- Gordy22
Document management system
My company currently use Fluxiom at the moment but of late we've been having a few issues with it losing files / people now quite …
- Gordy22
NY Locksmith
I need to get another lock added to the front door of my apartment in NY (west village).
Anyone got any one they can recommend…
- Gordy22
Anyone used this?
I need a good system to allow the marketing team in my company to manage their own emails rather than having …
- Gordy22
The Unhealthiest Drink in America…
Baskin Robbin’s Large Heath Bar Shake (32 oz)
- Gordy22
I'm in NY...
... from September 1st for one whole year.
Cool eh.
- Gordy22
Printing from IE
Any ideas how to remove the header and footer that's displayed when printing from IE server-side? Not sure if it's possible and sa…
- Gordy22
Fluxiom alternatives
All, I'm looking at iplementing something like Fluxion in my commpany to deal with our ever increasing collateral.
Can anyone …
- Gordy22
Application design
In your eyes, what's a good example of online application design? Can be anything from an email client, to software (open office …
- Gordy22
New York - Current attractions
Dear NY NTers,
I'm over from Friday (24th Jan) for 10 days.
Anything good going on? Galleries / museums / sports / social et…
- Gordy22
£10k to pie Goody
Would you?
- Gordy22
£10k 2 custard pie Jade Goody
Site offering £10k if you hit Jade Goody with a custard pie on eviction night.
- Gordy22
YO! Sushi - London
Eat and be merry.
God knows I need something to stave of the New year depression.
- Gordy22
AJAX Sites
Any one point me in the direction of sites that have a heavy use of Ajax that actually add to the usability.
Any high end brand…
- Gordy22
Summer Party
I'm co-organising my Company Summer party in London. At the moment it's a few hours in a Park followed by a BBQ in a pub garden. …
- Gordy22
Complinet jobs on NT
I'm helping deal with the jobs for Complinet which can be found on the NT Jobs Board.
Anyone has any questions about it, please f…
- Gordy22
JOBS in the NT Job Board
I'm helping deal with the jobs for Complinet which can be found on the NT Jobs Board.
Anyone has any questions about it, please…
- Gordy22
YO! Sushi - 1/2 price London
Got this in the mail today - thought some of you may be interested.
- Gordy22
Net Radio - Sport
ANy one know of any good, dependable online radio stations that'll be broadcasting the worldcup (in English). There's…
- Gordy22
There is a god.