Star Wars Episode VII

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  • maquito2

    Watched Ep. VII last night. Had fun!
    Many people had told me it was a bad sequel, Disney yada-yada, low quality story, etc.. I'm not a Star Wars freak, and really enjoyed it.

    • Really? Who told you it was bad? 99.999% of people are wetting themselves over it.fadein11
    • cygnusscarabin
    • Reactions are overwhelmingly positive, but skim through this thread. Not everybody agrees it's fantastic. Personally, I just really enjoyed it, nothing more.jagara
    • I dont think the movie is terrible. I just dont like some aspects of it, and it could have been better.CygnusZero4
  • ok_not_ok5

  • Gardener1

    • 12 Star Wars Puns During A 40-Second BroadcastGardener
  • docpoz0

    • skip the first dude. he is incoherent.docpoz
    • Skip Kevin Smith while you're at it...jagara
  • utopian0

    Star Wars 7: Knights of Ren Mystery Solved…

    • forever alonejaylarson
    • been looking for some stills of this flash back, good stuffburd-turglar
    • Anyone notice how ray's staff looks a lot like the staffs the dudes/dudettes are carryingburd-turglar
    • this theory sucks.inteliboy
    • Which theory. The ewok thing?burd-turglar
    • My guess is luke encountered the staff dude and took the staff and gave it to rei. Why would luke give farms ode weapon to rei? I don't know.pango
    • Or maybe Reis staff is just a normal staff with no significance...pango
    • The powered off saber may be Vader's? Retrieved from Luke. Now behind a glass display in kylos basement.pango
    • *farmes ode = dark side
      I don't even know how...
    • Lol, yea I was wondering what the fuck that was supposed to meanburd-turglar
    • So I tend to think what drove Luke to fail as kylo's master was that he had a love child with one of his apprentices that went on to become one of kylo's knightburd-turglar
    • Of ren. And that ray is Luke's kid by one of lukes' fallen apprentices, and that it is all lukes' fault for submitting to his desire, Kotor styleburd-turglar
  • scarabin0

    i wanna know why kylo ren wears a mask with a voice synthesizer in it.

    just to be intimidating?

    does it do anything?

    • hmm good point, maybe because he's the dark side's version of this guy?
    • I think he's too young to be feared or taken seriously really, he ends up coming off as annoying more than anything...just like young anakin, whiny little shit_niko
    • my guess is he's just trying to be like grandpa since i don't think he would need it as functional armor as powerful as he isscarabin
    • because he's a pathetic insecure emo with dad issues - why the fuck do you think?fadein11
    • jesus man, who needs to chill out now?scarabin
    • ha - do you really think he would have been a good baddy with his normal whiney voice?fadein11
    • there's no shortage of bad guys who don't wear masks in movie history. i think it'd be possible to make one more, yesscarabin
    • sorry for wondering if there's more story behind it. hahascarabin
    • faswin... you talk as if he's a real person... its a fictional charactor played by actor...pango
    • fadein...pango
    • there will be a mask regardless who plays kylo. hey could have had another who's all scared up and evil as hell looking.pango
    • the synthesizer's there not because he has a whiney voice.pango
    • i think the synthesizer sound like voice is a default thing with those helmet since all storm trooper sound like they are talking into a radio speaker.pango
    • hmmmm - SW main villain without mask looking like an upset teenage emo with dyed hair - doubt that would have worked somehow. sozfadein11
    • you could say it bad casting but regardless, there will be mask.pango
    • he's more intimidating with it on for surescarabin
    • He wears it as an intimidation tactic. He wants to be feared and powerful like his granddad, yet he's still inexperienced and insecure.jagara
    • And not in control (temper tantrums etc.). He's basically a wannabe sith. JJ said his character is still forming.jagara
    • And his home-made light saber is producing a uneven, ragged blade compared to the one Finn uses. Which is a nice touch.jagara
    • yeahscarabin
    • agreedscarabin
    • http://www.reactiong…burd-turglar
    • "emo" - what the fuck is this, 2003?inteliboy
    • I actually think its more for him than others. Hiding from who he is/was.CygnusZero4
  • scarabin4

    rey's goggles are made of parts from a stormtrooper helmet. nice touch

    • please don't keep posting stuff we all saw months ago now you are reading all the articles you banned yourself from lol :)fadein11
    • why are you being such a cunt? if you're so over the movie, stop clicking on the thread. jeez dude, get a gripscarabin
    • cool. didn't catch that.sofakingback
    • make sense since she's a junker. now i'm just wondering if the staff has any significance.pango
    • being such a cunt???? this was one of the first things nerds noticed and posted on youtube! not being a cunt - its just old news. When did I say I am over thefadein11
    • movie? look at you lol, you are off again - get over yourself - my point was you avoided all this stuff - so its not a revelation dudefadein11
    • are we doing timeline again?pango
    • we get it, you're the world's biggest star wars fan and watched every vid and read every article on the subject. it's okay to let other people geek out on itscarabin
    • that's what this thread is for man, stop trying to control every postscarabin
    • hahaha - I don't spend my spare time building lightsabers and host SW RPGs... what are you on about? You get way too angry dude when challenged.fadein11
    • he used a smiley face emoji, cool your podracer jets there sparkyburd-turglar
    • there's nothing that needed challenging about either of my last posts. that's where you being a cunt comes in. what kind of response were you expecting?scarabin
    • ^ exactamundofadein11
    • lol. hi gilgascarabin
    • And ya pango, staff defitly has a bunch of significance. See utopians post up there with the ren knightsburd-turglar
    • Ayo what's up with you tonight scarabin, you seem kinda tenseburd-turglar
    • it's old news dude - a v.old observation from that trailer which nerds noticed... I was just saying its going to be quite dull if you post a lot of nerdy stufffadein11
    • that has been out there for months just because you gave yourself some weird self imposed SW media drought prior to EpVII.fadein11
    • Trust me I am not the biggest SW fan, I DO NOT HOST SW RPG GAMES and build lightsabers as a hobby... Chill dude. Anyway, spk soon :)fadein11
    • it's one post dude, if you've read it already just do what any normal human being would do and keep scrolling.scarabin
    • it's not up to you to declare what's okay to discuss and i guarantee there will be folks here who didn't see the vid you're talking about.scarabin
    • New news to me and sofaking. Not sure who you meant by "we all saw month ago"pango
    • Such obi Wan thing to sayCALLES
    • I got called a cunt for saying it was old news. Thanks for sharing anywayfadein11
    • http://s3-ec.buzzfed… stop triggering everyone fadein you meany head poopy pantsburd-turglar
    • Nothing wrong with sharing.Hayoth
    • btw scarabin, i'm still waiting on you to certify me, tradition demands it to be soburd-turglar
    • Scarabin - the saint of QBN - never antagonises anyone eh??? hmmmmm.fadein11
    • @Hayoth - sharing is caring :)fadein11
    • thanks, hayothscarabin
    • i dunno fadein, you were being pretty cuntish.inteliboy
    • We should bring timeline back. Saves the argument and everyone just carry on.pango
    • @intelliboy - oh well its QBN - SW man got timelined - who gives a shit.fadein11
    • who gives a rats ass about timelines. not everyone sees everything at the same time. you would think that's a given.sea_sea
    • Lol @ rats ass... sounds like my wife, her fav line. anyway, we're all nerds is the point here. the end.prophetone
    • that's exactly where i'm coming from prophet. and yes, the fact that we're all on here talking about SW definitely makes us nerds. lolsea_sea
    • https://media0.giphy…burd-turglar
    • Hey, here is where evereyone is.sureshot
    • I didn't read all these cunty notes but I hadn't seen this until nowset
    • Sorry guys but Scarabin AKA Kylo Ren called me a cunt for making a joke he didn't get. I wasted 20mins of my life explaining last night and he still didn'tfadein11
    • get it... The irony was lost clearly. But heyho it's all good - he often acts up like that.fadein11
    • star waaaaaarssss.. nothing but staaaar waaarssss!!!docpoz
    • I wonder what Obi 1 has to say about all this.sureshot
    • geez, 35 extra messages.. can someone just give me a quick summary?autoflavour
    • ^ yep - Scarabin turned into a whiney bitch again.fadein11
    • To be fair you're the only whiny little twit I can see here. What the fuck is up with you?set
    • Don't really appreciate being called a cunt for cracking a joke.fadein11
    • christ, fadein, you're still on this? lol.

      you made a shit joke that that come off as bitchy to everyone but yourself. it's okay, move on already.
    • i even apologized for calling you a cunt even though you acted like one and tossed around insults freely yourself. that's not me being a "whiny bitch", that'sscarabin
    • me being the adult in the exchange. while you're still calling names.scarabin
    • ya'll notice rey's goggles are made of parts from a stormtrooper helmetMHDC
    • It's Rei! Damn it! Rei!pango
    • @scarabin - this is getting boring - you have a history of this kind of thing - but I won't dredge up the past now. happy to forget it this little incident,fadein11
    • just don't overreact to a stupid joke... its childish. anyway enjoy your week. Cheers.fadein11
    • [and I really should read my notes before posting]fadein11
    • oh please, fadein. last thing i heard about you was someone wanting to smash your face in. i agree, you should read what you type before posting.scarabin
    • for the hundredth goddamn time, have a nice day.scarabin
    • Teenage mutant trooper turtle headset
    • This is cool.monospaced
    • He wanted to kick my ass by the way, not smash my face in :)fadein11
    • Do we have a pool for thispango
    • @mdhc LOL GOLD!! I hadn't noticed thatautoflavour
  • jagara0

    Maz Kanata looks as crap as Snoke. If this is Yodas replacement, they could come up with something a bit better than an orange with goggles.

    • SORRY IT'S AMAZING THEN :)jagara
    • Apparently, I'm not alone:…jagara
    • BAD CG FOR SURE.pango
    • jeez fadein, i think this may be your longest tantrum yetscarabin
    • http://pre11.deviant…burd-turglar
    • jeez Scarabin why do you care so much?fadein11
    • i don't, just making an observationscarabin
    • by all means, continuescarabin
    •… why are you upsetburd-turglar
    • Continue what? - commenting on your v.old SW news you post as if new?fadein11
    • what's next - Rey lives in an AT-AT's hoof?
      jesus - lighten up... on one hand you post pics of your homemade lightsabers and then get all stroppy when
    • yeah this character had a blurry CGI look, really out of place. and kinda a shit character too.inteliboy
    • @pango CG or puppet, that's not the point. The design is totally generic and unmemorable. Grapefruit with goggles.jagara
    • your little bitchfit. i disagreed with you days ago and you're still upset about it.

      move on, buddy
    • someone points out your geek-find isn't that new. Stop thinking you rule Star Wars or I will have to use my jedi mind timeline on you lol... chill dude :)fadein11
    • Some kind of citrus fruit.jagara
    • lol. i never suggested anything was new, no idea why you're focusing so hard on that.scarabin
    • the only reason i even said anything about it was because you were being curiously hostile about it. i couldn't give a shit about being timelinedscarabin
    • Scarabin - who cares - your post was old - relax. move on. we know you love SW. so do I. stop caring so much. May the force be with you.fadein11
    • Rei lives in an at-at?!?pango
    • ^ see above. i have zero beef with you man, just find it odd that you're flipping out over everything todayscarabin
    • you called me a cunt for making a jokey comment (inc. :) ) about you posting geeky SW stuff after saying you had not watched anything. Jeez... you are gettingfadein11
    • bothered calling me a cunt - it was a joke... irony... [SW fan doesn't view anything so as not to spoil film then posts everything the nerds have seen after}fadein11
    • jesus - IT WAS A JOKE. I react to be called a cunt for having a laugh with a fellow(!) nerd.fadein11
    • i posted "everything"? lol. i posted one image about the goggles. man, you are delusionalscarabin
    • for what it's worth i'm sorry i called you a cunt. we cool?scarabin
    • Yes we were never not cool - do you get my point? - you have said numerous times "I DID NOT WATCH A TRAILER OR ANYTHING ETC." before watching the film...fadein11
    • my stupid joke I wish I had never posted now was playing on the irony of now you will keep finding stuff the people who did watch every spoiler vid already knewfadein11
    • Please don't call me a cunt for having a laugh - its an overreaction. Thanks.fadein11
    • posting ONE image about a pair of goggles which was news to many others on the site besides myself hardly constitutes posting "everything" that was "old news".scarabin
    • maybe you just told a shit joke or your sarcasm didn't come through on the internet. if that's the case then it's all a misunderstandingscarabin
    • IT WAS A JOKE... FFS. I was imagining the self imposed media embargoed SW NERD (=you) suddenly discovering a wealth of information as if it was new.fadein11
    • it wasn't that funny - but didn't expect to be called a cunt for it... anyway - this is getting boring - must be a cultural barrier going on. have a good eve.fadein11
    • I thought Larry David taught you guys sarcasm/irony etc... jesus.fadein11
    • make it funny next time and more people may get that it's a joke. goodnightscarabin
    • fuck off arrogant prickfadein11
    • I got several chuckles out of this intergalactic jimmy rustlingburd-turglar
    • you sure toss out the insults easily for someone who claims to be genuinely hurt by being called a cuntscarabin
    • me too, gilgascarabin
    • Certify me scarabin, it is your destinyburd-turglar
    • lol. why?scarabin
    • Originally because I wrote an essay on why God is math in the religion thread. Now it's a matter of upholding traditionburd-turglar
    • relax guises, its only a movie.utopian
    • nah, you're much more reasonable when you want something.scarabin
    • I am reasonable when dealt with reasonably. Don't resist your destinyburd-turglar
    • make being around you not something we have to "deal with" and i'm sure someone will certify you eventually. not that it means anythingscarabin
    • What ever, suit yourselfburd-turglar
    • Wowmonospaced
    • ^what he wrotedopepope
    • the mod just found out his gilga or did he do something stupid?pango
    • grandmother of all minions
      srsly looks like yoda fucked a minion and that's the product, buy it or leave
    • also kids don't like her
      to notice something positive
  • sea_sea1

    about kylo ren and the first order, the costume design was impeccable imo.

  • ETM1

  • 20020

    Rey sister of Kylo who is son of Solo and Leia

    • <fadein11
    • They would know how many kids they have wouldn't they? I'm still betting on "Luke's daughter"pango
  • autoflavour0

    the real bombshell is that Rey is actually daughter of Luke and Leia.. game of thrones stylee

    • force is extra strong with the special sauceautoflavour
  • fadein11-3

    Does anyone know how the Falcon is flown? Whoever is flying it regardless of the elaborate acrobatics they are performing just sits in front of a hug control panel with a couple of levers not really doing anything.
    Hand and Chewie in the asteroid belt.
    Rey in the downed Star Destroyer.
    Lando in Death Star II.
    I know its part of its charm but I imagine it must be quite tricky controlling that ship with one lever and a load of flashing lights?

    • *huge *Hanfadein11
    • You are aware it's a movie, right? ; )dopepope
    • I imagine it's a lot like the self driving cars of today, but with an asteroid avoidance feature as an upgrade_niko
    • The cockpit changed in the movies. By ROTJ their were yokes for the pilots.ETM
    • The yokes are clearly visible in TFA. Here's a shot of the set piece:…
    • cool - but never used if you watch the desert scene. I was just being light-hearted anyway.fadein11
    • Argh! Just noticed: their = there.ETM
    • It's that one big lever that Han so obviously uses in the new episode.. That's all u needautoflavour
    • I've never thought much of it, but assume that lever is the throttle.ETM
    • Star Wars is not what you call hard sci-fi...jagara
    • ^ETM
    • It's mostly AImonospaced
  • docpoz-1

    The Falcon is flown with a combination of analogue and motion controls. How do you not know this?

    • ha - well I have never really thought about it as I don't actually care. My point was you never really see them using controls as you would in other ships. Butfadein11
    • it was a light-hearted comment, not meant for serious analysis )fadein11
  • autoflavour2

  • scarabin0

    and... dogear.

    on a lighter note, here's harrison ford when he was still just a carpenter on the set of star wars.

    • What?! Star war was his first movie?! He was a Carpenter?pango
    • he was in good shapepinkfloyd
    • He was a carpenter, but this photo is from 1970. And he was already acting before SW... American Graffiti for example.ETM
    • So, yes he was a carpenter at one point... no this is not the Star Wars set.ETM
    • ^ correctionscarabin
    • he built shit for rich people in hollywood.zenmasterfoo
    • Jesus was also a carpenter. Just so you know.sureshot
    • Princess Leia wanted that six packpinkfloyd
    • Sooo... before Apocalypse NowWeyland
  • pango0

    I'm gonna call it! Luke will die in the next movie!

    • yeah, would not be surprising...docpoz
    • No, they will do that in 9.. Leila will die next .. Or chewieautoflavour
    • They should never kill off Chewie. Any actor can play him, and he could live through decades (centuries!) of SW movies.nb
    • Killing him off would cost the studio a lot of money in lost merchandising opportunities!nb
  • ETM1

  • docpoz0
  • nb3

    I am far more excited about these three paragraphs than I have been about any Star Wars announcements:

    “Of course, the only way you could really do that [make money] is not take chances. Only do something that’s proven," Lucas added. "You gotta remember, 'Star Wars' came from nowhere. 'American Graffiti' came from nowhere. There was nothing like it. Now, if you do anything that’s not a sequel or not a TV series or doesn’t look like one, they won’t do it!”

    So, what's coming next? Well, as Lucas has long explained, he wants to make "experimental" films, and he details a bit of what means. “These are little tiny movies...I’m going back to where ‘American Graffiti’ or ’THX [1138],’ where I can completely change the way you tell a story in using cinema. I produced a few films that were like this, but they weren’t like what I would do,” he explained.

    "I've been fascinated with the true nature of the medium — it's been used more as a recording medium, than as a art form unto itself," Lucas elaborated. "...they call them tone poems — in the beginning in Russia, this was a whole movement of: how do you tell visual stories, basically without dialogue, without all the things you use to tell a story, and you just use the film itself. It's kind of esoteric, it hasn't come much further in one hundred years. I'm going to try and take it into something that is more emotionally powerful than most of the stuff we've done up to this point."