- bhMedia
flash drawing engine?
Hey guys,
Doing a project where people need to be able to "draw" whatever, like using a pencil tool or something. Anyhow, I don't…
- bhMedia
stupid question
I'm on a laptop that ony goes 1024x768 and I for whatever reason changed it to 1600 for a sec, no matter what I've tried now my sc…
- bhMedia
the "good" pizza please
This place sells the good pizza, some people are complaining?..Sou... like a pretty good deal to me.…
- bhMedia
Designers are chic magnets
I remember reading that designers get all the chics. I haven't had this luck myself so I thought maybe I need a shirt that says I…
- bhMedia
Anyone have problems with motivation at work? I work in a place where everyone's nice, but not a design place at all and I have al…
- bhMedia
css anyone?
So this is my first shot at css and I'm trying to get these columns to flow to the bottom...Does my code look reasonably clean…
- bhMedia
Second post about same thing. I'm just trying to preload sw'f into empty mc's. Searched and I guess you can put the preloader in …
- bhMedia
Simple question
If I'm preloading an external swf into an empty mc do I have to use the _lockroot so that the script works? Or do I preload from t…
- bhMedia
Flash audio player
I'm trying to create something similar to the player used here:
Basically an audio player that …
- bhMedia
Paradise City
So I'm graduating early 2006 and I'm starting to consider moving to another city. Anyone have input as to a city that is soul-sear…
- bhMedia
Flash Form bug
My text inputs are showing the path to where they are instead of being blank so people can put their name, email, etc. ...Anybody …
- bhMedia
Table Question
Stupid question: How can I get content in a table to fit snuggly close to the top of the browser? Thanks for any feedback
- bhMedia
I guess I should introduce myself lightly here. My name's Randall, I'm working pt as a graphic design teacher at a non-profit and…
- bhMedia
Is the pvn search down or is it just not liking me for whatever reason??Ggggrrr...