Casual Racists

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  • 119 Responses
  • Point50

    ah yes, to be black... it's great. I could list all the bullshit I dealt with in my lifetime, but it's so minor and trivial compared to all the people in the world that have truly suffered and died in the name of racism. It's ugly. I joke about it mostly because if I didn't the only other thing I could do is get mad about it which would just self-destruct me. It's even funnier when you're mixed and raised by a white lady: "Man, you ain't black, you're half white", "Hey light-bright!", "High yellow!", "You don't speak like other black guys"... I used to get mad at that shit, but in the end, fuck it? Ignorance is one thing and racism and hate are something totally different. Some people just have it in their nature to sub-conciously put other people down as a means to make themselves look better amongst a group of people; at times they'll lash out and attack you with the obvious, which a lot of times can be your appearance if it isn't like that of the immediate majority. Just take that shit with a grain of salt. However, there can be undertones (like this "paki-mate" dude) or overtones of of true racism and that's where I'm done with people. I'm 34 and finally I can restrain myself from attempting to bash some idiot's teeth out; If a confrontation is unavoidable I just shine them on and go live my life and treasure my friend and the people out there that don't have problems with racism. The solution is in the children. I know because my very birth changed my grandmother's racist mentality a great deal. My own children are mixed as well and the time is coming when they get asked "who's that big black dude that picked you up from school yesterday". It's a just a shame that so much is assumed or expected from your skin color right off the bat

  • Llyod0

    I like some black chicks

  • Spookyhome0

    See, this is what bugs me. About once every fortnight someone drops in a line like "By the way, who did you used to be on NT?" and I say "Nobody" and I ask why and the person always says I sem familiar, and I ask who I am supposed to be similar to...

    and nobody ever answers me.

    • honey, you gotta just work your mind round into that being a compliment! cos it is, i think.paraselene
    • exactly, you fit right in so I assume you are an old timey.mrdobolina
    • Do I fit in? Do I? Do I?MrOneHundred
  • Spookyhome0

    I used to be no-one on NT dobs. I tried to join, I asked how much it cost and got quoted soemthing like 1300.00$ a month so I never joined until the penny dropped years later. That's the story. Not sure why people come along now and then and think I may have been here as someone else. Do I remind you of anyone?

  • mrdobolina0

    nah it isn't like that at all.

    spooky, who did you used to be on NT? I'm confused.

  • Spookyhome0

    Depends on your motivation I guess Dobs. My initial reaction is no, of course not, but if you have nefarious desire to dominate or control or otherwise subjugate for reasons of power or hatred, then... yes.

    • ahahah. well if you just prefer women because they're green-cheese then you have a moon problem.Corvo
  • mrdobolina0

    Is it racism if you prefer women who aren't the same race as you?

    • Did I inadvertently stumble in to the non-serious part of this thread?MrOneHundred
    • No.Jaline
    • Not at all, in fact I prefer pasty blondes.creative-
  • MrOneHundred0

    @ Corvo; While you may not consider it racism, it is the very foundation upon which racism is built. The fact that this fear is verbalised as pub-talk might indicate that it’s time for those people get out of the pub and do something about holding onto “this thing” instead of sitting around carping about it.

    • Of course it is a foundation in general. It's common-talk. The same degree of discomfort would apply if any...Corvo
    • surrounding country would move massively into it. It's the volume that leaves people wondering, not the colour.Corvo
    • True enough, but when push comes to shove, you already have your target lined up...MrOneHundred
    • ...whether or not they are to blame for your troubles.MrOneHundred
    • yeah I guess that's true. It's easier to point the one-eyed. But still, that applies to everyone in sight.Corvo
    • (lol. what spiral of metaphors.)Corvo
  • MrOneHundred0

    The stupidest people tend to also be the loudest. I am Australian, and there is a very racist thread running through our culture at the moment. Being such a young country, it’s should be obvious that if you’re not Aboriginal, you are an immigrant. Unfortunately that message doesn’t seem to have sunk in to the average Aussie. It shames me.

    I hope you are kidding, vespa, because Australia is more a part of Asia than it is Europe.

    • MrOneHundred, you know i'm kidding! i'm half asian! i just hate white people.vespa
    • ps i'm also kidding about white people. i'm half whitey too.vespa
    • I kind of figured. It’s early, I’m tired. I hate everyone. ;-0MrOneHundred
  • Spookyhome0

    I don't think I can watch that tonight Corvo though I will at some point. I found this entire racism discussion to be utterly depressing today. We're all doomed, WE'RE DOOMED CAPTAIN MANNERING!!

  • Corvo0

    What you described, Khurram, is not really Racism. It's an ordinary sense of fear related to the notion of identity-loss very common in pub-talk ("we have this thing, and THEY - the different ones - are screwing it) that you can find anywhere throughout Europe.

    The root maybe the same, but Racism is entirely different. Racism is not about pointing differences and saying "you're changing our country". That's just fear.

    Racism is humiliation. Like this (don't watch this if you're sensitive. It's an episode in a South African university. link is in PT):…

  • vespa0

    i'm australian and i hate asians.

  • JKilla770

    Oh my gf's (chinese) friend moved to Sydney a couple months back. Said she hated it. Apparently Australians (generalizing) are kinda raciest. She would be walking down the street and people would just start yelling at her "Hey Asian, Hey Asian, get our of here know one wants you here." etc. She stuck it out, and has met some nice people and is having a better time of it.

  • JKilla770

    I was born and raised in rural Nova Scotia where it was 95% white 4.5% first nations and .5% Lebanese. Now through out my youth I always heard that Canada was multi cultural. I never truly understood what that meant until I moved to Vancouver 4 years ago. I love every second of it. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    • oh ya NS born and raised here too. I noticed in Toronto, you can't NOT notice. Everyone is from somewhere else.molo
    • Haha to true. The best part is the food. Worst part, all the australians up in whistler.JKilla77
    • ...and french people. I lived in banff and it was like a constant language barrier between all the auzzies and french.molo
    • Yeah, Toronto is the best for multiculturalism, no question.Jaline
  • Spookytim0

    I think I give up.

    • Me too. To the going home thread, quicksmart!creative-
    • youre just made cause i nailed you with that winky in the tailpipe pic in your 'on a lighter note' thread734
  • molo0

    i had a realllyy good friend from pakistan. people were super racist to him to his face sometimes but most of the time they just treated him like that nice "indian" guy. but he was cool and smart and was always pulling insurance scams and faking ids and shit. he also wound up working for an immigration agency and was likeley helping in some quasi legal immigration scam or something. i met a few people from the mideast he was helping move here. good times, felt worldy.

    • and his name was Bin Laden?dskz
    • first thing i learned from him is that not all muslims are terrorists. obviously. but they do know their way around a little better then your average canadian.molo
    • ...then your average canadian.molo
    • yeah most are not terrorists but..fake ids and insurance scams? Al Quaeda would love him im suredskz
    • binladin is CIA he doesn't need immigration scams...but that's besides the point, shit happens when poor people want to immigrate.molo
    • immigrate,molo
    • the "poor" shouldnt get a free pass on illegal activity. Not the death sentence, but not a free passdskz
    • i didn't say a free pass i said shit happens. they are peaceful and it was largley families with someone who was having difficulty for technical reasons or something.molo
    • ...difficulties immigrating for technical reasons.molo
    • anyway people with money don't seme to have these problems...i wonder why, they get to keep their family together.molo
    • together.molo
    • money makes the world go round.
      stop insulting the poor. they have morals too and are not dogs, but yeah shit happens.
    • dogs, but yeah shit happenz.dskz
  • stem0

    I remember one of my old friends, his family had a corner shop and they were of Indian origin. My friend was born and brought up in Huddersfield. When we used to call round for him, his uncle used to shout him and say 'The White Boys are here for you'. It used to crack me up every time.

  • dskz0

    fuck racism and fuck racial cleansing mentality

  • Point50

    *walks into thread... gets smacked in face with content... wipes tear from eye, walks back out.

  • Spookytim0

    Sarah Jones...


    it is the thickest blood on this planet
    the feet that slip
    that slide in spilled lakes of black blood
    on back roads marked with rusted dead-end signs
    they don't fit into any shoes
    not Nikes
    not Reeboks
    they make them in sweat shops across the sea
    turn around and sell them right back to you
    and you
    and me
    for fifty times their value
    but none of them can hold the blood
    that coagulated not-so-long ago
    in the lower extremities
    of brown-skinned corpses strung up from trees
    like drying figs
    or hanging potpourri
    to sweeten scenes of Southern gallantry

    before cushioned insoles and arch supports
    there were feet that sank in rusted chains
    backs that cracked beneath the weight of slave names
    like Jones, Smith, Johnson, Williams, or even
    black butts that bore marks forever
    from irons that preceded those for
    pressing and curling naps yanked straight
    before relaxers, weaves, pink lotion
    talkin' 'bout branding irons, son
    now that you’ve crossed the ocean, right
    step up here, little nigger, on the auction block
    open up that mouth--yes, nice strong teeth
    nice muscle tone, a fine specimen
    you must be worth at least ten dollars, maybe more
    see here, ladies and gentlemen, how much can I get for
    this here barely used, top of the line
    fast forward that shit to Calvin Klein
    and modern ownership tags for black behinds
    courtesy of Ralph Lauren
    well how low can ya go
    call on black consumers if you want the cash flow
    'cause they quick to flip and spend up all they dough
    don't front money, act like you know
    we give it up to the Brooklyn malls
    we give it up to the Uptown malls
    'cause the white folks figure
    ain't no questions for a nigger
    that material possessions can't answer
    we'll stay preoccupied with what we wear and what we drive
    while our mothers are dying of cancer
    we'll tuck our low self-esteem into some Eurotrash jeans
    some overpriced shit from Donna Karan
    then we'll toast with Hennessy
    to covert white supremecy
    hiding the thickest blood on this planet
    we wearin' it
    under our clothes
    the way God dressed our souls
    it is the thickest blood on this planet
    the blood that sprays and spills in buckets
    soaks and stains the nightly news
    but fuck it, a colored life still ain't worth but a few ducats
    that blood can't be contained by any mind that cannot see
    a great black forest for all these cracker trees
    afroMadonna and child
    and child
    and child
    and (woops) there goes another one
    'cause nowadays mamas don’t know the answers
    so babies gots ta'
    say youngblood, you wanna tell me what Georges Marciano
    ever did for a black man, boricua, chicano
    brothers and sisters
    their pockets like blood blisters
    ready to pop, ooze and drop cash
    so hot and so fast it makes a spark
    and our children say,
    yeah, Mami, now I got my upside down triangle
    my designer question mark

    why ask why it doesn't make you complete
    it's vanilla concealer for your chocolate heartbeat
    pumping the thickest blood on this planet
    while we all take it for granted that
    more Selma churches won't be bombed
    more bullet riddled bodies won’t be embalmed
    another cop won't commit murder, turn around and get a raise
    while we're picking over the racks
    from white-owned Dr. Jays to Modell's/Barney's/Macy's/Saks
    they just think we ain't never gonnna change our ways
    'cause then we might finally taste the blood of rage
    at the back of our throats
    and answer Massa back
    Nawsuh, I'se don't want to wear yo' britches
    Nawsuh, I'se don't want to grant yo' wishes
    that all us negroes should continue to hide
    in your shoes and your clothes as if we should take pride
    in your savage traditions
    mass genocide
    all the spirits you extinguished
    never batted one blue eye
    yet you're vultures on our culture like white on brown rice
    leech our blood, then sell it back
    brown, yellow, black
    special price

    it is the blood that races through the African veins of the child
    on his way to the mall in White Plains
    to catch a confused-lost-land-stealing Columbus-
    day sale
    on a Fila jogging suit for his brother in jail
    that blood is my blood
    your blood
    our blood
    the thickest blood on this planet