Enter title:tipping

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  • chossy0

    I only ever tip if I have been served well, opening a bottle or mixing me a drink deserves nothing.

  • scarabin0

    god you guys are cheap

    and over a few bucks you'd waste somewhere anyway

    at least have some class and tip correctly

  • blackspade0

    All right. Everybody cough up some green for the little lady.

    Come on. Throw in a buck.

    MR. PINK
    Uh-uh. I don't tip.

    You don't tip?

    MR. PINK
    No - I don't believe in it.

    You don't believe in tipping?

    MR. BLUE
    You know what these chicks make? They make shit.

    MR. PINK
    Don't give me that. She don't make enough money, she can quit.

    (Mr. Blonde laughs.)
    I don't even know a fucking Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me just get this straight. You don't ever tip, huh?

    MR. PINK
    I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves a tip, if they really put forth the effort, I'll give 'em something extra, but I mean this tipping automatically is for the birds.

    (Eddie laughs.)
    I mean as far as I'm concerned they're just doing their job.

    MR. BLUE
    Hey, this girl was nice.

    MR. PINK
    She was OK - but she wasn't anything special.

    MR. BLUE
    What's special, take you in the back and suck your dick?

    (They laugh.)
    I'd go over 12% for that.

    MR. PINK
    Hey Look, I ordered coffee, right? Now we've been here a long fuckin time, and she's only filled my cup three times. When I order coffee, I want it filled six times

    Six times? Well, you know, what if she's too fucking busy?

    MR. PINK
    Words "too fucking busy" shouldn't be in a waitress' vocabulary.

    Excuse me, Mr. Pink - the last fucking thing you need's another cup of coffee.

    MR. PINK
    Jesus Christ - I mean these ladies aren't starving to death. They make minimum wage. You know, I used to work minimum wage. And when I did, I wasn't lucky enough to have a job society deemed tip-worthy.

    MR. BLUE
    You don't care they're counting on your tips to live?

    (Mr. Pink rubs two of his fingers together.)
    MR. PINK
    You know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses.

    You don't have any idea what you're talking about. These people bust their ass. This is a hard job.

    MR. PINK
    So's working at McDonald's, but you don't feel the need to tip them, do you? Why not? They're servin ya food. But no, society says don't tip these guys over here, but tip these guys over here. That's bullshit.

    Waitressing is the number one occupation for female noncollege graduates in this country. It's the one job basically any woman can get and make a living on. The reason is because of their tips.

    MR. PINK
    (pauses) Fuck all that.

    (They all laugh.)
    Jesus Christ!

    MR. PINK
    Hey, I'm very sorry that the government taxes their tips. That's fucked up. That ain't my fault. It would appear that waitresses are just one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. You show me a paper says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it. Put it to a vote, I'll vote for it. But what I won't do is play ball. And this non-college bullshit you're giving me, I got two words for that: "Learn to fuckin type." Cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent, you're in for a big fuckin' surprise.

    Hey - he's convinced me. Give me my dollar back.

  • blackspade0

    oh snap designerror beat me to it

    ..i jus watched it again last night

  • shaft0

    I tip waiters/waitresses only, partly because I am not so far from saying that most bartenders in the world steal from customers and their employers.
    Somebody once pointed this out to me and I started watching. Now I see them doing their tricks even at macdonald's.

    I still think the whole tipping thing is bar owners taking advantage of people being used to tipping.

    The ways of leaving the tip differ throughout the world.
    In some places you leave it with the change, in others you say how much change you want back. In some countries the tip is included in the bill(!)
    How do you tip in your country?

  • blackspade0

    no such things as tipping here, and i love it.

    waiters/waitress's get paid properly.

    so confusing eating out at the states for people who arent used to it, all rather strange/stoopid really

  • lvl600

    tipping is bogus > u want a tip ? join a union that will insure u get a decent wage and not need to live off handouts.

  • Rand0

    I used to be a bartender years ago when I was a young father and we hardly had any money, and let me tell you, tips made the difference between surviving or not for our family. One Christmas a regular customer left me a $20 tip and it made a difference in my life that looking back from today's perspective I find hard to believe. So next time you debate about whether to tip or not, pretend your battender is the young Rand with a baby girl at home and leave a nice tip. Unless he's a total cunt.


  • lvl_130

    tipping is bogus > u want a tip ? join a union that will insure u get a decent wage and not need to live off handouts.
    (Sep 11 05, 15:26)

    yeah, why don't you start that 'union' up. i'm pretty damn sure that anyone who joined it would find themselves jobless within the week.

    just tip you cheap bastards! i say that with a smirk, but seriously you should stay home if you aren't going to tip. i feel embarrassed when i'm with people that don't tip. no two ways about it, it all boils down to those that ARE cheap and those that ARE NOT. if you are going out and spending money, tip.

    and i speak strictly to the states cats. across the pond is a dif. story.

  • lvl_130

    yeah, just listen to rand!


  • jdcomba0

    listen, this is the second argument i've been in about tippin on this shit, it may be an internaitonal thing? but the only polite thing to do is to tip and tip correctly. 20% on dinner, and a buck a beer or close to that. just don't be cheap. there is no union. there is no wage.


  • lvl_130

    jd speaks truth, so listen up! 20% or mac and cheese out of a box and an MGD out of a can. simple really.

  • mayo0

    When given excellent service, I tip generously. If they stop by a couple of times to refill my iced tea and ask how my meal is going at a restaurant, i'll do the 15-20%. If they bring my beverage and food and then I don't see them until they bring my tab, they get nothing but their hourly wage. Whether or not they get one is not my concern. Tipping is for their quality of service. If they don't like what they make serving, get a different job.

    As far as bar service goes, I usually tip a dollar per beer because i've found that people serving (whether bartender or a server) can be a little more friendly. If they are not, I'll probably pay a little less (like $2 for 3 beers or something), have my drink and go to a place with better service.

    My best friend is a bartender and food server and he is the same way. His line is."it's not that hard of a job. They want something, you get it for them. if they're in a rush, you get it faster. And if you can't even be nice or smile, then you shouldn't get a job in that industry."

    I've worked in customer service for far too long to feel obligated to tip someone if they aren't giving me tip-worthy service. One was at a bank. And if you want to talk about people bitching, just be the "face" they have to deal with when their money is the issue. They take it out on you and the ones that are happy with you can't tip you. You're the whipping post regardless.

  • Rand0

    hard core

  • Rand0

    we jam econo

  • mayo0

    Rand, did you work at Coyote Ugly?


  • cosmo0

    Without tips they have no income, hence i always leave a decent tip. Every now and then you come across that one bitchy waiter/waitress, then i leave no tip at all.

  • lvl600

    yeah, why don't you start that 'union' up. i'm pretty damn sure that anyone who joined it would find themselves jobless within the week.

    (Sep 11 05, 15:36)

    the hospitatility workers union seems to do an allright job in Aus of securing a decent wage and nobody seems to get fired for being a member

  • gruntt0

    for the record i was saying no tip for the OWNER. That is truely proper etiquette. As for wait staff I always tip. Restaurant, 20% minimum. Bartender $1 per drink. If paying by card I make a comment that I will be giving a proper tip come settle up time.

  • lvl_130

    i don't doubt that 60, but you are talking AU. sad but true unfortunately : \