
Out of context: Reply #26542

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  • deathboy-2

    Great the school district still cant sort out there funding issues.... after a 1.2 million dollar campaign financed by building companies to raise sales tax to bond debt for a bunch of new schools... which after the measure passed they informed the public they of their 40 million deficit, so they cant operate in any of those schools... Now they over estimated how much money they would receive for regular schools.

    This on top of a new superintendent that came with a huge new salary and perks, because the old one got the boot for corruption, but still made out with a large severance...

    and now a huge campaign fighting voucher programs... if parents can find better alternative for 5K, vs ~10k cost in public school, I say let them try. Schools can operate a lot cheaper without large sports complex's. Let private schools have a chance to compete and find what models people want. And than try to find a model to rollback the vouchers to put cost back on to the parents. Not sure how to do that though, but that would help mans impact on climate change, by showing real cost of kids and hopefully curb growth. But than u need to let abortion be ok. Have to let people be able to fix there mistakes.... i really don't feel like working today....

    • *thenmonospaced
    • *theirmonospaced
    • but fuck standards, right?monospaced
    • do you have to pay for public school in the US?uan
    • no, of course notmonospaced
    • wow, I went googling the subject...fucked up. education is a fundamental human right.uan
    • in good public school neighborhoods the rents are high. so sometimes it's better for families to pay low rent and a private school.uan
    • the reason why it's not good having private schools receiving government funding is that they won't adhere to any standardsmonospaced
    • holy shit I feel like we've been through this already ... it's NOT good to provide "choice" in the form of charter schools that operate like private institutiomonospaced
    • aka, religious schools that will receive tax payer money, and reserve the right to act like a religious schoolmonospaced
    • they package this as choice, but the goal is clear: provide money to christian schools for christians only ... resulting in segregationmonospaced
    • reduce funding and lower standards for regular public schools, forcing them to work with less across the board nationwidemonospaced
    • And by the way, I'm super sorry to hear about your school district. I didn't realize you were a parent with school aged children in the public system.monospaced
    • Most people would argue that this was a symptom of an underfunded system, not one that needs to be neglected further.monospaced
    • so just give more money to failing systems. sounds about right. the new american waydeathboy
    • and mono there are catholic private schools with excellent programs that don't shove religion down your throat. unlike public school shoves gov is great.deathboy
    • obey follow start everyday with pledge allegience, learn to listen, repeat, the public education system is fucked. we keep increasign budgets and get worse resudeathboy
    • lts... its crazy to think you will get a different result. its popular group think and its what your told, but it doesn't make sensedeathboy
    • and UAN schooling isn't a basic right, that bad learnin too. Rights cant be services rendered by others... slavery anyonedeathboy
    • its in peoples best interests to have working education systems, but current systems take responsibilities away from parents, and limits choicedeathboy
    • you have to check out how and why standardizations were developed. a lot of it was well intended but as you see today it fails. id recommend teachign as a subvedeathboy
    • rsive activity. really insightfuldeathboy
    • We've been over this. Just because they failed you and you're bitter doesn't mean they aren't good. Also I have NO issue with private catholic schools.monospaced
    • This is about the lie that choice in the form of charter religious schools is not a good thing for many reasons you can't grasp.monospaced
    • The idea that we put more money in and got less is also bullshit. I know the facts here and diverting public school resources to private schools is bad.monospaced
    • Reform is in order, that we agree on completely. But you and in both know the dangers of these private institutions. I cant believe I'm arguing this.monospaced
    • and mono im not a parent, i don't want the burdens of being a parent. But i am interested in education. Don't you want to know how you learn? How to improve?deathboy
    • There are entire counties and states that would pour tax payer $ into their system that teaches creationism and shuns sex Ed among all kinds of awful discriminamonospaced
    • THAT is what the whole push is for and to say otherwise is so incredibly naive it's borderline stupid. It's choice alright, but not one that helps the majority.monospaced
    • Some people more interested in sports, i like learning about subjects that effect me. I didnt even realize how engrained the public edu aspect was when discussdeathboy
    • It puts all kinds of social minorities at peril, it puts education at risk, it violates church and state laws, and it lowers or eliminates any positive standardmonospaced
    • You might know this if you weren't regurgitating the shit you read on breitbart or hear from Betsy dumbfuck asshole devos. But you're clueless apparently. smhmonospaced
    • ing waldorf school approach. I don't think that approach would work for me personally, and i laughed it off, but learning more and thinking about it i can seedeathboy
    • And by the way. Your writing skills are absolute garbage. And yes, it matters. Educated people probably laugh at your emails, if you even write them.monospaced
    • how it might be better for other and especially one who dont learn the same in standarized methods and fail, how that effects those people, to think your aredeathboy
    • But yeah. Let's lower the standards, allow anyone to teach without oversight, any shit they want, and just label it choice. Fuck that.monospaced
    • dumb or slow and how that becomes a negative self fullfilling cycledeathboy
    • id actually love to see a uber styled school method. Professionals in fields offering day classes, retired, open it up to what students might want to learndeathboy
    • back in the day it took a village to raise a man. it socializes them, teaches them different walks of life, its interesting, and practical. offers flexibility.deathboy
    • breaks up teachers unions and standards. help show diplomas are nothing but expensive paper. if elon said it ppl would rejoicedeathboy
    • but probably because public school teachs you to follow the person in front of the class. the leader, the entertainer, the fool. Keep an open mind about it.deathboy
    • and colleges... haha... idiot farms to indenturing youth. great for banks and gov.deathboy
    • no one likes the big bad banks and yet they so easily dupe people out of there money and sovereignty. ppl just like to hatedeathboy
    • have you ever even though of how medicine keeping old people alive is helping to destroy the middleclass, by taking away wealth passed on.deathboy
    • not to mention helps balloon the cost because when private funds are drained they can keep the person alive to drain medicaredeathboy
    • wow mono. let go of your fear of freedom of choice. really run the scenarios in your head. didnt we do fine before the department of education?deathboy
    • are you scared a blowhard president might be elected by a public educated populace?deathboy
    • Damn refresh notes... i think all your scenarios are fear mongeringdeathboy
    • Mono you are very closed minded on the subject. I don't read breibart or follow devos, i read books, think, but clearly you like some nytimes or easy reads.deathboy
    • so you think someone will open a school that is christian, and only preach bible... this school has operating costs. How will it stay open?How many studentsdeathboy
    • enrolled? Why would parents think that bible only prepares their kid for the future. Might be .01 percent weirdos out there but if thats what you are scared ofdeathboy
    • the uber small percentage of nut jobs and you want to dictate everyone else, does that seem smart? not many peopel are taught cirtical thinking in public schooldeathboy
    • so concepts that challenge their norms are largerly frightening. but humor me and think about realistically how your fears could possibly developdeathboy
    • if you see its unlikely than you realize the fear is irrational helps dissipate it.deathboy
    • frees you up to think. fear is a mechanism that drives us away, its primal, closes down thought processesdeathboy
    • heres a light but good read mono http://reason.com/re…deathboy
    • and remember my writing is multipart lack of caring and filteration. if people attack the spelling/grammar instead of the idea it tells me a lot about themdeathboy
    • It tells you that I had a superior education, perhaps, and that I live/work in a world where that matters, and where we hold up those standards as important.monospaced
    • And even if you don't support Betsy "billionaire bitchess" Devos, you sure as fuck seem to be. Sorry, but it's like you're all about charter schools.monospaced
    • Please don't ever call me close-minded on the subject. I am anything but, and I somehow can't fathom how your arguments ignore all the pitfalls.monospaced
    • Once again, I'm NOT afraid of religion. I don't give a fuck about it. They can do their shit, but keep it away from my kids, and my money.monospaced
    • Religion in school isn't a challenging of norms, it's a backward move that promotes practices that are, frankly, grossly unconstitutional.monospaced
    • For example, a religious school can discriminate at will, based on sexuality or faith. Allowing that along with gov. funding is fucking bullshit.monospaced
    • Imagine your community primarily with Muslim schools, and that become the only "choice" for 30 miles. That's what's allowed in this ... an alt-right nightmare.monospaced
    • I'm worried that already-existing PRIVATE schools will BECOME the public schools, which is what Devos is instating you dense jerk. How do you not see this!?!?!?monospaced
    • That's is quite literally her plan, and it's why the world's educators, congress and senate are so upset. It's really disgusting.monospaced
    • If someone wants choice, they already have it! They can go to any goddamn private school they want, and PAY for it. Leave public out of it and gov. $$$. Simple.monospaced
    • YOUR argument that changing that model is somehow a positive thing is so fucked up it's not even funny.monospaced
    • all of your scenarios are you projecting your fears. walk it through logically step by step on how these formations would happen.deathboy
    • id love for all education to not be public funded, but right now they have the monopoly, and the right thing to do is break them up.deathboy
    • and the plan is to save tax payer money while improving education, where as your plan is throw more money at a failed system. like a gambler doubling down.deathboy
    • Plan to achieve better results and save VS We just have to spend more... come on its easy to see the turd of the twodeathboy
    • well unless you were told there was only one answer and have never researched alternatives or even thought of what is a learning processdeathboy
    • how does the current systems methods accomplish good bullshit detectors, or any critical thought? Hemingway understood. and those focuses are necesary in ourdeathboy
    • current culture. How bout this start small and say why that charter school was a bad idea to expand. Clearly a demand without vouchers. Why not save tax payerdeathboy
    • money and provide competitions that has demand. unless you like monopolies? unless it challenges your world viewdeathboy
    • but i will stand you are closed minded unless you really look into it. its a burden to learn i get that, but if you dont want to take the time be honest bout itdeathboy
    • don't do the half ass ill informed i read something and I must have an opinion less i look dumb thing. i know its popular thing, but its stupid.deathboy

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