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Portal, HL2 episode 2
Released yesterday. While I was eagerly awaiting the next installment of HL2, Portal was a nice little surprise. I was intrigued b…
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Team Fortress 2
Anyone here playing the beta?
Fukin rawks!
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Arcade game
Hope someone can help me find the name of this arcade game. It was one of those 4 player games (big stand up arcade box type) and …
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Simple guestbook (?)
Can anyone point me in the direction on how to create a simple guestbook like this one?…Sh…
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Need some font help
Looking for a font like Garamond, but where the serifs come to a point and the serif is more straight instead of curved.
Yes i'm …
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Flash question.
Ok, i'm a relative newb to flash. I'm currently going thru the Getting Started and Tutorials and whatnot, but I was wondering if a…
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error code -1309 (?)
What the hell does this error code stand for?!? My searches turn up nothing!! I need to copy some stuff from my work comp to exter…
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webhosting forum link...
It was posted here before, but for the life of me, I can't find it.
It was a forum that people posted on to report their experien…
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AE question, 16:9 in 4:3
So I need to create a letterbox in a 720x540 comp, but for some reason this doesn't look right to me.…
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Trying to stay awake.
1:20pm here in NYC and i'm falling alseep at my desk. You guys have any suggestions as to how to get the energy going?
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Anyone got a coupon code for MT?
I've found one that gives $30 bucks off their new gs servers, but does anyone have anything bett…
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AfterFX proxies
I'm a bit confused about creating proxies for AE, and perhaps you fine folks of NT can help me. So i'm animating these clouds in A…
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(PBS) Louis Vuitton
Awesome! Anywhere for a higher res version?
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Looking for Link.
I'm looking for this guy that did a cartoon in the style of side scrolling beat'em up video game. Pixelized characters and all wit…
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Team Fortress 2
I know there are some gamers on here.
Check this out.