- CyBrainX
<--Transistor Studios…
The work on that site is so damn good that it hurts me. Did you ever see something so impressi…
- CyBrainX
unload movie in Flash
I have a movie loaded in level 0, nothing special, it's the same size as the host movie. I loaded it from a frame. Based on a vari…
- CyBrainX
F12 and Adobe
Didn't they realize that the F12 key is very close to the Delete key, which I use somewhat often. I'd rather not run the risk of R…
- CyBrainX
Canon 10D white balance
I'm having trouble setting the white balance on my digital slr. There is an automatic wb, and several presets. At one point, the t…
- CyBrainX
Best possible news!!!
a reunion of the Pixies. not just a rumor anymore:
- CyBrainX
<--Logo Smackdown
I don't know if 4cY ever started this thread here in PV-AN, so I might as well.
I don't do much identity/logo work.
This was …
- CyBrainX
It all boils down to this.
(Big enough for wallpaper.)
- CyBrainX
Kensington mouse doesn't work on OS X
My only hope is that the batteries aren't fully charged yet. I have everything plugged in and the software installed. I tried both…
- CyBrainX
3 btn mouse for Maya on OSX
I just got the Learning Maya 5 book/DVD and the instructor says to get a 3 button mouse to navigate through the views. I went to a…
- CyBrainX
the only non-design thing I ever started…
I can't wait for the Ric Burns final installment to th…
- CyBrainX
.rar files in OS X
I can't open these files at all. They download with Stuffit icons, but Expander wants no part of them. Are they installers? I'm ru…
- CyBrainX
Cartoon in Bowling for Columbine
Anyone know who did it?
I saw the movie for the first time tonight. I know I'm very late, but never late than never. The hype…
- CyBrainX
Cyclone Design
Crusty and vintage
- CyBrainX
Motion Graphic Galleries, NYC
I searched CitySearch and only found The American Museum of the Moving Image. Anyone know of any others?, Manhattan preferably. Th…
- CyBrainX
Printing crop marks from Quark 5
how do you print your crop marks correctly from Quark, so that the crop marks are WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. I suspect it's in…
- CyBrainX
Quark 6 Passport
What a mess! I can't double click to open an image in Illustrator. I can't get the image box to be transparent and forget about pd…
- CyBrainX
<--featured site image
just recently, the image slide out action was omitted from the thumbnail image in the top, left of the page.
Can I have that b…
- CyBrainX
Flash Move Explorer slowness
I just learned the hard way that if you have the Movie Explorer open in Flash, while you're working, Movie Explorer can cripple yo…
- CyBrainX
Easter Eggs
Photoshop and Illutrator: hold down the option key and go to about this program
In Photoshop, hold down option key and in the l…