Immigration Protest

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  • VectorMasked0

    Aloso the vast majority of those illegal aliens wouldn't be approved by us immigration.

    It's hard to immigrate to a country. take canada as an example. They give you points according to your age, english/french knowledge, education, work experience, job offer, time spent in canada working ot studying (legally) and relatives in canada.

    Someone with a bachelor/associates degree, couple of years of experience, good english skills (no french), no job offer, 2 years education in canada and 28 yeras old, can't qualify for permanent residency

  • dinky0

    white people r mad because they love to work 16 hours a day.
    (Mar 27 06, 15:08)

    its not about white ppl being mad, its about fairness to the LEGAL immergrants.

  • garettwest0

    have some self control and stop breeding if you cant support the children etc.
    (Mar 27 06, 15:02)

    but you said you were in favor of abortion being legal in the US, garett. why the switch now?
    (Mar 27 06, 15:07)

    I never said that chief.
    i said that abortion hurts the Democratic Party. therefore I'm totally in support of abortion hahahha

  • Meeklo0

    some of the things I read here are incredible, but as dissapointing that may be, it's also a reality check, these comments come from real people that exist and walk this planet. But you can make sure that when thanksgiving season comes around, they will be at the table and maybe even church..

  • dinky0

    Aloso the vast majority of those illegal aliens wouldn't be approved by us immigration.

    true but just because you dont qualify, does that mean you force your way in and demand citizenship and social services?

  • Boz0

    Let me first just say that I'm a legal immigrant. I am a legal resident and getting my US citizenship this year.

    Now with this being said, let me respond to one the sentences from that articles:

    “When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center?” he said. “Who do you think built the World Trade Center?”

    I would also like to ask that person the following:

    - Who do YOU think smashed into my car 3 times already with no insurance and under influence where I had to cover all of my repair costs cause that mofo was illegally here and nobody could really do shit to him.

    - Who do you think goes to hospitals without medical insurance every time increasing our medical insurance constantly because the hospitals have to get their money from the rest of us PAYING customers and they can't do shit to people who are here without any legal trace.

    - Who do you think is so ignorant and uninterested to at least learn the language of the country that you are living in, out of pure respect.

    - How many of those people you mentioned that built the WTC in your words, actually paid taxes from the money they made (no matter how much that was) as all of us do.

    I might sound really harsh, but I'm sorry I came to this country through legal means, ate shit for almost 3 years, just because I tried harder and managed to become a regular resident who pays his taxes, pays for insurance and social security and helping this country's economy.

    As far as I'm concerned, if you choose to leave your country and illegally come to another country you have ABSOLUTELY no rights whatsoever to moan. If you have problems, go back to your country of origin. Don't yell that US is bad, because your country sucks and you run away. Believe me I know this because I'm coming from a shitty country myself, and it was damn hard to get a legal status, but I didn't want to come here illegally and I didn't leave my own country before I participated in revolution where I among others changed the regime. Then I left.

    What I do think would be fair that people who has been living in the States for let's say 10 years or more should get citizenship or legal resident status. But there has to be a limit somewhere.

    I have friends that are legal immigrants, hispanic or whatever, but I totally respect them because they had extra respect to give back to this country and work hard, but legally all the way.

    I disagree with many things in this country, but I still have respect for what it provides for any hard working, legal man/woman.

    I really care about the people, and I always want to help, and I judge people by their behavior and not color of the skin or origina, but these protests are truly absurd. They are yelling at this country/the government for not allowing them rights when they forcefully entered the country and are negatively influencing the economy thus making all of our lives much harder in many ways.

    Come on. Some reality check is needed here.

  • garettwest0

    Damn fucking straight Boz!

  • VectorMasked0

    I myself as a mexican, am very pissed and ashamed to some extend for what this people do and how they do it. Even when they are from the same country as me.

    I fucking spent thousands of dollars in rent, tuition, airfares and life in general here in Canada and eventhough I would love to be approved my canada as a permant resident, i still don't know if I can be accepted and have to live with temporary permits.

    but this people simply cross the border and expect this new country to offer them a home, a life, education, rights, etc... it just pisses me off.

    it makes me feel like I wasted all this time and money into trying to be better and trying to stay in canada by paying a lot of money on immigration fees and headaches to have my documentation in order.....and this people just want everything to be given to them just like that.

    What a fucking joke.

  • fatoe0

    viva mi gente! viva mi familia!

  • madirish0

    Meeklo, i totally agree and know it. it is disheartning to say the least, but i know it is reality. thanks for the comments.

  • dinky0

    Boz and VectorMasked

    i support and respect your comments. as an immergrant my self, i learned english, my parents worked their ass off and now i pay taxes.

  • garettwest0

    dinky, Boz and VectorMasked.

    Good Luck!


  • VectorMasked0

    Btw I am mexican and am completely against illegal immigration.

    It fricking annoys me that whenever a mexican says that he/she does not support illegal immigration, the illegals and legals with parents who crossed illegaly call you unpatrotic.

  • khilled0

    but Boz the point is 'reality' is different for so many people who are just trying to get a better life regardless, it's not their fault they were persecuted or poor and escaped to the first country that would help free them or provided something safe and good, it's about their universal right to live versus a government that it attempting to criminalise them, countries like the USA and Canada should do everything to make the situation better for them not worse by creating criminals with legislation

  • not_lebowski0

    viva mi gente! viva mi familia!
    (Mar 27 06, 15:16)

    viva mi lawno!

  • todelete__20

    Dang guys... you rock!

    dink, boz and vectormask. Glad to have you here btw.


  • dinky0

    but Boz the point is 'reality' is different for so many people who are just trying to get a better life regardless, it's not their fault they were persecuted or poor and escaped to the first country that would help free them or provided something safe and good, it's about their universal right to live versus a government that it attempting to criminalise them, countries like the USA and Canada should do everything to make the situation better for them not worse by creating criminals with legislation
    (Mar 27 06, 15:20)

    no you are not worsening the problem by creating crimnals, cause they already broke the law, they are criminals

  • VectorMasked0

    viva mi lawno!

    (Mar 27 06, 15:21)

    As a mexican I always find this kind of jokes quite insulting, but funny nontheless :o)

    weird, eh

  • garettwest0

    countries like the USA and Canada should do everything to make the situation better for them not worse by creating criminals with legislation
    (Mar 27 06, 15:20)


    so you are saying the USA and CANADA should have to support illegal alien immigrants at the expense of legals citizens?

    yeah fucking right. you need legislation numbnuts.

  • Boz0

    hey khilled, I understand that, but you know what there are many ways that you can live your country if it's so bad. Believe me, before I even got a chance to come to US, I was looking to go anywhere. Keyword here is ANYWHERE, but legally. Why is it that all these people come here? They can probably get into any other country where they would live better then in Mexico for example, but they still choose to come to States. Why is that? I"ll tell you why, because the states are the easiest, the richest.

    I know exactly what's going on here and they have no right to complain at all.