manonthestreet app
I am surprised no one has posted about this yet.
I found it to be a complete bore.
- manonthestreet
Best Designed News sites
Doing a bit of research on news sites and looking for the best designed ones that members read.
I am looking to come up with so…
- manonthestreet
NYC ISP recommendations
I guess the default choice would be time warner, but I just looked on verizon and both dsl and fios dsl are available for my new a…
- manonthestreet
google apps project management
Is anyone using any google apps instead of basecamp, jira, etc?
I am reviewing these and would like to try one. Any qbn info wo…
- manonthestreet
When I first heard Apple's stance on not supporting Flash I chuckled a bit. I am not the biggest fan of using Flash but I do see i…
- manonthestreet
The new Aol logo
New logo:…Link to article with justifications on branding…
- manonthestreet
ripped bad
Talk about a rip....this sucks. Surely the braintrust at QBN can provide some links and tweets. Read what is happening to this guy…