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  • hans_glib0

    on a jollier note, i've just re-installed c3-po onto my waze app. they released it as a special promo for the last star wars film, but for a limited time only. some heroes of reddit have managed to source the files and make them available.

    finally, my phone satnav is deferential again, instead of merely barking instructions at me.

    dunno why i left it so long

    • Just out of interest Hans, how come you're here... is NTC down/dead? Not a 'pointy' question... nice to see you... just curious.Muncher
    • haha, shit - I forgot you were you.
      Hey Muncher, hope you're good (when you're not out beating up oldies)
    • i've always been here, but yeah ntc is down - hakzored apparently. there's a reboot operating on slack, tho my os is denied access for being too old.hans_glib
    • To be fair I'm hardly ever here, but it's my first day back at work today, and I need to do some typing to convince myself I'm busy. = )Muncher
    • Hope you are good too Detritus.Muncher
    • I quite like Slack. Often wondered towards the end why the remaining few didn't just drop the site and have a Slack channel instead. Or just email each other.Muncher
  • autoflavour0

    Boarded flight in Melbourne already knowing my Abu Dhabi to berlin flight was already cancelled. Got to Abu Dhabi to be told my next flight is in 27 hours. Said fuck that and just stood there for almost 40 minutes till the worked it out ..

    Business class Abu Dhabi to Düsseldorf.. now waiting on next flight to Berlin in a hour..

    But yep, a 22 hour flight is currently on hour 30 and waiting to board 4th flight.

    It will be a miracle if my bags arrive..

    • No cost upgradeautoflavour
    • Needless to say I need a shower and some clean clothes..autoflavour
    • i'm surprised they upgraded you, in that case!hans_glib
    • Enjoy the flight, by the time you land half the planet will be glass and the other half will be ruled by giant spiders.face_melter
    • airports are the safest places on earth. stay there and refuse to leave until everybody's pulled themselves together.Fax_Benson
    • you get your bags?inteliboy
    • nup, its fuckedautoflavour
  • oey0

    Which of the following Icon Fonts Websites/Resources would you recommend?

    SVG option is a must!
    I work wit Adobe (PS, In, AI...)

    Google Material Icons
    Font Awesome


    • Icomoon, sorry.oey
    • and please forget FlatIcon. Copy Paste mistake...oey
    • nounGnash
    • their adobe plug-ins are greatGnash
    • The one I use most is Noun but I got an increase of client work recently and I would like to widen my options without getting lost in thousands of iconsoey
    • Maybe a mix of two or three libraries would be a good option.oey
    • I use either HTML/CSS (with JS here and there) to build websites or Wordpress.oey
    • You kind of got them all oeybklyndroobeki
    • Noun project. You really don't need anything elseset
    • Oh sorry I thought I read icon but you said font. Carry onset
    • Actually you did say icon. I'm drunk. Carry onset
    • LOL!oey
  • mugwart0

    Really missing Berlin ... London feels dead and soulless. Miss when soho was cool. Fucking hate London. Old man rant!

    • I can't wait to get out of this fuck-hole wasteland - London's dead. In 25 years it'll be a Dubai-like serfdom shithole with no real culture of its own.detritus
    • yeah ... was thinking this yesterday. it has no music scene, no film scene, everything is cooperate shops.
      Silverray is now a papercase ;-(
    • where are you planning on going @d?
      I have a son and an ex-wife moving is almost impossble
    • I WAS planning to move to Spain or Italy this year (partner's Italian) but she changed her mind and now her 5-yr plan is all about LDN, so I'm stuck here.detritus
    • I'd rather be poor elsewhere than not really making a fuckton of money here, whilst certainly not enjoying the place.detritus
    • If it were a UK choice though, I'd consider Edinburgh, Newcastle - heck, Glasgow even. At worst, Bristol or Brighton.
      Anywhere but here :)
    • ...although Margate appears to be the new Brighton according to all my 'creative' chums.detritus
    • Ignore me, I'm in a shitty mood today and EVERYTHING IS WRONG :)detritus
    • Yeah - me too - thus this post!mugwart
    • some cool places though. As much as I love city chaos, London is pulling me down. A forest cabin is appealing but there probably will be a law against that!mugwart
    • I hear you, chaps. I too am getting old and more than a bit sick of this shithole. And I was born here :(hans_glib
    • I am going to buid something like a yurta with my friends, here in the rural basque country, for our thursday dinners... with beds into...OBBTKN
    • If we can not drive back home (we all live in 3km radius) we'll sleep there...

      You're all invited, i can get a cheap rent for you weirdos
    • interesting, where abouts!
      Muncher could bring a kite as well!
    • Get the fuck out of the UK before it collapses.face_melter
    • hans - two of my best and longest chums here are LDN born'n'bred and are both keen to leave for somewhere 'not shit' as one put it the other night. Sad.detritus
    • born and bred and bred here...its a shit whole now.mugwart
    • News to me! Glad i didn't move there. Sorry to hear you guys are so unhappy with it._salisae_
  • oey0

    i just read a long discussion between the guy from Icomoon and the guy from Fontello...crazy...

    So I'll try Fontastic first.

    • ...and since IcoMoon is not open source I'll try to live without it.oey
  • detritus0

    I've just had someone followup a pointless phonecall earlier with an email explaining what it is they want, because they weren't making a heck of a lot of sense earlier.

    Turns out they want 13 fairly small rectangles cut out of card.


    • I can't work people out sometimes - is it complete laziness, ignorance or just plain old stupidity?detritus
    • I need a better job.detritus
    • They clearly want to pay you to do it instead.monospaced
    • did he sound like Steven Hawking on the phone?uan
    • Such a capacity for meaningful insight, mono. I sit in awe! As it happens, i told her she'd be better spending my minimum charge on a cutting matt and tools.detritus
    • they could do it themselves and not outsource. She even thanked me for my 'honesty' (read: horrified laziness)
      er.. *mat.
    • fucking relax ... my point is that you're getting upset because someone is offering work, ffs :)monospaced
    • if you were, perhaps you wouldn't jump down my throat every single time I type anything on this sitemonospaced
    • That's like calling a pizza shop and asking for a dozen heart shaped pepperoni slices. A kind of prank?_salisae_
    • No prank, just younglings with little to no common sense.detritus
  • Fax_Benson0

    Mulcher's story reminded me slightly of Sightseers.

  • freedom0

    I have a party invite with image I want to send to about 75 people.

    Should I just embed the image and bcc everyone or should I sign up for Mailchimp or a service like that?

    • BCC for something like that. remember a lot of email clients do not load images by default so make your alt tag meaningful. Can't think of any benefits of usingfadein11
    • MC for something like that unless you want to see which of your friends bothered opening it :)fadein11
  • since1979-3

    The word BITCH means many things but I think it is, above all else, the female version of ASSHOLE.
    "What an asshole."
    "What a bitch."
    Same connotation.
    Also: DICK/CUNT means the same thing in insult form. Same type of aggression in both insults.
    "He's a dick."
    "She's a cunt."
    These words have the same aggression, yet are different than the above insults. I'd almost describe these as short bursts of pure contempt whereas the above are more descriptive of personality.
    To call a man a bitch is to not only call him an asshole but to call him a female too. Would anyone ever call a woman an asshole?
    But if someone were to say "he's MY bitch" it's more of an ownership thing. It's not really about the word BITCH meaning someone that is submissive.

    • wat up bitchutopian
    • why y'all bitches downvoting this post?utopian
    • cos we're dickshans_glib
    • bunch a bitches inhere lolsince1979
    • boys have a penis and girls have a vaginamonospaced
    • I tried to explain what a bitch or being bitchy means to my German girlfriend a while back. Was rather difficultset
    • tell her 'Du Schlampe'uan
    • I would call a woman an asshole (and have).
      Because they can be.
      And because both men and women have one.
  • hans_glib15

    it's the wife's birthday today. obsessed with her weight, she had requested a juicer.

    a juicer ffs. who really wants a juicer ever, let alone for a birthday present???

    so i got her some lovely shoes instead. and re-covered the box to make it look like juicer packaging.

    the disappointment when she unwrapped the box spoke volumes. 'oh, great, a fucking juicer' said her eyes. "oh, that's just what i wanted. did you get me some oranges so i can try it out?" she said, trying to sound thrilled.

    then she opened the box and found a pair of these instead.

    well done the daughters for giving me the heads-up... now she really was thrilled.

    juicer indeed.

  • Muncher-5

    I don't understand what upvoting and downvoting does, and what the little black number next to a poster's name means, and whether that relates to upvoting and downvoting.

    I'm new here.

    In a way.

    • it's a game with rules. if your narcissistic self cares about it much, you'll get negative numbers a lot.uan
    • 1 user with lots of multiple accounts likes to down vote other opinions to feel in the right and hopefully better.uan
    • other than that, it helps to bump or remove threads to the front page.uan
    • ^ I thought the number of side notes promoted things to the front page. The picture of my sneakers was well up with no votes but 20-odd notes.face_melter
    • yeah it does (I think).inteliboy
    • "in a way" ?Gnash
    • One would assume that the number relates to the downvotes. Especially if one votes and watches the number change lol. No?set
    • Some pathetic sad person has been serially downvoting me for 2+ years. #karmapinkfloyd
    • maybe they really hate prog rockinteliboy
    • Ahhh, right. I just downvoted this post and now it's at -1. Makes sense. I'll have forgotten this by tomorrow, but it's good to know today.Muncher
    • downvote karma? lol!! you take this shit too seriouslyimbecile
    • lolmonospaced
  • ApeRobot0

    When i see how kids, child's and parents behave at the playground, i understand why the world is so fucked up , and why it is not about to change.

    • Have you got kids?OBBTKN
    • No. He just hangs out at playground.pango
    • yes, i got a 3 and a half years old.ApeRobot
    • Asking me, why do other kids push me while i'm waiting my turn to climb, why do other kids do not reply when i say "hi",.....ApeRobot
    • why do they never say "sorry",.....why do parents hit their kids....and so on.ApeRobot
    • What i want to say is "because the parents are cunts, educational system is shit, TV ruin the kids..."ApeRobot
    • A lot of bad parenting this days, and too many parents looking at their phones instead of teaching good manners to their kids... not goodOBBTKN
    • deadsince1979
    • But my daugthers are 12 and 14 yo now... we're in another phase, so... not my war ;)OBBTKN
    • "No dad! This is not a phase!"pango
  • autoflavour0

    so bag was in Abu Dhabi.. now, no one call tell me where it is..
    its a complete fucking shit show..

    not to mention Etihad have two 24 hour baggage phone numbers, neither of which is ever fucking answered.. not even a queue.. just not answered. been trying for 20 minutes.

    feeling very bad about all this.. its got a bunch of stuff I need here in Berlin, apart from just my clothing.. if it doesn't show up, this whole circus will be for nothing

  • Fax_Benson0

    Prospective client seems to have a psychological aversion to email. currently getting text messages informing me that all the images are coming via whatsapp.


    • time to set some working guidelines ... I often tell clients that anything they chat or text me is likely to get lost for goodmonospaced
    • haha, i've literally in the past 5 minutes had someone text me after a very old and favoured client gave him my fucking personal number. ...detritus
    • which I've asked 'no more. email, please!' and then they've sent a blank email, so I've got to use the fucking text anyway. grr.detritus
    • I had someone a few months back ask "how do that?" when I insisted upon email over something like whatsapp or FB. That was not a job I wanted.detritus
    • even when he does manage to email he texts to tell me he's sent it - as though I need forewarning in order to wind up the email machineFax_Benson
    • lolfadein11
    • I occasionally get zip files via facebook chat. Upsets me every time.fadein11
    • Your clients sound like fucking animals. You're going to give yourself a fucking aneurysm with all this static.face_melter
    • I had someone insist upon sending me a printout and a USB with a file on for a couple of pieces of text set in tightly-tracked Times New Roman.detritus
    • I told him at least five times he needn't bother as I could just replicate it, but there it is in front of me - a decade-old memory stick with fuck all on it.detritus
    • Mine's a nice old chap, but this job's almost pointlessly tiny, as was the last one which I only did because his daughter is a regular-ish client.detritus
    • ha, how precious can you be and still use TimesFax_Benson
    • lol @det. I've had to travel to see a client before just they could do a 'handover' of content whatever that is. Get there and have to sit and discuss a wordfadein11
    • doc with content for a 3 page website. Refused to just email it.fadein11
    • just so*fadein11
    • It wasn't that far but there goes 2 hours of a busy dayfadein11
    • @fax before I saw it he said "Oh, it's got to be done right, it's based on what the SIGNWRITER (importance highlighted) created for us", and then.. *crap*detritus
    • @fade - haha, aye, I manage to get people to waste their time coming here instead :)detritus
    • ...still don't get paid for that time though :\detritus
    • As I am getting older I seem to be sacking clients more than taking new ones on - this is surely not sustainable :)fadein11
    • Ah, that reminds me... *emails Rob*detritus
    • MILLENIALS ARE COMING. And millenials thinks emails are for their grand parents. Deal with it.Bennn
    • email is just for work, for the most partmonospaced
  • detritus1

    hrm.. not sure if a large chicken doner was the smartest choice of lunch.

    I've been craving one for a few days now so caved in to greed and now I'm sitting here like an over-inflated grease-fingered garlic-and-chili-smeared blob of fat stupidity.

    I'd have a snooze if I wasn't at work and had deadlines ahead on the motorway flashing at me with their highbeams.

    • I made this mistake last week and with some chips also - game over.fadein11
    • Jesus, two hours later and I'm almost ready to do some proper work again.

      je suis iiiiiidiot.
  • Fax_Benson-1

    client now unable to download the mock-ups I emailed him - insisting that they be sent via whatsapp. "downloading is a nightmare"

    I'll tell you what's a nightmare

    • Do you have a WhatsApp account? if not, or it's not affiliated with a work number, tell them to fuck off as it's a massive privacy invasion Which You Don't Do.detritus
    • ..unless of course, you do.detritus
    • hehe, maybe tell him to create the account for you and to provide you with the login credentialsmonospaced
  • detritus0

    I had a bit of a rant about WhatsApp with my partner last night - she, and one of my best friends are Absolutely Against Facebook and anything like that.. yet quite contentedly have this application on which (as far as I understand) is either hard or impossible to ring-fence.

    So my partner was having a minor complaint about her best friend having added her to a High School Group, but given that context wasn't too concerned.

    I asked her 'well, what if there was someone there who you really wanted to avoid? are you happy with third parties having the ability to control your privacy for you?" Sure, this time it was her best friend and something innocuous.. but what if not?

    I find it very, very troubling how keen people are to use an app which actively uses your significant personal identifier (personal mobile number) to essentially virus-spread its way across multiple networks.

    "Aah, but it's only meta data!" Nope, we know that's bullshit.

    "If it's free, you're the product". Ask yourself - what exactly is it that Facebook gets from Whatsapp?*

    perhaps I'm just old, friendless and paranoid, but i think Whatsapp's one of the most worrisome apps out there.


    And so I don't get invited to parties.

    * Sure, "it spent couple Billion to countenance a potential threat", but that's not the be-all.

    • I don't know who I'm bleating at here.

    • one dark night last winter I met a bunch of guys online building thousands of fake fb profiles and accounts to fool the decisions they make based on user data.uan
    • and if you want to know what they do...they map humanity in realtime and use that knowledge to play the financial marketuan
    • Y did I do a read of dis?robthelad
    • i'm not sure. I tried to warn you, belatedly.detritus
    • I see my mobile # as a part of me like a name or so. Its written on my cards, its in my email footer etc. So I don't have a problem with people knowing my #.mekk
    • I can still block certain users and I am still in charge what I do with my # and what content goes with it.mekk
    • Can you control who your friends share your telephone number with, or does WA encourage such sharing? I view that as a form of dark pattern...detritus
    • ..which has easily more potential consequence than sharing an IM handle or email address, oth of which are essentially disposable.detritus
    • A recent snapchat 'update' opened up privacy preferences and gave away detailed GPS location data. Kids use it. Huge security risk.monoboy
    • My daughter had a private account until an update made it public. Complete strangers could see and comment on her videos. Fucking outrageous.monoboy
    • Data mining, profiling and dark patterns are the tools of modern businesses to shift units. Scary times.monoboy
    • ^ everyone is mining data in big scale yet there is not much to do with itmekk
    • Politicians are using companies like Cambridge Analytica to successfully swing elections with data profiling.monoboy
  • Muncher0

    I hate communicating with humans sometimes.

    I just had an email from a bloke I don't particularly like...

    (Bit of backstory :- I once interviewed him for a job as a subordinate to me on my team, but he couldn't conduct the interview at all without being fixated on the assumption that he would be my boss and running the team. It was a very odd experience and even though I kept gently correcting him he would say stuff like "Right, yes, of course I understand you are the boss, but my point was that this will be very a successful working relationship as long as you do what I tell you and always deliver good standards of work to my deadline"... "errr, no... I'll be in charge and you'll be doing that for me" "Yes, of course, certainly, I understand that... but I do have very high standards and I will be reviewing your progress weekly and I expect you to deliver above and beyond". There was a slight language barrier that confused things, and I assumed at the time he was nervously trying to make a good, competent, confident impression on me. In terms of his work and his experience he was the best candidate of all, but I simply couldn't get him to bend the knee so in the end I said to him "I'd like to give you the job but I think you are going to struggle to be positioned under me and will very quickly get frustrated by that and seek greater status in the company". After which he began shamelessly begging me for the job for weeks afterwards, even long after the job had gone and I was working my own resignation notice period. Anyway, he ended up self-employed doing the same thing as me, so I have avoided him ever since).

    Out of the blue just now, after maybe two years, he got in touch by email and said "Long time no speak. I may need you for the next ten days. I have a project on and need some support. Please send me your day rate." and then he said "Also, I just tried to look you up on LinkedIn and your profile seems to have disappeared, which is very strange and peculiar indeed, why has it gone?"

    So I wrote back and said "I don't do white label work, I only work directly with clients. You need a freelancer." and then I felt I ought to offer him an explanation because I have blocked him and about 6 other people from seeing my profile.... "My LinkedIn profile is hidden because I use it to focus on client communications and promotions not social networking. One of my competitors was approaching clients of mine each time I included them on LinkedIn any updates, so I decided to limit access to my profile for a while".

    Which is true. Another bloke, who is a bit of a halfwit and well known for his rather poor attempts at poaching work off people (ref: Mr ,thats the point! for those here that know of him) was contacting all of my clients every time I mentioned them or connected with them on LinkedIn.

    So then MrBoss writes back and says "Wow, that sounds really extreme. I've never heard of anything so crazy as that. Are you sure you aren't being paranoid? It's perfectly reasonable for your clients to want to try and work with other people you know. You can't expect to stop them".

    Which really makes me just want to give up living amongst humans and just become a hermit on a mountainside somewhere. I was merely explaining, dispassionately, why he can't see my LinkedIn profile. No drama, no paranoia... just a polite reason to cover my decision to exclude him and about 6 other people out of potentially millions from seeing my LinkedIn profile.

    But suddenly I'm being dramatic, extreme and paranoid.

    I really dislike humans.

    • http://www.traveland…Gnash
    • I thought ",thats the point!" was a junior? he tried to poach your clients? f'lol, kids, eh?. MrBoss sounds like he's still trying to boss you.detritus
    • wants work from you, then calls you "crazy," "paranoid" and "unreasonable" all in a single sentencemonospaced
    • Mr ,point! was a junior. When he left the company he called up all our clients and introduced himself as the head of the department...Muncher
    • ... a department in a company he no longer worked for. Nobody can quite work out what his gambit was, but he was hoping to get work by pretending to be us.Muncher
    • (He's very dense)Muncher
    • Mr Boss... yes to both notes. He's afflicted by something beyond a mere complex. He's trapped inside a self-perception of superiority it seems.Muncher
    • They're called vampires. Luckily for you he's not that smooth of one._salisae_
  • _salisae_0

    I have iphoneitis.


    No more researching the unknowable.

    • just talk to the phone... give your thumbs a rest... ... wish I had that option back in my tween years when I had a serious case of 'nintendo thumb'PonyBoy
    • Experienced thinking. I like it._salisae_
    • paging monoutopian
    • Youre going the wrong direction, the kids are into 8-track tapes, film cameras and land lines now...robotron3k
    • They're not wrong. My bf has gone back to a flip phone. Hmmm_salisae_
  • PonyBoy1

    My nephew (by marriage) usually is beyond Liberal in his own leanings / ideals. Most of his FB posts are often 'woe is me... life is depressing' type of shit that drives the family a lil nuts.

    Today he's dealing w/some weird shit though (for him)... cuz as I said—he's probably one of the more left-leaning kids in the family (every day on Facebook is a bash Trump kinda day with him). But—He's finding that's not enough and that he's still 'unacceptable' in the eyes of his peers... here's a recent post from him:

    "Roommate took it upon themselves to come into my room and angrily tell me "Everyone (meaning only them and one other person) wants to have a meeting about some problems you have with white privilege".

    And then talked my ear off about this, brought in another sjw/very far left type roommate as well. I thought I was clearly uncomfortable but they didn't seem to pick up on that so I had no choice but to be like, "Yes, totally, I'm a white male devil etc.".

    I don't interact with these people so much (I'm always off to work etc unlike actually both of them (Social Security)) and when I do it has nothing to do with race or gender or anything. I misgendered one of them a couple times when I moved in and maybe they perceive my ASD awkwardness as "white privilege" or some type of male aggression. Maybe I'm manspreading on the couch who knows.

    But my guess is they're making assumptions about me and viewing my completely innocuous actions and words through their really unnecessarily liberal lens. I cannot think of a single time that I made a comment which could be perceived as racist or insensitive so either these people are operating at a superhuman level of sensitivity or I'm crazy.

    But I don't have time to be lectured about something which barely affects my life with people I don't want to hear it from. That was apparently like a pre-meeting and they want me to come to an official lecture with youtube videos and homework and everything. There's no goddamn way I'm doing that.
    I treat everyone with respect (same definitely can't be said for at least one of these people tbh) and I don't treat anybody differently due to their race and gender. So what else do I have to do? Do I just have to feel worse about myself and waste my time to make these hypersensitive cucks feel 110% comfortable and good about themselves?

    I know it's not the worst thing to learn about all sides of everything etc. (and I actually have.) but if I don't want a jehovah's witness to knock on my door then I don't need other enlightened better-than-everyone-else slightly crazy people to talk at me for potentially hours. Especially if I have to be polite and agree with them since they'll actually make my daily life shittier if I don't.

    I really gotta get out of here I think."

    • When you have your meeting, put your gun on the kitchen table and start cleaning it...robotron3k
    • ^ yup. borrow a gun if you don't have oneGnash
    • < it's not surprising that they're on social assistance.Gnash
    • it's ironic that the gov't pays their salaryGnash
    • smells like baconsince1979
    • People who are heavily one way or the other are usually a real pain to deal with. In other words, someone who says "Liberals" or "Conservatives" constantly.section_014
    • ^that's something those Liberals would say!eryx
    • Seems to me those are just terms to move the conversation along, section...yes? If you like we can go back to saying 'dirty hippy' and 'corporate square'. :)PonyBoy
    • Yes, I think cooking bacon may be a better idea than cleaning your gun in front of them. Lot's of bacon, thick and Canadian.robotron3k
    • Seems like these oblivious cunts have accurately zeroed-in on a great technique for turning people conservative.detritus
    • ^ funny how that worksGnash
    • Lol racist uncle.pango
    • racist uncle... by marriagePonyBoy
    • Listen to them pony! They're woke!
      Oh and I just found out woke is really a thing people say now... not sarcasm....
    • Don't mock.
      Get woke, pango.
    • I can totally say "I feel you" after making me read all that shit. FB has become a whiner's heaven for people like him, smh.Maaku
    • HIs average FB post is: "I hate my life." :/PonyBoy
    • Do something to cheer him up? Buy him a lap dance or something.pango
    • "I misgendered one of them a couple times" Oh man, I'm happy I'm not part of this new generation.inteliboy
    • ‘I don't have time to be lectured about something which barely affects my life’ is the epitome of privilege.sr_rosa
    • Alas there are and always have been extremes in all walks of life. What amazes me is how people seem to think this kind of stuff is something new.fadein11
    • sr_rosa—the only 'epitome of privilege' shown in this story is where some social security tit-sucker thinks they can barge into someone's space...PonyBoy
    • ... and start demanding their bullshit be heardPonyBoy
    • I don't defend — don't think anyone could — that. But that mindset of ‘I think I'm a good person, don't make a big deal of anything’ is what privilege means.sr_rosa
    • The problem is these kids don't feel they have any control in their lives and are unhappy due to it. Controlling you sounds like a way for them to feel_salisae_
    • in charge. Ask them what they imagine they'll gain by educating you. Ask them if their time might be better spent volunteering or making their own youtube video_salisae_
    • I'd give them a solid listen for a bit and then convince them that they're barking up the wrong tree._salisae_
    • How are they on social security? Are they handicapped or retired?Greedo
    • Q's I can't answer, Greedo. Didn't mean to sound so nasty about them being on SS either ('tit-suckers')... I have no idea why both roomies are on it.PonyBoy
    • NH's laws pretty loose on collecting SS? (you're up that way Greedo—I know NH is far diff. than MA though)—I have no clue. I kind of want to know now myself...PonyBoy
    • SS is a federal benefit, has nothing to do with states. And NH is a fairly poor state, they wouldnt just hand it out.Greedo
    • Live free or die, all that. They're pretty republican up there. Not quite tea party crazy, but pretty conservative. No state income taxGreedo