AJAX Sites
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- 9 Responses
- Gordy22
Any one point me in the direction of sites that have a heavy use of Ajax that actually add to the usability.
Any high end brands that are using them?
- ********0
Google homepages?
- Gordy220
Yeah - sort of. Cheers Moth. I'm more looking for examples in a commercial environment. Any big names using it? Amazon / online retailers etc that you can think of?
How are you anwyays?
- rson0
I love this site makes me never want to use flash again
- ********0
can't think of any others right now. Personally I don't find some of it very useful... not being able to click "back" and such.
I'm good though Gordy - on the up I think for next year. Things are looking good.
- instantok0
creators of: http://script.aculo.us/
(love the "quick look" bit)same as gap but still...
- Gordy220
Cheers guys - that gives me more than enough ammo.
Moth - I'm good. fooking busy tho'. No rest and all that.
- rafalski0
I regularly use http://www.skyscanner.net - great live price checking feature
- joyride0
Love it. Got to get into a stock price to truely appreciate it.
- mpfree0
can you really sit and say a site is 100% done using AJAX?