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  • Continuity0

    If we could only be so lucky.

    For the non-Germans, here's the translation:

    Invitation to a convertible ride through Dallas

    Sounds tempting!

    • I wonder why they didn't do a gas chamber or underground bunker joke?robotron3k
    • Bless, you delicate little snowflake, you.Continuity
    • Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't special ...Continuity
    • ... in an Olympic kind of way.Continuity
    • LOL!kona
    • LOL! @ the Olympicsoey
    • ^ oh.mah.gawd ... lolRamanisky2
    • Don't you mean holocaust center, robo? Or is that just media covfefe?monospaced
  • deathboy-2

    Great the school district still cant sort out there funding issues.... after a 1.2 million dollar campaign financed by building companies to raise sales tax to bond debt for a bunch of new schools... which after the measure passed they informed the public they of their 40 million deficit, so they cant operate in any of those schools... Now they over estimated how much money they would receive for regular schools.

    This on top of a new superintendent that came with a huge new salary and perks, because the old one got the boot for corruption, but still made out with a large severance...

    and now a huge campaign fighting voucher programs... if parents can find better alternative for 5K, vs ~10k cost in public school, I say let them try. Schools can operate a lot cheaper without large sports complex's. Let private schools have a chance to compete and find what models people want. And than try to find a model to rollback the vouchers to put cost back on to the parents. Not sure how to do that though, but that would help mans impact on climate change, by showing real cost of kids and hopefully curb growth. But than u need to let abortion be ok. Have to let people be able to fix there mistakes.... i really don't feel like working today....

    • *thenmonospaced
    • *theirmonospaced
    • but fuck standards, right?monospaced
    • do you have to pay for public school in the US?uan
    • no, of course notmonospaced
    • wow, I went googling the subject...fucked up. education is a fundamental human right.uan
    • in good public school neighborhoods the rents are high. so sometimes it's better for families to pay low rent and a private school.uan
    • the reason why it's not good having private schools receiving government funding is that they won't adhere to any standardsmonospaced
    • holy shit I feel like we've been through this already ... it's NOT good to provide "choice" in the form of charter schools that operate like private institutiomonospaced
    • aka, religious schools that will receive tax payer money, and reserve the right to act like a religious schoolmonospaced
    • they package this as choice, but the goal is clear: provide money to christian schools for christians only ... resulting in segregationmonospaced
    • reduce funding and lower standards for regular public schools, forcing them to work with less across the board nationwidemonospaced
    • And by the way, I'm super sorry to hear about your school district. I didn't realize you were a parent with school aged children in the public system.monospaced
    • Most people would argue that this was a symptom of an underfunded system, not one that needs to be neglected further.monospaced
    • so just give more money to failing systems. sounds about right. the new american waydeathboy
    • and mono there are catholic private schools with excellent programs that don't shove religion down your throat. unlike public school shoves gov is great.deathboy
    • obey follow start everyday with pledge allegience, learn to listen, repeat, the public education system is fucked. we keep increasign budgets and get worse resudeathboy
    • lts... its crazy to think you will get a different result. its popular group think and its what your told, but it doesn't make sensedeathboy
    • and UAN schooling isn't a basic right, that bad learnin too. Rights cant be services rendered by others... slavery anyonedeathboy
    • its in peoples best interests to have working education systems, but current systems take responsibilities away from parents, and limits choicedeathboy
    • you have to check out how and why standardizations were developed. a lot of it was well intended but as you see today it fails. id recommend teachign as a subvedeathboy
    • rsive activity. really insightfuldeathboy
    • We've been over this. Just because they failed you and you're bitter doesn't mean they aren't good. Also I have NO issue with private catholic schools.monospaced
    • This is about the lie that choice in the form of charter religious schools is not a good thing for many reasons you can't grasp.monospaced
    • The idea that we put more money in and got less is also bullshit. I know the facts here and diverting public school resources to private schools is bad.monospaced
    • Reform is in order, that we agree on completely. But you and in both know the dangers of these private institutions. I cant believe I'm arguing this.monospaced
    • and mono im not a parent, i don't want the burdens of being a parent. But i am interested in education. Don't you want to know how you learn? How to improve?deathboy
    • There are entire counties and states that would pour tax payer $ into their system that teaches creationism and shuns sex Ed among all kinds of awful discriminamonospaced
    • THAT is what the whole push is for and to say otherwise is so incredibly naive it's borderline stupid. It's choice alright, but not one that helps the majority.monospaced
    • Some people more interested in sports, i like learning about subjects that effect me. I didnt even realize how engrained the public edu aspect was when discussdeathboy
    • It puts all kinds of social minorities at peril, it puts education at risk, it violates church and state laws, and it lowers or eliminates any positive standardmonospaced
    • You might know this if you weren't regurgitating the shit you read on breitbart or hear from Betsy dumbfuck asshole devos. But you're clueless apparently. smhmonospaced
    • ing waldorf school approach. I don't think that approach would work for me personally, and i laughed it off, but learning more and thinking about it i can seedeathboy
    • And by the way. Your writing skills are absolute garbage. And yes, it matters. Educated people probably laugh at your emails, if you even write them.monospaced
    • how it might be better for other and especially one who dont learn the same in standarized methods and fail, how that effects those people, to think your aredeathboy
    • But yeah. Let's lower the standards, allow anyone to teach without oversight, any shit they want, and just label it choice. Fuck that.monospaced
    • dumb or slow and how that becomes a negative self fullfilling cycledeathboy
    • id actually love to see a uber styled school method. Professionals in fields offering day classes, retired, open it up to what students might want to learndeathboy
    • back in the day it took a village to raise a man. it socializes them, teaches them different walks of life, its interesting, and practical. offers flexibility.deathboy
    • breaks up teachers unions and standards. help show diplomas are nothing but expensive paper. if elon said it ppl would rejoicedeathboy
    • but probably because public school teachs you to follow the person in front of the class. the leader, the entertainer, the fool. Keep an open mind about it.deathboy
    • and colleges... haha... idiot farms to indenturing youth. great for banks and gov.deathboy
    • no one likes the big bad banks and yet they so easily dupe people out of there money and sovereignty. ppl just like to hatedeathboy
    • have you ever even though of how medicine keeping old people alive is helping to destroy the middleclass, by taking away wealth passed on.deathboy
    • not to mention helps balloon the cost because when private funds are drained they can keep the person alive to drain medicaredeathboy
    • wow mono. let go of your fear of freedom of choice. really run the scenarios in your head. didnt we do fine before the department of education?deathboy
    • are you scared a blowhard president might be elected by a public educated populace?deathboy
    • Damn refresh notes... i think all your scenarios are fear mongeringdeathboy
    • Mono you are very closed minded on the subject. I don't read breibart or follow devos, i read books, think, but clearly you like some nytimes or easy reads.deathboy
    • so you think someone will open a school that is christian, and only preach bible... this school has operating costs. How will it stay open?How many studentsdeathboy
    • enrolled? Why would parents think that bible only prepares their kid for the future. Might be .01 percent weirdos out there but if thats what you are scared ofdeathboy
    • the uber small percentage of nut jobs and you want to dictate everyone else, does that seem smart? not many peopel are taught cirtical thinking in public schooldeathboy
    • so concepts that challenge their norms are largerly frightening. but humor me and think about realistically how your fears could possibly developdeathboy
    • if you see its unlikely than you realize the fear is irrational helps dissipate it.deathboy
    • frees you up to think. fear is a mechanism that drives us away, its primal, closes down thought processesdeathboy
    • heres a light but good read mono http://reason.com/re…deathboy
    • and remember my writing is multipart lack of caring and filteration. if people attack the spelling/grammar instead of the idea it tells me a lot about themdeathboy
    • It tells you that I had a superior education, perhaps, and that I live/work in a world where that matters, and where we hold up those standards as important.monospaced
    • And even if you don't support Betsy "billionaire bitchess" Devos, you sure as fuck seem to be. Sorry, but it's like you're all about charter schools.monospaced
    • Please don't ever call me close-minded on the subject. I am anything but, and I somehow can't fathom how your arguments ignore all the pitfalls.monospaced
    • Once again, I'm NOT afraid of religion. I don't give a fuck about it. They can do their shit, but keep it away from my kids, and my money.monospaced
    • Religion in school isn't a challenging of norms, it's a backward move that promotes practices that are, frankly, grossly unconstitutional.monospaced
    • For example, a religious school can discriminate at will, based on sexuality or faith. Allowing that along with gov. funding is fucking bullshit.monospaced
    • Imagine your community primarily with Muslim schools, and that become the only "choice" for 30 miles. That's what's allowed in this ... an alt-right nightmare.monospaced
    • I'm worried that already-existing PRIVATE schools will BECOME the public schools, which is what Devos is instating you dense jerk. How do you not see this!?!?!?monospaced
    • That's is quite literally her plan, and it's why the world's educators, congress and senate are so upset. It's really disgusting.monospaced
    • If someone wants choice, they already have it! They can go to any goddamn private school they want, and PAY for it. Leave public out of it and gov. $$$. Simple.monospaced
    • YOUR argument that changing that model is somehow a positive thing is so fucked up it's not even funny.monospaced
    • all of your scenarios are you projecting your fears. walk it through logically step by step on how these formations would happen.deathboy
    • id love for all education to not be public funded, but right now they have the monopoly, and the right thing to do is break them up.deathboy
    • and the plan is to save tax payer money while improving education, where as your plan is throw more money at a failed system. like a gambler doubling down.deathboy
    • Plan to achieve better results and save VS We just have to spend more... come on its easy to see the turd of the twodeathboy
    • well unless you were told there was only one answer and have never researched alternatives or even thought of what is a learning processdeathboy
    • how does the current systems methods accomplish good bullshit detectors, or any critical thought? Hemingway understood. and those focuses are necesary in ourdeathboy
    • current culture. How bout this start small and say why that charter school was a bad idea to expand. Clearly a demand without vouchers. Why not save tax payerdeathboy
    • money and provide competitions that has demand. unless you like monopolies? unless it challenges your world viewdeathboy
    • but i will stand you are closed minded unless you really look into it. its a burden to learn i get that, but if you dont want to take the time be honest bout itdeathboy
    • don't do the half ass ill informed i read something and I must have an opinion less i look dumb thing. i know its popular thing, but its stupid.deathboy
  • omg-10

    • “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” - Stupid in Chiefkona
    • For the last 30 years Pittsburgh has been trying to remake its economy around sustainable energy and the industry employs 13,000 people in Pittsburgh.kona
    • This isn't about snowflakes & globalists. (Well, to stupid folk it is).
      This isn't a partisan issue. This affects everyone.
    • Only the galactically stupid would post something like this and think pulling out is best for everyone.

      The person who should have pulled out was your father
    • Pittsburgh didn't even vote for Trump, I thought.monospaced
    • ^ saw on cnn that pittsburg was 80% hillaryGnash
    • So the claim that he was elected to represent Pittsburgh is just another heaping pile of shit on top of the growing pile of shit he's shat for the last year?monospaced
    • yup. he totally picked the wrong town to hold up as an example.Gnash
    • In fact, the mayor of Pittsburgh says that they are committed to the principles of the paris accord and will keep up the good fightGnash
    • lol kona: http://i.imgur.com/x…_niko
  • zaq0

    Meanwhile: US job growth slows; unemployment rate drops to 4.3 percent

    • thanks oba- wait! is this good news or bad news?dorf
    • Someone was screaming about jobs, jobs, job!zaq
    • when can we start applying to be coal miners?moldero
    • Too bad the miners health insurance doesn't cover the preexisting condition of black lung or I'd apply to be one.kona
    • GUYS! you are forgetting how hot Ivanka is.BonSeff
    • meanwhile some poor guy out there really needs a job.omg
    • That poor guy needs education first.zaq
    • yet all those kids who got an education and still cannot get a job.omg
    • Hillary use to call them the deplorables. Poor kids.omg
    • In today's fast pace people with education have much higher chance of getting a jobzaq
    • tomorrow everyone should have jobs and people with education can have a higher chance to get the job they want. why starve?omg
  • utopian8

    Trump Sought Reassurance From Fox News Before He Dumped Climate Pact

    Kimberly Guilfoyle, co-host of Fox’s nightly news program “The Five,” revealed on air Thursday that the president called her at 8 a.m. to discuss “climate change” — and taxes.


    • aka hannityBonSeff
    • ha-ha! so much for competent advisers. i bet alex jones was in the mix too.renderedred
  • deathboy-6

    So I have this hypothesis I have been formulating based on my recent used auto seeking.

    I wanted a 2012-2014 WRX 5dr. These cars started at $25,795 MSRP for sport, premium $28,295 sport model and I'll focus mainly on sport model.

    Not knowing original MSRP and just searching autotrader for the car, and going with market logic I found a range where it looks like 22-23k would be a good price. with a good history, stock, and mileage between 40-50k. So ok cool bookmarked some options looked at financing through WF, Shitty rates 5yr/17k on a 2012 46K fully loaded premium... Thought huh, I have perfect credit are they only financing for the trade in value? Than I mentioned to my local subaru mechanic I was thinking of selling and he was like toss me a number, I'm interested. Looking at my carfax @ 8K retail value for A 2003 wrx with a 177k miles. I was pleasantly surprised thinkign my clean title one owner with a shit ton of paper work and well done mods, two sets of wheel and full rack might get me 4-5K. Than looking on autotrader and valuations of other cars I was seeing stockers with no extra multiple owners and 180k in the range of 8-10K. I told my car mechanic hestistantly and said tell me if this is a crazy price $7500. Compared to market it seemed overly fair, but I didn't feel comfortable. Mechanic said no thanks and im not sure you will get that price, which made me look up original MSRPs and really chase down this gut feeling that something is not right.

    KBB says a 2013 WRX Sport Base is worth (and just looking this up it has gone up) $23,408-26,645. High is more than original MSRP.

    Which lead me to question how the fuck could market forces and valuations be so wrong?

    I went to a local dealer and personally looked at a 2013 sport wrx with stick price of 25,999 on the window. Internet price of 23,303. The sales repped talked me up of how great subarus were and how she used to sell them, and i asked well if you use to sell them why is the sticker price on this one more than original MSRP. Complete shock and denial. I contacted there internet sales divison and asked. And even asked directly woudl you purchase a car that has gone up in value? But the only response was that they used software to calculate the best competitive prices for used vehicles. And that the purchasing manager would love it if i called him and he'd be willing possibly to work with me. I declined and said this just jittered me out of the market. Now the car has an additional $1500 off managers special on their website. So theyve moved from 25999 to 21899... Still not worth it but I wonder if someone woke up since I have been watching its price movements from listed. Every month about 333 dollar off.

    Carmax also has one even more expensive at 27K. Carmax a internet stock market darling with inventory surpassing the nest 3 largerest groups. A large chunk of for sell inventory with listed numbers. Which it seems there are a lot of 2016 priced higher than their 2017 brand new versions. I was talking to a guy on craigslist who mentioned carmax has been tryign to buy his car from his post also. Which is weird to be agressively seeking craiglist posts. Also it seems weird their inventory grew a ton, loss revenue but stock up...

    So here is my scary thought. People have been to compliant with valuation software. These softwares take in all the forsale information and give averages of the markets rates. But they seem to be neglecting in most cases the depreciation scale. According to KBB they fully neglected it in my car pursuit. 4yrs with minimal deprecitation and mileage is about 49%. But now show high bluebook over MSRP... We have carmax who has a giant scale of invenotry and with every purchase they can raise the selling price a little higher. Valuation software averages there sell prices and creates a new higher used value. Kind of like the frog in the pot and boiling water.

    Than we have ignorant consumers buying cars at higher values than should exist. Typically a bank would not finance a vehicle that didnt hold its value but since the auto bailout in 2008 and lending practices have been pretty leniant and they even offered 9yr loans + 125% the value of the vehicle for rollover negative equity... A lot of these auto loans are small credit unions... Question is are they lending money agaisnt property not worth the value over the time span they give, in hopes it all gets paid. Are they valuing vehicle used prices the same as everyone else where they make no sense with depreciation.

    If the current market with valuation and large companies like carmax cornering market throguh cheap capital and have created a feedback loop successfully, raising used car prices, padding margins for investors and peaked, and if people realize it, and find them overvalued, will they be a lehamn brothers that breaks the auto industries back. Theyll go BK since there growth model was one to try and corner a market. I cant see them purchasing vehicles for real unmanipulated values. Meaning there large inventory will be suddenly underwater, and every other used car dealership buying cars at the inflated evaulations with be negative causing walking away/bk. Which will result in a large inventory of used being liquidated and hurting new car sales and manufacturers. Now I dont know if people with auto loans walk away from the car becuase suddenly cheaper ones are on the market, but I do know 9yr auto loans are to build a base of lower income less credit worthy people. And WF recently reported deep subprime payoffs early are down and defaults are rising.

    Also current talks with friends who also in the market for a new used saw the prices and left without much thought makes me think this is the peak.

    So has the auto industry gone full on house collapse with low interest rates and asinine term lengths, and false valuations that people blindly accepted as fact (much like moodys triple A) They say auto loans debt are at an all time high, so is this going to be a fuckin killer collapse? Am I missing some market evaluation that can explain the how depreciation value seems to be non existant? Thoughts?

    • We just bought a used car and I used websites to find the value/mileage of all cars of that year to see if we were getting a fair deal.eryx
    • We also looked at the prices of the same car from the year before and the year after to see how the value held up.eryx
    • i look forward to any/all resolutions to what ever the fuck.BonSeff
    • eryx did it match with depreciation values from original cost?deathboy
    • id love to know model year mileage and all that out of general curiosity. i dont think the subaru market is a bubble in itself because i looked at othersdeathboy
    • my whole thing is the valuations and looking at what is for sell is inflated. the whole valuation checkers models are wrong and being gamed.deathboy
    • I believe the used market dictates depreciation. I have to sell the 06 TDI. I will sell based on the same criteria and how fast I want gone.eryx
    • let me know year/mileage/model im curious to search it. what im seeing is kbb and market is not pricing anything that correctlydeathboy
    • depreciation i think is more dictated by common repair and age. https://www.trustedc…deathboy
    • 40k miles with 4 years wear gets close to plug reaplcement, could have damage and wear on cv boots, rust, age and detrioration etc... new cars with more optiondeathboy
    • new car loaded id expect more depreciation because more components aging and cost of repair, or equalizing the value with the perk incentivesdeathboy
    • ex, id price my car below the cost of a transmission being the next big ticket item at 177k, plus at that age you have suspensions, moutns, and a ton of otherdeathboy
    • possibilites that it has to be priced for the unexpected or for an ignorant consumer. my mechanic straight up called out my fair market price.deathboy
    • Wrong thread? You already posted this in the blog.monospaced
    • i summarized in blog, than sat and developed and realized it was biggerdeathboy
    • but thanks for the downvote. always interesting the people who value casting there votes, unless it wasnt you than i apologize for my assumptiondeathboy
    • apology accepted... this isn't really politics dudemonospaced
    • oh but it is. if you think about it financially with bailouts, interest rates, regulations and lending practices. Not too mention the possible outcomesdeathboy
    • apology accepted because you didn't downvote?deathboy
    • yesmonospaced
    • huh bummer i prefer a populace that downvotes with a comment of reason. a blind downvote always seems so childishdeathboy
    • Well you've got more than one, and I'm not really surprised, considering the absurd length, (off) topic, and content of your post.monospaced
    • its appropriate content unless you can explain why monetary policy, banking regulations and market economies are not best in politics?deathboy
    • anyways i know the downvotes are people downvoting "deathboy" not the content. should change my handle to blackman than it can be racist.deathboy
    • you didn't talk about politics dudemonospaced
    • and yet you can't explain why... do you really believe things are however you believe them? your thinking sometimes reminds me of religious zealots types.deathboy
    • incapable to reason against things they don't believedeathboy
    • and i don't believe you didn't downvote. you are the type of person who gets a little dopamine rush casting your say. you should be honest, i could carelessdeathboy
    • but dammit i was really hoping for someone to take on the challenge to test my theory. even today i saw a 2016 outback w/17k miles priced 500 cheaper than newdeathboy
    • I don't have to explain how you failed to mention the political aspect of this, that's your error, not mine. I'm just pointing out your failure to connect it.monospaced
    • The idea that someone here might challenge your theory is a joke right!? You think anyone cares or thinks you're lying? No they don't. Sorry.monospaced
    • The economic shit happening to the used late model wrx market is totally weird. It's not politics though. If it is, show us how and why. Thanks.monospaced
    • Also I didn't downvote you. So I'm surely not the only one to recognize this.monospaced
    • haha. you who thinks interest rates and monetary policy are in no way political would not downvote. and its not just the wrx market as i saiddeathboy
    • but thanks. I see why you don't think it's political. You only see it as simply pricing and a WRX. If it was that simple I'd agree but this false evaulations ofdeathboy
    • entire used car market, is the the seconds largest big purchase of people behind homes. Perhaps its scamming the peopel becuase they think cars are a depreciadeathboy
    • tive anyways. So people wont default or walkaway. If say carmax growth model stalls and they go bankrupt flooding vehicles with cheap inventory.deathboy
    • it can go a handful of ways but i dont see any of them being good when it corrects. someone is going to lose a lot of moneydeathboy
    • i see a ton of scare on the subprime but nothing of the inflated used prices. Poof to that money if they have been playing like cars are actually worth whatdeathboy
    • perhaps no discussion because nothing exists to borrow an opinion from? If you think about it most things here are sharing of others opinionsdeathboy
    • or perhaps it is a venue where there is little interest or relevance. be more relevant to people looking for a hidden market fuck up to make moneydeathboy
    • not sure why you're arguing with me when you failed to make a political point and instead wrote a 2-page ranting whine about pricing a used piece of shit carmonospaced
    • I'm only trying to explain your downvotes, which you ALSO whined about. Not political either, btw.monospaced
    • If you want to talk about the politics behind pricing a late model WRX, fucking mention them. You didn't, you haven't, and you refuse to. Not my problem.monospaced
    • I'l give you a starting point. Find out which politician is dedicated to fixing the used lesbian sport hatch pricing scheme, and vote for them. LOL.monospaced
    • i did... clearly twice... willful ignorance or a special kind of stupid?... can you simply not see the larger issue im talking aboutdeathboy
    • fuck, the lack of comprehension has me a bit for a loss of words. what you said shows how little you comprehend. what a waste of timedeathboy
    • ... do you think the house implosion was political? or do you believe that was purely market failure outside realm of politics? you cant be that daftdeathboy
    • or fuck my stupidity in thinking i was talking to parrot like they had a mind and could have a conversation and not prerecorded answersdeathboy
  • deathboy-1

    yuekit. this might be interesting to you. i cant agree with his blind R&D spending but he makes interesting points and arguement of cases not really spoken strongly about in media and presents an interesting argument to the case of if you will spend there why not spend it here for better value.


    • I think you have to put it in context that this guy is actually a well known climate change skeptic. He admits it's happening but dismisses the idea that thereyuekit
    • will be serious consequences. Which is fine but you have to ask why does Reason (funded by the Kochs brothers who own largest private oil company and also fundyuekit
    • climate change denial groups) only interview someone like this? Wouldn't it make more sense to talk to a scientist representing the majority view?yuekit
    • i thought he articulated the that manmade change is strong in his belief, question the effects of spending and trying to curb it, where that money was betterdeathboy
    • spent on projects that have more direct effectdeathboy
    • i think koch brothers have a bad rap, but really reason is one of the last non emotionally triggered media outlets.deathboy
    • i see some hidden ads, and buzzfeed styled headlines here and there but i guess thats what you have to do to stay in businessdeathboy
    • i only look at the worth. the interview style, if you know gillepsie hes not about hand outs, and yet he interviewed the guy on a topic cleanlydeathboy
    • other media outlets woudl try to force their bias or opinion, make it entertaining, is there a pro cliamte scientist that can prove their model with 0 doubtdeathboy
    • im sure they would interview them. probably have. but one thing i like about reason is its not about filling space with idiots like MSMdeathboy
    • judge the content not the support. koch brother philanthropy is wide from nova to hospitals.deathboy
    • the whole we do this for poor nations thing reminds me of as friends rust song called Born with a silver spoon up your assdeathboy
    • actually i take it back the song im thinking of is. we on next level shit and line "Don't tell me what I need until you've needed anything."deathboy
    • which is to say how we think we know who we see as poor and needy need is absolutely incorrectdeathboy
    • Reason isn't all bad but expecting them to be fair on this issue is like expecting RT to criticize Putin.yuekit
    • The Koch Brothers have spent by some estimates $100 million to convince people climate change is not real.yuekit
    • but i thought u would like it because he remind me of a half way between what we think. A compromise of sorts.deathboy
    • id tell u if I suspected an unfairness. they are pretty independent. and they have been managing their integrity ok compared to other pubs.deathboy
    • not that you'd believe me thinking bias, but has anything i ever written made you believe i chose bias over truth. Real is all i care about, intentions be damnddeathboy
    • i disagree with ronald bailey on climate spending who i also agree with on other subjects. who is a big contributordeathboy
    • what soured me on the kochs is they didnt come out to support johnson. at the end of the day im sure they knew it was a lost cause and money wasted, but it wouldeathboy
    • d have been nice, but if you also read koch writings, wether practice vs pen, the words are gooddeathboy
    • and the money they spend are far more productive than the soros typesdeathboy
    • and it just hit me they spend money to think climate change isnt real? sauce?deathboy
    • I just don't think you can ignore the fact that the entire U.S. conservative movement has been subjected to this huge propaganda campaign (ironically what theyyuekit
    • i only see arguments about economic movements on climate change and how they dont work.deathboy
    • but will they spend it here and bomb it then there instead of spend it there? or will they just not spend it? what do you think db?uan
    • falsely accuse the other side of).yuekit
    • Just one example:
    • i think all of america has been subjected to PR campaigns, conservative, and left. and most people just fall in line.deathboy
    • uan i dont know what you are asking. bombs were never in the dialogue. it was more about about dirct and measureable spending where people ask for it, especialldeathboy
    • y amongst poorer nations we are supposedly helping but ask for other thingsdeathboy
    • i really hate labels conservative. left, and what not yuekit, becuase you see no matter which poltician stand with the term fold instantly popular opinon shiftdeathboy
    • i use them simply as poltiical philosophy generalization. I think there is a war to paint so called conservatives one waydeathboy
    • This is very well documented attempt to influence people on a specific issue. It's like tobacco industry paying PR groups to say smoking doesn't cause cancer.yuekit
    • another to paint lefts the other way, and i cant help but think its only to fake a choice of the same thing. remember romneycare, calling out obamacaredeathboy
    • where is that money US is not spending on climate protection going now? (that was my question)uan
    • It would be great if people were not so tribalistic but they are. And the oil industry took advantage of this to brainwash conservatives into thinking climateyuekit
    • change is not real, specifically because it benefits them financially. That is a pretty commentary on how easily people are manipulated but I don't see how youyuekit
    • interesting article, id have liked to read his reseaarch if the link worked. i will play devil advocate in an age of climate change paid pro matirial is it notdeathboy
    • can draw any other conclusion. We can see they are spending hundreds of millions on this, and almost every U.S. conservative media is now a climate skeptic.yuekit
    • ok to pay for a defense material. ill admit without seeing his research this look like paid disinformation, but that is the market of climate changedeathboy
    • and goes to show how much money that market can bedeathboy
    • That is one small example, overall the Kochs are estimated to have spent around $100 million. And similar by Exxon and Chevron.yuekit
    • UAN, beat me probably some goddamn dumb wall, but it wont help create a shitty global carbon cartel market. opec was shit enough.deathboy
    • skeptic is not bad. skeptic challenges. challenging from baseless idiots with no idea is different howeverdeathboy
    • There is also an even bigger organization called Donors Trust, which is completely anonymous and has spent half a billion on climate change denial propaganda.yuekit
    • but most of those people hardly talk of real things. its media filer, time filler. i only cnn and what not in bar. I might find a really good article once a mondeathboy
    • But how much has green technology lobbied and spent on climate change. Its trillion dollar market with no end in site because no goaldeathboy
    • not to negate your example of cronisim but want to highlight it goes both ways. i find both teribledeathboy
    • i dont know we have same goals different means, at least you dont get all identity emo with views. hopefully sharpens both views or opens ideasdeathboy
    • Yeah but the minor detail here is that one side is trying to solve a problem while the other is deliberately trying to mislead people.yuekit
    • Exxon for instance knew climate change was real 40 years ago and still spent millions to convince people that the opposite was true.yuekit
    • https://www.scientif…yuekit
    • The kind of equivalence you're drawing would be like saying on one hand tobacco companies lied to people, on the other hand health companies stand to profityuekit
    • from helping people quit smoking.yuekit
    • i dont see it that way. we know we are in a climate warming model. ice cores seem to show that. in the seventies climate datas became hot with little understanddeathboy
    • it was time of global cooling and the industry began to invent itself. I find spendin money to sway public perception is typical PRdeathboy
    • i assume most of us are in advertising and understand PR. combat large public think to save companydeathboy
    • there is defensive PR and offensive PR spending though. I find offensive as thr aggressor and worse kinddeathboy
    • Most PR is not a deliberate attempt to mislead people that could result in death and destruction.yuekit
    • You could compare it to tobacco industry, or food industry paying off scientists to say sugar is not dangerous.yuekit
    • i think most of the exxon is very new knee jerk pr reaction to a very old style of pr.deathboy
    • out of curiosity what are you margins on climate change yuekit? 50% costs on everything for a 100 years? what is acceptable?deathboy
    • how far is too far? being a individualist i never want to set a price. but you want change, and change cost so how much are you thinking is acceptable?deathboy
    • They literally propagandized the public and the government into not acting on a problem that could permanently degrade or ruin the world's environment.yuekit
    • how much Y for X amount of degrees should people be willing to spend on climate change?theory one thing but how bout practice.deathboy
    • climate change will eventually ruin our environment. it was determined before we existed. i see exxons move to counter a new pr fearmongering threatdeathboy
    • remember all climate science in not empirical and is predictive which hasn't panned out. you hav ea risk manager who sees the potential response to thisdeathboy
    • you go defensive, seed info you want that protect your interests. seed ideas any alternative is false. this is normal behavior, despite frowned upondeathboy
    • because now you have to try and determine what is truthdeathboy
  • Gardener9

    • I am just going to say not cool, Trump is not Hitler. I am not be a fan of him but anyone who has read this book knows how Fucked it is.eryx
    • I am going to say it's funny. Very funny.renderedred
    • https://i.redd.it/pj…Gnash
  • utopian0
    • hurricanes scare the fuck out of me since i live on the beach in the tropics now, in 2 months it's gonna suckmoldero
  • omg-2

    Just reuse the previous response to these tragedies?

    How else could this be rewritten?

    • yep. just this time the police will not share pictures with U.S. intelligenceuan
    • what is your problem here, omg?monospaced
    • We're assuming a response from the MCB. Concerned about the difference in response from two weeks ago.omg
    • why are you concerned about their response?monospaced
    • Perhaps a little bit more insight could be helpful.omg
    • Why would they have more insight? Are you really concerned? This statement isn't very political. He's sharing many people's sentiments worldwide.monospaced
    • OMG can you please, please, please fuck off.see_thru
  • omg1

    The new response is out

    in comparison, it seems they are much angrier, stronger, and shocking than last time. Acts have escalated from criminal to cowardliness with a small nod to Ramadan and a note that London is Harun Khan's home city.

    • And rightly so.monospaced
    • Weren't you critical of their lack of stronger words last time? I forget.monospaced
    • Why is London being targeted so much??robotron3k
    • I didn't have a response, too busy lately. However, I did catch fadein signaling to "morons on here who like to dispute muslim leaders..." lolomg
    • London's pro-Islamist mayor is causing folks to line up against assimilating to western culture. Supposedly a "big fan" of Hillary Clinton.omg
    • Islamist - term used by alt-right to blur the boundaries between law abiding muslims and extremists. Fuck off.fadein11
    • The thank you think any Muslim leader in the UK supports these acts is so retarded beyond belief so yes 'moron' is a still a v.fitting term for your band.fadein11
    • fact*fadein11
    • Anjem Choudary. UK Muslim leader. Islam4UK.omg
    • fuck offfadein11
    • There must be lots of racism in the UK, you just cant see. Just Saying...robotron3k
    • omfg, you're the worstmonospaced
    • and I upvoted this post, because it is a positive message the world should all see, and thank you for sharing itmonospaced
    • It's the only time we'll see you up vote religious prayer.omg
    • You'd think there would be some condemnation against ISIS after they claimed responsibility for these attacks.omg
    • This isn't religious prayer. I don't believe Isis has claimed responsibility when he wrote this either. You're despicable btw.monospaced
    • The entire response was dedicated to Muslim praying in the month of Ramadan with prayers going out to all to which you up voted.omg
    • ISIS has claimed responsibility for previous attacks and the Muslim Council hasn't ever condemn them.omg
  • omg-13

    • they shouldn't 'have' to assimilate. people can simply respect each other. We have more of a mosaic of cultures and neighbourhoods here and it's fine.Gnash
    • "Raheem Jamaludin Kassam is an ex-Muslim British political activist and editor-in-chief of Breitbart News London"
      lol, fuck off omg.
    • You know nothing about Sadiq Khan apart from what you have read on your shitty right websites.fadein11
    • ISIS want Conservatives in power because it means more war and more division in the UK. These attacks increase their chance of winning. Similar things wouldfadein11
    • have happened prior to election in US if Russia hadn't done the job for them.fadein11
    • Here is a non sensational news source reporting the exact same speech:yuekit
    • http://www.standard.…yuekit
    • Good luck finding anything remotely controversial or objectionable in there.yuekit
    • I doubt omg has even stepped foot in the UKinteliboy
    • Power sharing between a mosaic of cultures peacefully coexisting is a dangerous myth that is completely antithetical to human nature.IRNlun6
    • The dominant culture will always rule.IRNlun6
    • To compound the problem, western nations are doing their best to dismantle their own culture and existing power structures.IRNlun6
    • Almost all of the world's largest and most successful cities are a blend of different cultures and have been for some time, so how is that a myth?yuekit
    • Because they live under one nation, one flag, one dominant culture.IRNlun6
    • And unless that dominant culture shares the value of coexistence then there will be no peaceful coexistence.IRNlun6
    • The myth is in assuming that all cultures want to peacefully coexist.IRNlun6
    • Sounds like you're taking a specific issue (radicalization among some Muslims, not all of which are even immigrants) and massively overgeneralizing.yuekit
    • Nope, not just Muslims. You see cultures in ever city tend to congregate with their own groups. And yes it is a generalization when talking about the masses.IRNlun6
    • OK but so what? My city has a Chinatown, are you saying that's a problem somehow?yuekit
    • Perfectly natural for immigrants who just arrived to congregate with other immigrants. Over time they or their kids will most likely feel more attachment to theyuekit
    • place they immigrated to.yuekit
    • I'm not denying that. I'm critical of the generalization that if you mix a bunch of cultures together that people will just naturally coexist.IRNlun6
    • It's a great ideal to live up too but it's not a peaceful transition.IRNlun6
    • I don't think anyone made such an absolutist statement. Of course sometimes there are problems but it completely depends on the circumstance.yuekit
    • I agree on circumstances. In the recent context of mass migration though many are making such absolutist statements.IRNlun6
    • Often it's exaggerated or taken out of context to fear monger or play into a narrative. If you read the article I posted above you'll see that Sadiq Khan didn'tyuekit
    • say anything unreasonable and in fact is trying to bring about more integration between communities. Breitbart then twists one sentence he said to make it lookyuekit
    • like he's some kind of extremist. And I see that Trump just send out a statement criticizing him after the attack, based on something he didn't actually say.yuekit
    • When was the last time you heard the President attack the mayor of a city that had just been attacked by terrorists? It's disgusting, and hard to escape theyuekit
    • conclusion that Trump and his supporters don't like the guy simply because he is Muslim.yuekit
    • I wasn't so much speaking of this article. I find people are more frustrated with his comments on terrorism just being a part of living in a big city.IRNlun6
    • ... and how he accuses people of Islamophobia. People are very justified in being fearful of Islam.IRNlun6
    • He's a big proponent of mass migration and open borders. I find that naive and dangerous.IRNlun6
    • The masses just see problem and react.IRNlun6
    • To Trumps defense, Khan has not been shy of being very critical of Trump.IRNlun6
    • You mean this quote?
      "Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to
    • support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life oryuekit
    • destroy the way we lead our lives."yuekit
    • Again entirely reasonable, he simply said you've got to be prepared and vigilant. And that terrorism should NOT be allowed to destroy their way of life.yuekit
    • So again Trump and his followers lied and it seems they particularly get off on attacking this guy, over statements that no one would pay attention to if someyuekit
    • other politician said them. I wonder why?yuekit
    • I don't disagree but I find it's more a reaction to violent events than a conscious effort to misinterpret.IRNlun6
  • omg-14

    • you are a disgracefadein11
    • It's not even trolling at this point - like dogshit on the pavement, you see it and go 'huh, dogshit' and walk past it.face_melter
    • This particular pavement is a minefield of dogshit, though, to carry on your analogy. Between omg, Hayoth, Dillinger, and ...Continuity
    • our very own Special Olympian robotron, we've got to dodge a lot, in order not to tread in it.Continuity
  • Continuity1

    So, if you can get past the appalling rape of the English language by a cheese grater, this is a fairly entertaining read.

    True? No idea. Possible? Even likely.

    'Is Melania Trump Getting Federally-Funded Side Peen?'


  • sted3

    Theresa May is a stupid cunt.

    • Let me guess: she's trying to use the attacks to score political points?Continuity
    • who isn'tIRNlun6
    • Our ownlittle twumpy wumpyfadein11
    • She needs to stop this violence by declaring sharia law in the UK. You liberals would love this...robotron3k
    • no. she wants to spy on every single fucking citizen, that's what she wants. and of course "regulate the internet"sted
    • Only brainwashed morons think liberals are in favor of sharia law. It's like a dumbfuck mating call.monospaced
    • speechless robofadein11
    • We should be strong and stable...apparently...see_thru
  • Ramanisky23
    • oh boy.Gnash
    • This will get him re-elected for sure now.robotron3k
    • The fuck? I want Trump to be humiliated as much as the next guy, but even I'll bet this is fake.Continuity
    • http://fotoforensics…Gnash
    • That can't be him, though. Has he got hairy arms and hands like that? And wasn't he blond, not dark-haired like this? So many questions ...Continuity
    • the head near the ears looks weirdGnash
    • Yeah, that was the tip-off for me, too. That ear looks too far away, relative to the rest of the face.Continuity
    • Regardless:

    • lolGnash
    • Don the Conutopian
    • 30 years ago?instrmntl
    • Sadly, it's fake.BusterBoy
  • chukkaphob1

  • utopian2
  • utopian2

    Don the Con Skips His Own "Pittsburgh not Paris” Rally For Golf Course

    President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement on Thursday prompted the administration to plan the “Pittsburgh not Paris” rally at the last minute across from the White House. However, Trump himself was not in attendance.

    Instead, the president’s motorcade was seen pulling up to Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, on Saturday morning, according to reports. It’s unclear at this time if Trump is playing golf or just visiting his golf course. However, this does make it the 22nd time that he’s visited a golf course during his term in office.


    • My old man is semi-retired and works part time - even he doesn't play as much golf as this gibbering cuntball.face_melter
    • If America was so i important for the agreement they should have called it the American Climate Accord, not Paris.robotron3k
    • That's because you're a moron robomonospaced
    • I wish I played as much golf as this guy :/PonyBoy
    • just look at that sack of intestinesGnash
    • John Daly...with Trump's face photoshopped on.BusterBoy
    • wuts up with his face? looks like he caught what steve banon hasmoldero
    • look at that shit backswing. keep your left arm straight jackass!akiersky
  • nb1

    Ok, just try for a minute to ignore whatever side you're on in the gun debate. Just forget about that issue for a minute.

    This tweet demonstrates that this is the dumbest, most inept man to ever be president. It's like your ignorant drunk uncle who loves posting on Facebook is somehow running the most important country in the world.

    Unbelievable at what a dumb country the US has become.

    • "Unbelievable at what a dumb country the US has become."
      I was with you till you dropped that bullshit... fuck off, nb... couldn't help yourself could you?
    • the statement falls in line with the thinking that all muslims must be terroristsPonyBoy
    • Well, Americans did for for this guy and they continue to support him. So yea, stupidest place on earth right now.sofakingback
    • Not everyone supports ISIS and antifa. Even if you don't support your country, why post his message if you're just going to ignore it. How smart is that?omg
    • ban all knives and muslims too.utopian
    • and trucks.moldero
    • ban everything, the terrorists won!moldero
    • yanks and their guns. so odd.inteliboy
    • If I was an American right now I'd be embarrassedscruffics
    • that's because you have a shred of morality and higher expectations than the typical braindead, hate-filled, fearful trump supportermonospaced