Casual Racists

Out of context: Reply #99

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  • Point50

    ah yes, to be black... it's great. I could list all the bullshit I dealt with in my lifetime, but it's so minor and trivial compared to all the people in the world that have truly suffered and died in the name of racism. It's ugly. I joke about it mostly because if I didn't the only other thing I could do is get mad about it which would just self-destruct me. It's even funnier when you're mixed and raised by a white lady: "Man, you ain't black, you're half white", "Hey light-bright!", "High yellow!", "You don't speak like other black guys"... I used to get mad at that shit, but in the end, fuck it? Ignorance is one thing and racism and hate are something totally different. Some people just have it in their nature to sub-conciously put other people down as a means to make themselves look better amongst a group of people; at times they'll lash out and attack you with the obvious, which a lot of times can be your appearance if it isn't like that of the immediate majority. Just take that shit with a grain of salt. However, there can be undertones (like this "paki-mate" dude) or overtones of of true racism and that's where I'm done with people. I'm 34 and finally I can restrain myself from attempting to bash some idiot's teeth out; If a confrontation is unavoidable I just shine them on and go live my life and treasure my friend and the people out there that don't have problems with racism. The solution is in the children. I know because my very birth changed my grandmother's racist mentality a great deal. My own children are mixed as well and the time is coming when they get asked "who's that big black dude that picked you up from school yesterday". It's a just a shame that so much is assumed or expected from your skin color right off the bat

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