gay anti gay?

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  • bitPic0

    there are gay animals so how do you explain that...
    i dont care if a person is gay hot girl on hot girl has given me some of the best moments in my life.

    • whoah whoah whoah, hold up. It's their CHOICE! Hahaha.monospaced

    Behave Kids! dont make me come out there!


    people enjoy picking at douchbags, metals, hipsters, emo's, latin, black, white, fatties, different religions... point is why can't some one do a gay jok every now and then.... geezus christ

  • gramme0

    Monkeyshine, I am not speaking as the "voice of God." I apologize if it comes across that way. My understanding is based on *God's* ideas, as put forth in the Bible, rather than some personal inner compass. The reason I set my sights higher than myself is because just as you say, I don't know. I only have my perspective. Because I am painfully finite and limited, I need a window into the divine perspective in order to understand things about life and the world which man alone cannot fathom. I believe the Bible is God's inerrant word, and as such it is the guiding light and primary sustenance in my life. What I believe about the supernatural, right and wrong, the afterlife, etc. is not a personal concoction, but rather a belief in what God says, rather than what man says about God. The distinction is huge. Please don't misunderstand my belief for arrogance. I simply believe God when he says in the Bible that he is THE way, THE truth, THE life. He didn't say he's A way. It's a tough pill to swallow, I know. But if I don't believe the above, then I call God a liar and the entire Bible is subsequently a pile of garbage.

    There are many things which remain mysterious about this world and the next. But I believe there are some things—the things we NEED to know in this life—which have been revealed and recorded for the benefit of anyone with open ears and minds.

    I waded into this thread in the first place, if I recall (it was a while ago) because I saw the Christian perspective on sexuality being twisted as usual. Sexual preference is a complex, nuanced subject, and I think it's worth offering a better explanation of a much-maligned and misunderstood Christian point of view. I'm not sure who else here would do it if I wasn't around. I'm happy to give you space to voice your beliefs in the same way. It doesn't threaten me at all to see you talk about it.

    About the piety of privacy, i.e. the commonly held notion that people should keep religious opinions to themselves, I call bullshit. It's not a pious or respectful stance, but rather one that is rooted in fear of rejection, as well as another kind of absolute belief: the concept that truth is relative, and that no one's version is better. It's the new dogma, and I'll be damned if I sit idly by without throwing my hat in the ring.

    So let's disagree until the world ends (or doesn't), but by all means let's speak openly and with candor. Let's pretend we're in a society that was founded on a desire to speak and worship freely.

    I'm just curious, under what context (if any) would you ever be interested in hearing someone like me talk about their beliefs? In the context of an established friendship? Over beers?

    I do agree with your sentiment that words mean far less than actions, so this will be the last time I post in this thread. Anyone is welcome to email me for further discussion if they wish.

    • one thing for sure, is that Magick works,
      (I wonder how many will understand what I just said)
    • christians have been using magick for years, they just won't admit itscarabin
    • inerrant...well, I hope you haven't shaved because I fear for your life then.monkeyshine
    • I have no idea what you're talking about, Georges.gramme
  • GeorgesII0

    Man, faith in humanity, I lost that years ago (actually got called a cynical mofo by someone here on QBN) when I pointed out that people that have a so called faith in humanity are the one that police themselves most, they will never speak their mind on what they really think and will always go with the crowd because they believe it will make them more acceptable.
    individuals should always listen to what others have to say no matter how hard it goes again their belief system. In every debate that I've had in here >> global warming, religion, aliens, reality, swine flu, mac vs pc, the same "rational" crowd have always lead the name calling and insults, branding others that don't agree with their point of view as imbeciles, retards, racist, crazies, antisemite .... just because those people tend to differ on what they see as right and wrong,
    we can not evolve and will not evolve as a specie if we can't even argue simple subjects like these. Seriously how can we solve the problem we're facing if we just used the tired rhetoric of "You're either with us of against us"
    Gramme spoke his mind, even if I think it wrong, I can not attack him for thinking the way he does, that his point of view.
    I don't even attempt to discuss fringe subjects here anymore because I know the same "rational" peeps are going to make a joke of it, without actually doing any kind of attempt at researching.
    I started this thread saying that I was sick of hypocrites saying one thing while practicing another and it degenerated in the usual, God hates fag, and insult fest we're used to.

    how are we supposed to solve anything, if we keep going in circle??

  • scarabin0

    you got to your third sentence before it all broke down:

    "My understanding is based on *God's* ideas, as put forth in the Bible"

    if god wrote the bible he's a fucking retard. if man wrote the bible they're fucking retards. the bible is a flawed document consisting of a conflicting mish-mash of passages so vague anyone can find anything they want in them.

    if you're seriously basing your philosophy on one of the most poorly conceived and written pieces of fiction man has ever conceived, i'm afraid there's no hope for you.

    here are just a few examples of how absurd it is. the writers couldn't even keep basic ideas consistent and frequently outright contradicted themselves:…

    • It's my understanding that the bible is a collection of books that have been written by men, and assembled and edited by men. It's interesting to read about the history and how some biblical scholars believe sections were misinterpreted. It calls a lot of what's written into question.
    • men. It's interesting to read about the history and how some biblical scholars believe sections were misinterpreted. It calls a lot of what's written into question.
    • calls a lot of what's written into question.
    • We still have physical copies of either primary, secondary, or third-generation texts.gramme
    • We also still have access to the old languages the Bible was written in.gramme
    • So the argument from editing doesn't really hold up.gramme
    • If anything was improperly translated from one early text to another, it was something like purple to scarlet. Incidental stuff.gramme
    • stuff.gramme
  • scarabin0

    if you want to go by what the bible says you would murder your children for talking back to you, murder your wife for cheating, cut off the hand of a woman that touches your junk in an argument, never eat fat, never trim your sideburns, handicapped people would not go to heaven, not enter a church if you have a damaged testicle, MURDER ANYONE WORKING ON A SUNDAY, sacrifice pigeons if a mentruating woman touches you, stone stubborn children, and never pee on walls

    • I actually got fined in quebec for peeing on a wall, those damm quebecers and their bibles :)GeorgesII
    • it's one of my favorite things to do!scarabin
    • *sacrifices pigeonukit
  • scarabin0

    some of my favorite gems

    If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple
    ~Luke 14:26

    People who have flat noses, or are blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God
    ~Leviticus 21:17-18

    If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be cut off from their people
    ~Leviticus 20:18

    • < blacks, asians, and handicapped folks cannot go to church. bible says so.scarabin
    • Horseshit.gramme
  • scarabin0

    seriously, christianity is a fucking joke

    and their stupid beliefs are a fucking joke

    i feel like i'm taking crazy pills here

    • if you're christian, i'm sorry man, no offense to you personally, but this is some ridiculous shit. sorryscarabin
  • Josev0

    A few more, of many:

    If it is discovered that a bride is not a virgin, the Bible demands that she be executed by stoning immediately.
    - Deuteronomy 22:13-21

    If a married person has sex with someone else's husband or wife, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death.
    - Deuteronomy 22:22

    Divorce is strictly forbidden in both Testaments, as is remarriage of anyone who has been divorced.
    - Mark 10:1-12

    If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir.
    - Mark 12:18-27

  • scarabin0

    this is the source of the anti-gay concept. thanks christians, for ruining millions of lives

    • But they're selective in their choice and focus, that's the problem.Josev
  • scarabin0

    yes, they're selective. basically the bible is a big list of hate people can use to justify their own fucked-up, asshole beliefs.

    racist? no problem! there are scriptures for that!

    hate women? no problem! there are scriptures for that!

    bigot? no problem! there are scriptures for that!

    don't like gays? no problem! there are scriptures for that!

    oh wait, the bible says i should be murdering these people. let's just ignore that part.

    • also, i want to work on sunday so i can get some new khakis. i'll ignore that part, too.scarabin
  • scarabin0

    the real reason christians disapprove of gay sex is because IT DOESN'T MAKE MORE CHRISTIANS.

    most rules in religious systems exist simply to increase the size of the religion's collective organism. the larger the organism, the higher the influence, both socially and politically.

    jews don't eat pigs and other dirty animals because they carry diseases and can kill you. that would mean fewer jews.

    catholics don't want you to masturbate because they want your load to make more catholics.

    same thing with birth control. they know you're a hony fuck and want to take advantage of it. they want you to make a new catholic every time you put your dick in a woman.

    well now the earth is overpopulated and overrun with these stupid fucks. good job, assholes.

  • iCanHasQBN0

    From my personal point of view, anyone who professes in a belief in a god - whether in person, online, or with a simple bumper sticker on their car - is clinically insane and should be admitted into a mental hospital.

    I don't care if you think you're a functional human being - even one that can hold a job, run a business, write coherently, or have a college degree - you are DELUSIONAL to the greatest extreme this tiny rock in space has ever seen.

    It's incredible how many holes religion has, yet people still believe in it's nonsense. It's not EVEN nonsense, it's so far beyond nonsense, there's not even a word for it. I can't for the life of me believe this is STILL a discussion in modern day 2010.

  • KevinTx0

  • DrBombay0

    Religion should be treated as philosophy, a code to live by. They all basically say the same shit at their cores. Murder is bad, boning the married lady is bad, stealing is bad etc.

    Good on ya if you want to live like that, you are an upstanding citizen, but this is all just early ways of governing people.

    Smart people who believe pretty much the same shit as I do have to have the bugaboo in the sky to make them do things.

    Jesus' teachings were rad, the guy was awesome, we get it. Live like him, try to help out poor folks and the disabled. Donate your time and money to making the world a better place. Gandhi was rad too, as is the Dalai Lama.

    If any of the Christians in America lived in India they would be Hindu, if they lived in Saudi Arabia they would be Muslim. It is all the same shit. Treat people like you want to be treated. You get what you give and all of that. The division between all of these people over disagreements that happened thousands of years ago is retarded. If you grew up in Boston, you're probably Catholic, if you grew up in Arkansas you are probably Pentacostal or some born-again style of Christianity. The ideas are basically the same. Get over it.

    • problem comes when certain systems abuse their own followers (and followers of other systems) for political and other purposesscarabin
    • purposesscarabin
    • not to mention the oppression that goes on (eg. treatment of women in islamic countries).. all in the name of "god".iCanHasQBN
    • I understand all of that, goes to my point of them being early government.DrBombay
    • it is government indeedscarabin
    • Well said Dr Bukit
  • monospaced0

    I just don't get it. Are you supposed to believe the "Word of God" or accept Jesus, or is it both? Or is it mostly just pick and choose to whatever fits?--because that's how it seems. What about everyone on the planet who will never even learn about Jesus? Are they going to hell? What about all the other things about religion that seem contradictory and confuse the faithful? It goes on. All things considered, well, this faith just doesn't add up for me. Sometimes I wish I could experience what it was all about, because most religious people I've met seem like good people, and I like people for who they are. I think it's sad that religion can even dictate opinions on something like homosexuality, especially with people I so highly respect. Later.

    • Everyone outside of Gramme's boutique brand of Christianity are worse than him and he is trying to spread the word that they better recognize it.DrBombay
    • they better correct it.DrBombay
    • Harsh way of saying it, but he believes that he knows better than you and I.DrBombay
    • Correct religion, correct the word of god, or what? Correct our opinions of a history of religion and violence?monospaced
    • He has a firm grip on the way things really are in the supernatural world and we are fucked if we don't get on board.DrBombay
    • Gramme is a nice guy, but his faith is wrought with all sorts of violence that he ignores.DrBombay
    • Jesus and God = good cop, bad cop routineukit
  • monkeyshine0

    I don't want to beat up on Gramme. I respect that he is trying to be sincere and speak his heart. And I would never want to belittle anyone for whatever they believe. I was raised in the South surrounded by christian fundamentalism and I'm still a little pissed off from that experience.

    Just don't talk down to me with this notion that you have the word or voice of god on your side while everyone (and there are alot of us whether gay or Jewish or Catholic or Buddhist, etc...goes on and on) else is Margaret Cho says - if Jesus were to come back today he'd scream 'that's not what I meant!'.

    • Ha. Jesus seems like he would be a cool granola type hippie that had awesome pot. Not a fundamentalist.DrBombay
    • Margaret Cho clearly has a corner on the wisdom market.gramme
    • and you've clearly cornered the market on being judging.Josev
    • Again. You misunderstand.gramme
    • I think you guys might be misinformed about the definition of fundamentalism.gramme

    And on a final note before I go out and interact with real people

    Y'all gotta get over yourselfs. You all sound like a bunch of pussys\fags