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  • bklyndroobeki0

    Couldn't Musk & Iger stay in there and fight the good fight, or would it be futile?

    • suksbklyndroobeki
    • I was thinking the same thing... also thought they could at least be there as ears to relay to 'us' what's really going on (watchdogs of sorts)PonyBoy
    • Global Warming liberal lawyer Doug Derwin ran big campaigns to "Dump Trump" in California to convince Elon Musk to leave.omg
    • http://static1.busin…omg
    • probably futile given the presidents short attention span and requirement of drawings to understand things.dorf
  • omg0

    Globalist Propaganda- CNN Busted!

    • #Trumpcalleditrobotron3k
    • not fake, this is how many protests roll these days - groups contact news agencies, say they are going to be at x at y time, cameras then appear and film them.inteliboy
    • <- this particular vid is pretty pathetic though.inteliboy
    • hahaDillinger
    • lolGnash
    • Upvotes for omg...!?robotron3k
    • nomonospaced
  • Bluejam4

    "The American Civil Liberties Union tweeted their thanks to President Trump Sunday for calling his travel ban a ban, after his administration previously insisted the executive order was not one."


  • monoboy3

    Bless him. Does he know people in places like the supreme court can see his tweets too?

    Good news though, looks like he's ditched his unsecured phone for an iPhone.

    • Fuck me, he's thick.Continuity
    • You gotta wonder if he actually talks to anyone. I feel like they just lock him in a room with his twitter and let him ramble.formed
    • His spent his whole commercial life using money and lawyers to fix the game for him. Screwing people over is easy when you're a billionaire...monoboy
    • Yeah, a ban to stop this fat fucking mongrel from leaving the US. Keep him locked at one of his golf ranches or fucking whatever he slinks away to.face_melter
    • ...not so in public office. He's yet to realise this. When he does, he's going to do something really stupid. The penny drop moment will be broadcast world widemonoboy
    • What also hilarious, he genuine thinks he's the best there is at 'making deals'.monoboy
    • Can't blame him though when everyone around him says yes and he gets to grope whoever he likes.monoboy
    • *sorry for the grammar errors*.monoboy
    • he likes to make it out like he's the best, but it doesn't take much work to find out that's also full of bullshitmonospaced
    • Absolute helmetkona
  • BusterBoy9

  • CygnusZero41

    Another day... 4 more whining tweets from Princess Trump before 9am. This guy is such a bitch lol. Ill bet he has a tampon jammed up his ass.

    • ultimate snowflake commander in chief.fadein11
    • He's up that early because he was communicating with "...those guys in Macedonia."robotron3k
    • do you just make shit up robo? do you think anyone thinks it's weird he's up early?monospaced
    • http://www.dailytele…robotron3k
    • looks like a great source lolfadein11
    • thanks for clarifying that you're just making shit up, robo, way to come through and show us that you're an upstanding political troll piece of shit :)monospaced
    • I sense just a bit of anger from you mono, have you been this way since Nov of last year?robotron3k
    • Not surprisingly, your perceptions of people's moods are as fucking ruined as your perception of reality. That you are not mad at trump is just idiotic.monospaced
    • You're the one who voted for a childish man bitch, defending his classless idiocy with your own, tossing in fear and bigotry for good order, NOT ME.monospaced
  • Bluejam2

    "President Donald Trump can’t be counted on to give accurate information to Americans when violent acts are unfolding abroad."

  • IRNlun6-2

    Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt cut ties with Qatar - Four Arab nations try to isolate nation they say supports terrorism


  • yuekit1

    ^ This is a good analysis of what's happening with Qatar...


    A convergence of factors appears to have shifted the geopolitical landscape in the Persian Gulf. The Trump administration signaled that it intends to follow a set of regional policies that are aligned far closer to those of Abu Dhabi and Riyadh than Doha.

    Whereas the Obama administration sought to enhance U.S. engagement with the GCC as a bloc, Trump focused instead on Saudi Arabia and the UAE as the twin pillars of its regional approach. Strong bonds reportedly have formed between Trump’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner and Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia as well as Yusuf al-Otaiba, the influential UAE ambassador in Washington.

    Key principals within the Trump administration, such as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo, hold views on Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood that are virtually indistinguishable from those in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

    Saudi Arabia and the UAE are emerging as the two spearheads around which U.S. regional policies are realigning, including a set of hawkish defense and security interests; the joint raid conducted by U.S. and UAE Special Forces in Yemen in January may well be only the first of numerous joint initiatives across regional conflict zones in the months and years ahead.

    So Trump loves Saudi Arabia. The same country that is the actual #1 sponsor of terrorism and helped fund and arm ISIS. They may even be funding some of the Jihadists launching attacks in Europe.

    But Trump is supposedly tough on terrorism because he says crazy things and sends out tweets....cognitive dissonance.

    • Not really. Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has completed changed Saudi Arabia as a country. Israel is also an unerlying partner in all this.IRNlun6
    • We'll see how this plays out, but this is likely a step toward long term peace in the Middle East. They will decide what their future looks like, not us.IRNlun6
    • 'underlying'IRNlun6
    • Al Jazzera and it's Western media allies will be heavily against this.IRNlun6
    • I don't think there is really any basis for what you're saying. Saudi Arabia is still funding radical Islam and under the new prince they have actually launchedreanimate
    • military campaigns in the region. That's bringing peace?reanimate
    • ISIS and Islamic Terrorism is an enemy of Saudi Arabia. This is a coalition of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt.IRNlun6
    • Countries that have taken dramatic steps to stopping terror in the region.IRNlun6
    • IRNlun6 be honest would you even be trying to make this argument if Trump hadn't befriended them?yuekit
    • Of course Saudi Arabia supports Islamic terrorism. For one thing there are tens of thousands of madrassas in countries around the world preaching radical Islamyuekit
    • that are funded by them. The Taliban for instance were educated in these schools.yuekit
    • They also fund and arm Jihadists in Syria including ISIS (according to U.S. government and the Prime Minister of Iraq).yuekit
    • It's quite possible that some of these people made their way back to Europe and were the ones launching attacks.yuekit
    • And I didn't even mention 9/11...yuekit
    • this is a likely step towards an american taxpayer subsidized war with iran.dorf
    • @yuekit my opinions on SA began to change prior to the election. Their 2030 plan, The Crown Princes reforms, admitting to having mislead us in the past..IRNlun6
    • http://www.politico.…IRNlun6
    • I'm grateful Trump didn't turn out to fuck it up as bad as so many thought, and actually ended up supporting our allies in the region. Which went over very wellIRNlun6
    • People still dismiss the significance of Trump, of all people, to speak along side a coalition of Arab countries to denounce Islamic terrorism.IRNlun6
    • ^ if a liar says he won't lie anymore. would you believe that person?dorf
    • I guess it wasn't going to fly for them to pretend they had nothing to do with terrorism anymore.yuekit
    • But that article makes it sound like something that happened in the distant past. Whereas just last year, in one of the Wikileaks emails, you had Hillaryyuekit
    • Clinton talking privately about how the Saudis were funding ISIS.yuekit
    • Also this article was just published today:
    • Putting aside the corruption aspect, why do you think they are so afraid of 9/11 being looked it?yuekit
    • Their actions as of late looks like they're serious about reforms. Specifically calling out financing for the Muslim Brotherhood, Taliban, ISIS, and Hamas.IRNlun6
    • http://www.middleeas…IRNlun6
    • Here's the reality of life in "reformed" Saudi Arabia:yuekit
    • https://www.usnews.c…yuekit
    • https://www.amnesty.…yuekit
    • According to them the 21 year old activist they are planning to crucify (literally, as in behead and nail to a cross) is a "terrorist"yuekit
    • So I'd be pretty suspicious when they say they are fighting terrorism. More likely is the same as with Yemen, trying to project influence across the region.yuekit
  • R_Kercz0


    President Donald Trump on Monday backed a controversial House GOP plan to wrest air traffic control away from the FAA, placing the safety of millions of airline passengers under a private corporation that he said will perform better, cheaper and faster.

    • Cant wait till planes fall out of the sky since there will be no regulation anymore. President Bannon is a known anarchist. He wants chaos in this country.CygnusZero4
    • This is just one way to get there.CygnusZero4
    • What a fucking disasterkona
  • Ramanisky23

    a special LOL @ 7:00

  • Ramanisky21

    Trump will not use executive privilege to block James Comey's testimony.


    • Testimony is Thurs. Couldn't he just invoke the privilege at the last minute? Knowing his love of drama, it seems possible.mandomafioso
    • wouldn't put it past the Orange Snowflake in ChiefRamanisky2
    • Sheeeeit. Comey can plead the 5th if he wants or is incentivized to.monospaced
  • allthethings2

    Seth Abramson on Twitter a couple of hours ago. The question is how the 40 percent of Americans who stand behind Trump -- and 100 percent of Republicans in Congress -- can be convinced that this is what they voted for and support.

    (THREAD) Trump saying America needs to have "riots" and "total hell" to be "great again" suggests he perjured himself in his Oath of Office.
    (1) Trump took—at his presidential inauguration—an Oath of Office, which carries a duty to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution."
    (2) Trump has repeatedly justified draconian policies by alluding to the language of this Oath, maintaining he wants to *protect* Americans.
    (3) But evidence is emerging to suggest Trump's administration does *not* have as its first principle the protection or defense of America.
    (4) In early 2014, a year before he decided to run for POTUS, Trump was trying to raise his profile but wasn't yet receiving heavy scrutiny.
    (5) In February 2014, Trump gave an interview with Fox News in which he made startling admissions about his agenda.
    (6) Trump said the "solution" to America's problems—and the key to making America "great again"—was turning America into a "hellish" place.
    (7) Specifically, Trump said America being a "total hell," with "everything a disaster," would "solve" the nation's many domestic problems.
    (8) But Trump went *much* further: he said that there'd have to be "riots" in the streets of America before the nation became "great again."
    (9) Implied in Trump's diatribe was that America would need a leader willing to *oversee* its deliberate descent into being a "total hell."
    (10) In February 2014 (and still) neither the Democrats nor the Republicans had a platform supporting "riots," "total hell," and "disaster."
    (11) But Trump has done much *more* than merely declare himself a proponent of "riots," "total hell," and "disaster" as a policy "solution."
    (12) The architect of Trump's agenda, Steve Bannon, says he's a "Leninist" and says he wants to "destroy the state."
    (13) Bannon's confession was published almost six months before Trump made him his top advisor, and in a publication Trump is known to read.
    (14) And Bannon's comments were *widely* reported across American media. His belief in radical destruction was *known* when Trump hired him.
    (15) Since he's been in office, nearly all Trump's policies have been aimed at increasing domestic and international chaos. Examples follow.
    (16) Trump wants to end the EU; diminish NATO; dismantle America's healthcare system without a replacement; and withdraw from our treaties.
    (17) His budget exacerbates economic polarization, increasing the chance of domestic unrest; his immigration policy breeds hatred/suspicion.
    (18) His tweets caused an MSNBC host to ask whether the president "wants to provoke a terrorist attack" in America.
    (19) His tweets also create a deliberate sort of chaos—*daily*—by undermining the authority of his aides, his cabinet, the DOJ, and others.
    (20) It's time to ask if Putin supports Trump because BOTH seek the destruction of American civil society and the COLLAPSE of America. {end}

    • And by the way, as an American, let me just assure those of you from elsewhere that I'm deeply embarrassed by the election and the shit show that followed.allthethings
    • Which those of us who supported the flawed candidacy of HRC predicted.allthethings
    • It's not that Trump is so great, its that in general politicians are horrible. Even Obama cared so much about his legacy that he didnt accomplish much.robotron3k
    • Also, politicians haved never seen anything like him (populist) and nobody seems to know what to do.robotron3k
    • Hey we don't like politicians. Let's vote for the guy who isn't one even if he's a clown. Who cares if he's a moron and a deceitful liar, he's not a politician!monospaced
    • "in general politicians are horrible. obama." I don't follow your line of reasoning. did you pay attention to politics before trump showed up?dorf
    • Robo, if you were paying attention you'd know that Trump is pretending to be a populist. All of his actual stands will hurt the people who voted him in.allthethings
    • I said stands, not plans, because he has actually done nothing except say what he's going to do. He has no actual tax plan, for example, beyondallthethings
    • saying he's going to have a great tax plan.allthethings
  • Ramanisky22

  • PonyBoy0

    Ms. Winner... You're a Loser.

    Federal contractor charged with leaking classified materials to the media


    "A 25-year-old federal contractor was criminally charged Monday in connection with leaking classified information to a news organization - marking the first leak prosecution under the Trump administration.

    Reality Leigh Winner, of Augusta, Georgia, was arrested over the weekend after prosecutors said she printed a copy of a classified report and mailed it to an online news outlet, the Justice Department announced Monday."

    • http://heavy.com/new…PonyBoy
    • there goes her careerGnash
    • She's going to be made an example. they probably will be easy on her, claim she was on her period/had a rough day/over worked/etc... still, she's f'd in the a.robotron3k
    • https://theintercept…instrmntl
    • lol printed and mailed a report to an online news outlet. the fax wasn't working at her office?sted
    • ^ it was busy faxing her fffffound images back homeGnash
    • Reality Winner sounds like a character from a Neil Stephenson novel.yuekit
  • chukkaphob1

    The The
    "Armageddon Days Are Here (Again)"

    Are you ready Jesus? Aha
    Budah? Yaeh
    Muhammad? Okey
    But all right friends, let's go

    They're 5 miles high as the crow flies
    leavin' vapour trails against a blood red sky
    Movin' in from the East toward the West
    with Balaclava helmets over their heads, yes!

    But if you think that Jesus Christ is coming
    Honey you've got another thing coming
    If he ever finds out who's hi-jacked his name
    He'll cut out his heart and turn in his grave

    Islam is rising
    The Christians mobilising
    The world is on its elbows and knees
    It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds

    It's war, she cried, It's war, she cried, this is war
    Drop your possessions, all you simple folk
    You will fight them on the beaches in your underclothes
    You will thank the good lord for raising the union jack
    You'll watch the ships out of harbour
    and the bodies come floating back

    If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today
    He'd be gunned down by the C.I.A.
    Oh, the lights that now burn brightest behind stained glass
    Will cast the darkest shadows upon the human heart
    But God didn't build himself that throne
    God doesn't live in Israel or Rome
    God belong to the yankee dollar
    God doesn't plant the bombs for Hezbollah
    God doesn't even go to church
    And God won't send us down to Allah to burn
    No, God will remind us what we already know
    That the human race is about to reap what it's sown

    The world is on its elbows and knees
    It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds
    Armageddon days are here again

    Music & Lyrics: Matt Johnson

    • posting in two threads? meh, song isn't nearly as insightful as it thinks it ismonospaced
  • BusterBoy5

    Former Secretary of State John Kerry on Meet the Press: When President Trump says he'll negotiate a better climate deal, it's “like OJ Simpson saying he’s gonna go out and find the real killer”

  • utopian3

    You just can't make this shit up...What dumb fuck!

    Trump Cited Weather Reports as Reason
    for Paris Agreement Withdrawal

    Politico reported in its "Playbook" newsletter that while Trump was spending the weekend at his Florida golf club, he cited inaccurate weather reports as reasoning for pulling out of the Paris accord, seemingly suggesting a disbelief in climate science.


  • dasohr-2

    From hence on, inspired by face_melter's poetic tounge, it shall be referred to as Peanutdick. Let's make #runthebastardsout great again.

  • yuekit0

    60% of Americans oppose Trump's decision to scrap the Paris climate change agreement.


    • He says he wants to represent America and not the rest of the world. So I guess he should cancel his plans to cancel the agreement.yuekit
    • Polls also said he was going to lose the election, he's not about to start listening to them now. In his view, America is only the people who voted for him, thezarkonite
    • rest of the country is just a bunch of whiners that need to be converted or stfu.zarkonite